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| WOOOOOO, I'm back, I got no lips but baby, you best be ready, because legs ain't the only thing I lock, WOOOOOOOOO!!!! | |
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| *whew*, about time you got here chief, anyways, looks like we got a double homicide and no witnesses. Oh, and this salad I brought from home. I just feel more comfortable having it. | |
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| Lemme tell ya, I seen a lotta men come and go in this business, and BABY, only one man's beat them all...WOOOO! | |
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| Hey chief, Gay Dracula here, I sent a few bone fragments back down to HQ for analysis. And I SWEAR I had no idea about your wife. | |
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Having nothing else to do, Ric Flair's Chicken plays "Good RFC/Bad RFC" in his mind.
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| ...to be the man...have to beat...the man...woo...leer jet flying...yeah...woo. should i retire? I'm 57 years old. The fur coats chafe... | |
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| 30 years...what did they all mean? All the broken promises and lies...I never took my son to a baseball game...BUT I SHOVED THAT BAT UP STING'S ASS DADDY! WOOOOO! | |
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