Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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YIELD, a superb game for boys, Yield involves one person (or possibly more, four- and five-player Yield still being in the developmental stages) attempting to balance for as long as possible by supporting himself upon the shoulders of two others as they walk along. The first one to ‘yield’ is the loser. Yield is catching on around the world, and is an excellent, wholesome and enjoyable way for young lads to pass the time and build up their upper body strength, and the cry of, “comin’ out for a game of yield, Howard?” can now be heard from Lochranza to Ahmedabad.
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Hunter S. Thompson, I mean Halls East -
Section II, q. 5. 'The most important groupings of states in the world are no longer the three blocs of the Cold War but rather the world's seven or eight major civilisations.' Discuss.
Ach, don't get me started on all that clash of civilisations stuff, we'll be here all day. And what's this about three blocs? What was the third? The Chinks?
Secion IV, q. 17. Assess the idea that 'unipolarity' has become the defining feature of the international system.
I say bomb fuck out of Iran, Syria, Saudi, Lebanon, Cuba, North Korea, South Korea, Burma, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, China, Chile, Chad, and to hell with what the rest of the world thinks.
Section III, q. 12. How strong is the evidence that Americans - and others - have been 'bowling alone'? (PS That's a stupid metaphor for civic disengagement!)
'The fuck am I supposed to know?!? My so-called studying routine has consisted of wanking, watching snooker and posting stupid cartoons.
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