Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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The author is a twenty-one-year-old player-hater wasting away in Natchitoches and New Orleans, LA. He has an unquenchable addiction to Dr. Pepper and Kemp's Moose Tracks ice cream. He is a bum.
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Actually, Lacan says there is a difference between Desire and desire. Lower-case desire is the need for something to replace the symbolic and attempt to connect with the real. Capital d is the...
original Desire to connect with the real. Except, you can never completely connect with the real, just have small, elusive moments of connection--jouissance. Instead of actually connecting...
to the real, you sublimate your Desire (capital d) by accumulating objects that you think will satisfy that need. These objects are separate from objet petit a, which is an over-arching other, the
thing you sublimate for. Of course, thing is different from capital Thing. A thing is inaccessible. It takes an object and adds power to it. A capital Thing is part of the real which suffers from...
the signifier. When you name part of the Thing, it becomes the real. At any rate, here's Lacan's schema for love: a/-ö ◊ A. That's objet petit a, divided by castration, sublimated to the Other.
If Jacques Lacan married Chaka Khan, and she gave birth to Shera Khan...
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