Two Taxas UGP members--Trouvist and Solovist--review the checklist for this year's CPL
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| How's it goin' thar Trouvist? I jussa got me a copy of 98 Degrees' new album, it's got some real bull-soothin' melodies. | |
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| Yeehaw Solovist! 10-4 good buddy! We're gonna have a calf-rapin' good time at this years Cyberathlete Professional League LAN | |
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The True Texan Two-some reminisces about past CPL wins, then talks about Dubya.
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| Yessiree this'll be more fun than the other CPL we won this year! I'm about to saddle mah horse and get the heck outta dodge! | |
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| Jeewhiz pal, I remember that dern CPL, the Cattle Prodding League. True Texans like us always win, just like the true Texan won the election for President. | |
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The Texas Two-some's faithful steeds speaking of what's to come
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| God damn dude, another fucking CPL fest. My back is already broken from damn Trouvist riding me for 4 days straight. | |
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| I hear ya. If they get drunk and mistake us for Vin Diesel again, i'm gonna inject myself with Foot and Mouth disease. I mean come on, we need our last openings for things other than sodomy. | |
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