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| Scott .............. uh, okay, Holden ................ you poor boy! | |
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| Call me Holden. ........... My dad promised me a Ferrari, and then he gave me a used Peugeot | |
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| Scott, you're so thin! What are they feeding my baby?! .................. Odd-is-us? .............. I'll get Joe right on it! | |
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| Mooommm! Call me Odd-is-us. ............... Yeah, you know, that guy in the Homer Simpson book you brought me. ...... Do you think Dad's crate company can build a big wooden horse for my escape? | |
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| Ahem, Scott, I've come to negotiate for your soul. ............... Ppppbbbbbbbtttttt .... yeah right. Muwahahaha | |
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