Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by SoupNazi
Two Taxas UGP members--Trouvist and Solovist--review the checklist for this year's CPL
How's it goin' thar Trouvist? I jussa got me a copy of 98 Degrees' new album, it's got some real bull-soothin' melodies.
Yeehaw Solovist! 10-4 good buddy! We're gonna have a calf-rapin' good time at this years Cyberathlete Professional League LAN
The True Texan Two-some reminisces about past CPL wins, then talks about Dubya.
Yessiree this'll be more fun than the other CPL we won this year! I'm about to saddle mah horse and get the heck outta dodge!
Jeewhiz pal, I remember that dern CPL, the Cattle Prodding League. True Texans like us always win, just like the true Texan won the election for President.
The Texas Two-some's faithful steeds speaking of what's to come
God damn dude, another fucking CPL fest. My back is already broken from damn Trouvist riding me for 4 days straight.
I hear ya. If they get drunk and mistake us for Vin Diesel again, i'm gonna inject myself with Foot and Mouth disease. I mean come on, we need our last openings for things other than sodomy.
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