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| ARRRR! So ye be thinkin' about smokin' marijuana eh? ARRR! Let me tell you something, 1 out of every 3 auto accidents involved pot! | |
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| Umm...Excuse me! Sorry, couldn't help but over hear, but you do realize the other 2 in that equation were DRUNK right? | |
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| ARRR...wait, hold up a second, arent' you a talking cigarette? Raul, am I missing some of the script? | |
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| Raul, don't you answer him. Goddammit Raul, if you so much as blink at him I will punch you in the throat. | |
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| That's IT, I am SO done w/this commercial. Raul, get some of those pansy college kids to do your schtick... | |
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| Another victory for Big Tobacco! Raul, Drinks are on me! | |
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