well i guess it looks the same to you guys but the backend is different today, just takes a bit of getting used to.
yesterday i felt fuzzyheaded so i read a book, finished it today. a very bad book by the guy who wrote davinci code. review at my blog.
the websnark has a new comic up, gossamer commons
not much attempted today. email from a congresscritter, a call from a client, a few blog entries, read some webcomics, read enough Shays v FEC to get tired of it..
At 150 pages, it's one of judge tobor-telly's shorter opinions.
i went and registered for the snarks' comments section so i could join the penny arcade lovefest
it's past midnight, and i havent decided whether to go out or which of 3 places to go. i think i'll try going out. i got out several times last week, and the car's sort of running and the rain quit
besides, i think the roaches want a little alone time.