Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Solax
I feel a little embarassed doc ... ah ... I am having problems with my nuts.
Remember, I am a doctor. You need not feel bashful at all. They are just robot parts to me. Do you have good screws?
Yes, all my screws feel pretty good ... but my nuts feel too tight. Does that make any sense? Is it bad, doc? Be honest.
Oh, that's normal. Nothing to worry about. All young robots start out with tight nuts and good screws.
Thanks Doc! I was so worred. One more question. Do you think its okay to be AC/DC?
I don't think its wrong or abnormal at all. It might even come in handy as you get older and your nuts get loose and your screws get bad. The more interfaces you have, the better!
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