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| Oh boy oh boy. Time to read some online comics. I sure hope their witty insights and clever dialouge will rocket me into the stratosphere of entertainment!!! | |
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| (Some Random StripCreator Comic): "Oh boy! Saddam and George W have really gotten into the stinkeroo now!!! Huh Yuck yuck yuck yuck!!! | |
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| Wow. Another pimply faced 14 year old and/or some deadbeat virgin still living with his parents decided to put their two cents in on the war in Iraq. God, now I can die happy. | |
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| Well, if you're so damn smart, why don't you put your own "two cents" in? | |
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| Cause then I would want my money back. | |
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| Still scrounging up enough change for that sandwich at lunch tommorrow, eh? | |
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