IG declares himself no longer a collector
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| Hello my name is Insane Gavatron. I'm here tonight to say how evil and sinful it is to collect toys. I hear by announce I will rid myself of all toys, Toys are evil I say! my collection days are over | |
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| Preach on Brother IG! Toys are evil! Sell it all and break free! | |
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Ten days later while TFW2005 was holding its contest
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| I deserve that reissue because I am with God now and I realize my sinful ways. I got rid of all my toys. Please give it to me because I need it to show my faith and correct my sins. | |
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| TFW2005 contest for Predaking! Just state in this thread why you deserve this Predaking reissue. | |
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| Here's your Predaking reissue from TFW2005. They sent a you a sympathy card too. They must of said some nice things about them. | |
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| heh heh heh using the lords name in vain was a great idea if Isay so myself | |
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