What's this? Our heroes, captured by the diabolical Sexorcisto!?!
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| Pssst! Kid, hey kid. Come over here a minute. | |
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| You're not one of those talking dogs that bamboozles my mind with thoughts of killing my neighbors are you? | |
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| Who? Me? Nah kid, that ain't my bag. Now listen, there's a sweet Abe Lincoln for you if youse deliver this message to my pals on the outside. | |
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| Five bucks!?! I'm young, stupid, and don't know the value of American currency, sure I'll do it! | |
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some times, de gags, they fall apart, no?
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| Good. Now tell Sammy the Bedwetter, "GODDAMN this kid stinks like raw fishnuts, I thought you'd appreciate him for your traveling cornocopia of human oddities." | |
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