Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Rocketlex2000 has not entered a profile.
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Well, I Try...
Under YOUR plan, it seems the only way to keep us safe is to hide in a steel bunker and nuke the rest of the globe.
That's a logical fallacy right there. You can't just make up a stupid result of someone's idea and use it against them.
What? What kind of fallacy is that?
It's called it's a....I think...I don't know what the name for that kind of thing is.
So you think you may have invented a whole new way to be wrong about something?
I'm officially a master of not contributing to arguments.
Rocketlex2000's Comics
01/24/09 - G&TSC: A New Hope
12/07/07 - G&TSC: Opportunity
12/05/07 - G&TSC: A Burning Question
12/04/07 - G&TSC: Good Listener
12/03/07 - G&TSC: Sensing a Pattern
12/03/07 - G&TSC 2: Holiday Spirit
12/03/07 - Gildroin and Terridex...Save Christmas? Intro
09/14/07 - Lauren Peace
09/02/07 - Love Hurts
06/14/07 - In Plain Sight
06/12/07 - G4 is exactly like that...
12/19/06 - First-Party Support
12/08/06 - And Metroid Prime Should Be More Like Halo
11/19/06 - Post-Midnight Snack
11/18/06 - Everyone Needs a Hobby
11/18/06 - Infestation
07/21/06 - The Hard Sell
06/15/06 - Slice of Life
05/18/06 - More True Stories...
05/08/06 - Racist Jokes
04/02/06 - Background Check 3: A Link to the Past
04/02/06 - Background Check 2: The Search
04/02/06 - Background Check
03/29/06 - Informed Attributes
02/09/06 - OOC
02/09/06 - I Get This All The Friggin' Time!
02/09/06 - Beings of Unfathomable Power DO Look Like That, You Know...
12/06/05 - Well, I Try...
11/27/05 - Hello, I Think You All Need Money
11/12/05 - "Snakes on a Plane" trailer
10/04/05 - L1|\|U><
10/01/05 - Retraction
09/30/05 - PSA: Winners Don't Use HTML
09/28/05 - The Three Stages of Nintendo Revolution Hype
09/14/05 - Maybe a little...
07/18/05 - Painful to Behold
05/18/05 - E3 2005: The Epic Continues...
05/16/05 - E3 2005: There Are Limits...
05/16/05 - E3 2005: Circular Logic
05/08/05 - The Waiting 2: I <3 SUPERFUN ++
05/08/05 - The Waiting
04/23/05 - Vice City
04/21/05 - GMNB11: The...well...finale
03/26/05 - GMNB10: Shifted Focus
03/18/05 - GMNB9: Actionlessness!
03/18/05 - GMNB8: Philosophy and Violence
03/18/05 - We Interrupt This Program...
03/17/05 - GMNB7: Plan B (from Outer Space)
03/11/05 - GMNB6: Conference Call
03/11/05 - GMNB5: Moral Crossroads
03/09/05 - GMNB4: The Backstory Continues
03/09/05 - GMNB3: Not Worth It
03/09/05 - GMNB2: ...or maybe
03/08/05 - Gimmie My Name Back: It Begins
03/06/05 - "Board X-ity" Preview
01/18/05 - ...Best Served Cold
12/04/04 - The Wacky Neighbor
11/20/04 - Nothing against the band...
10/23/04 - Kickass Thinking Rig!
10/21/04 - Musical Talent
10/17/04 - Actual Conversation
09/21/04 - Progress Report
09/01/04 - Dumbass Ex Machina
08/18/04 - Not counting Futurama...
08/11/04 - USC Memories: Smash TV
06/26/04 - Tellin' It Like It Is....
06/16/04 - Board City: The Movie
06/08/04 - The Boy Who Cried Lawsuit
06/07/04 - I'll Be Good
06/06/04 - Good Economic Nonsense
05/26/04 - I'm looking at you, Michael Moore!
05/22/04 - E3 2004: Goodbye from E3
05/17/04 - E3 2004: The Square Deal
05/17/04 - E3 2004: OMG PSP LOL
05/16/04 - E3 2004: Give the People What They Want
05/14/04 - E3 2004: The Creative Process
04/29/04 - Domestic "Violence"
04/14/04 - Better than Live!
04/06/04 - Let's Talk!! Action Forum Khakain!
03/30/04 - Paid for by the RIAA
03/11/04 - Last Time on The Board....
03/08/04 - The Truth Comes Out
03/04/04 - Anybody Out There?
03/03/04 - Genesis (Not the Sega System)
02/29/04 - It sounds worse than it is...
02/26/04 - Where the Past Dumbs Alive
02/25/04 - The Following is a Paid Commercial Message....Thing
02/14/04 - They're Completely Different
02/08/04 - Too Sexy For My Shirt...or Pants...
02/04/04 - The man has a point...
