Doug the Snowman meets up with the fake robotic Thom Yorke...
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| I think I'm catching a cold. | |
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| I. am. Thom. Yorke. and. I. have. come. to. destroy. your. planet. | |
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| Sorry, what's that? Why do you want to destroy the world? | |
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| Don't. you. know. who. I. am? I. am. a. grumpy. rock. star. and. the. overlord. of. artsy-fartsy. music. My. ideas. are. genius. My. killing. abilities. inhumane. and. ruthless. | |
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| Oh, rock music. I'm more of a Lawrence Welk fan. Oh, and Debby Boone. Love that "You Light Up My Wife" you like Perry Como? | |
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| Your. bad. taste. dictates. I. will. destroy. you. first. | |
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