Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Yunerz, Yuna. Whatever. I enjoy Coca-Cola, videogames, Weezer and summoning Bahamut.
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by Yuna
Greetings! Welcome to our 4th show! Tonight's guest is Bubbleboard moderator NowhereMan! How's it going dude?
w00t! Going alright Yuna. By the way, just call me Nate.
So you made a dramatic transition from EGM to Bubbleman! I must congradulate you on such a choice.
Well Yuna let's face it. The EGM board is highly homosexual and being the l337 person that I am, I jumped ship from that shithole. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention CACTUS?
Good Deal! Well folks that's all the panels we have! Until next time, CACTUS! Erm, Reeses Pieces!
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