Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Solax
I had a strange dream ... the whole World, including the media, was using that strange Net language ... even me!
4 hax0r d00dz w3r3 busted 4 ripping war3z today! The budz claim to b3 the l33t-est! WTF?
OMG! WTF? :(
It made my head spin and I tried hard to wake up. It was so confusing.
When ?nd, D3\/ilPhAt, th3 ring l3ad3r said: "OMG! IMO, WTF? ROTFL! l33t? ;) ;P CU L8r d00d!"
;) Kewl! LOL!
But then, it turned into a real nightmare when ...
Pr3zid3nt Bill Gat3s, during a pr3ss conf3renc3, said that th3 amount of pr0n on the Net sux0rs! His s3cr3tary of l33tn3ss ag33d & +3d, ";)"
ROTFLMAO! ; -) 1111! All our base r b3long 2 BILL? WTF? OMG!!! :( Sux0rs! IMHO.
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