*(Actually, I secretly want to have sex with Viggo Mortensen.)
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| Not since Wagner's Ring series has a more impacting and influential trilogy been created. Each film flows into the next seamlessly, and all facets of the immense production collarborate beautifully... | |
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| from Howard Shore's sweeping score to the elegant effects work of WETA to even the inspired soundscape of Michael Van der Ryn. Next Christmas, when a new installment won't be out, I'll feel empty.* | |
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*(Also, I secretly want to have sex with Viggo Mortensen.)
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| I was a fan of the books in high school, and Tolkien's Christian symbolism really resonated with me. The adaptation process fascinates me--it's as if Peter Jackson has taken my imagination and filmed | |
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| it. Certainly some elements must be edited out of the film, but the attention to detail and desire to be true to the source material impresses me. Truly, this is an experience we'll all look back on.* | |
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| I want to have sex with Viggo Mortensen. | |
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