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adventures of an arbitrary aardvark

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by arbi
random comic layout is a new feature that will spice things up around here. already i've found several gabe's i didn't know about.
it's friday, 3 pm. i just got up. if i'm gonna get anything done this week, there's a two hour window, and i'm gonna blow half of that on a bath.
so last night i went out after all. got to the club, realized i forgot to bring money. took the emergency $5 from my wallet, spent some on jax, drank gin in my car instead of in the bar.
tonight's episode sponsored by
came home, read a book - 1000 acres. it won a pulitzer, got good reviews. it's sort of a bodice-ripper, but well done.
three sisters and their farmer dad. he wanted three boys, so he could call the ranch "focus"
in this panel, arbi attempts a full asimov manuever - a triple pun.
where the sons raise meat.
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