The dumb hippityhop rapper JayXY enters the room to entertain the crowd.
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| *rap beat* I speak 50 words of English. I speak 50 words of english. I speak 50 words of English and I'm worth 10 mil in the bank, jank. I speak 50 words of English. | |
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| I speak 50 words of ENGLISH. You speak 100,000 words of English and you ain't worth jack, cause you ain't got no crack. Thank to you dumb whitey I worth 10 mil in the bank jank! | |
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| I love your music 50 cent..... word up | |
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As Royal and PB eat their dinner across the stage
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| Yup.... you speak only 50 words of english and you're worth millions in the hippity hop world. Yet I speak about 80,000 words of english and I only get paid 40,000 a year. Great Country I live in. | |
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| Yup times sure have changed when dumb rappers make more money than my parents who work their butt off to make their own business and they are lucky to make over 50,000 minimum. | |
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