Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Solax
Frustrated, and on the verge of losing his faith, Father Pedoman makes a final plea ...
Oh Lord, just once ... please speak to me. I have been praying to you all my life!
Yeah, yeah! I HEAR you every time, too. Forgive me this, give me that. If you knock it off for a bit, maybe we could hang out together.
Praise be .... you replied!!! Have I made you cross, my lord?
No ... somebody else made this one for me!
Thank you Lord for talking to me. You have a great sense of humor. I didn't expect that.
Well, take a look in he mirror, pal. My sense of humor is greater than you think! Oh, and did you get the celibacy one, yet? Hahaha! Gotcha'! I have a whole list ... fasting ... marriage ...
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