02/03/04 - Fill-in the Blanks
02/02/04 - Non-violent Resistance
02/02/04 - Board-O-Vision 2: I may be getting carried away, here...
02/02/04 - Board-O-Vision
01/31/04 - A Cruel Fate
01/31/04 - The New World
01/20/04 - Robot of the Apes
01/15/04 - Metaphysical Mario (Special Guest: Maverick)
12/24/03 - Based on a True Idiot
12/07/03 - How Board Members Will Meet Their End...
11/17/03 - Coming Soon to a Theater Near You...
11/16/03 - I'm sure this will happen...
11/02/03 - Halloween 2003: It's like a seance, only dumber
10/27/03 - Compassion
10/25/03 - Back to Basics...
10/25/03 - Clan Ultra: I Personally Don't Mind
10/25/03 - Clan Ultra: (I Made Up These Names)
10/25/03 - Clan Ultra: Law and Order
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: (That's not really Bugs)
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: The "Kupo" is Honorary
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: The Better Part of Valor
10/22/03 - Clan Ultra: Way of the Bell
10/19/03 - Clan Ultra: A Simple Mission
10/18/03 - I couldn't find any sad anime girl sprites...
10/16/03 - I Lead A Double Life
10/11/03 - The Screaming Skull
10/08/03 - I Have My Limits
10/05/03 - Unbiased
10/02/03 - Worlds 17: They're Out There
10/02/03 - Worlds 16: The Ultimate Move
10/02/03 - Worlds 15: Enter the Insect
10/02/03 - Worlds 14: There is no Worlds 13
10/02/03 - Worlds 12: HENSHIN!
10/02/03 - Worlds 11: I Make Spacesuits Look Good
10/02/03 - Worlds 10: Spam, it's not just for Khakain anymore
10/02/03 - Worlds 9: Japanese Cultural Thing
10/02/03 - Worlds 8: The thinking is coming from WITHIN the rocket...
10/01/03 - Worlds 7: Justification
10/01/03 - Worlds 6: Guess Who's Back!
10/01/03 - Worlds 5: Aliens 1, Board 0
10/01/03 - Worlds 4: I Just Can't Spell the Title
10/01/03 - Worlds 4: Team-building
10/01/03 - Worlds 3: Getting Attention
10/01/03 - Worlds 2: Aliens Just Wanna Have Fun
09/30/03 - Board of the Worlds
09/27/03 - 0wned: Jesus-style
05/24/03 - Enter the...KABOOOOOM!!!
05/06/03 - With great power comes know.
04/29/03 - Slightly More Unreasonable Doubt
04/28/03 - Reasonable Doubt
04/17/03 - Exciting News
04/09/03 - Pika Pika!
04/02/03 - Welcome to "Nitpick Central"
03/25/03 - It's...complicated...
03/19/03 - Tenchi?
03/13/03 - It worked in my head...
03/07/03 - Dream a Little Dream...
03/06/03 - Enemy at the Inbox
02/27/03 - Cattle Call
02/24/03 - A psudo-political cartoon...
02/21/03 - Be afraid. Be VERY afraid...
02/21/03 - Litigation Mitigation
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 8: ...and a major ego trip to finish things off
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 7: The Final Blow
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 6: A Hero Stands
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 5: The Belly of the Beast...
02/14/03 - Pop Ups 4: Options
02/13/03 - Pop Ups 3: Opposing Viewpoints
02/13/03 - Pop Ups 2: Spam Advanced
02/13/03 - When pop-ups attack...
02/08/03 - If you get this refference, good for you...
02/04/03 - And what truly is gained?
02/04/03 - ...and an even easier target.
02/03/03 - An easy target, but I'm not proud...
02/02/03 - The most dangerous game...
02/02/03 - So horrible...yet so absurd.
02/02/03 - Someone call Crayola!
02/02/03 - ...and in with the new.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: The End....or is it? Yes, it is.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: The End....or is it? Yes, it is.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: The battle is won...
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Can you tell I'm a bit tired of these?
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Things get a bit odd...
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: CONFRONTATION!
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Inside the castle
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: An apology about the last episode
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Clippy stands guard.
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A ghostly message
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A Revelation
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A friend in need
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: A plan of escape...
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Joanna's Story
01/09/03 - MicroSaga: Another World
01/09/03 - MicroSaga- Infiltration
01/09/03 - MicroSaga- Rocket on a mission
01/04/03 - Any given DBZ episode
01/04/03 - The life cycle of a thread on The Board
01/04/03 - I admit it
01/04/03 - Friends in low places...
01/04/03 - The legends were true...
01/03/03 - If The Board members were game developers...
01/03/03 - My glass is always half-full....
01/03/03 - Can YOU guess what it is?
01/03/03 - Darkness...power...schoolgirls?
01/03/03 - Video Gamer X's Day Out
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