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| Excusez-moi, but aren't you a member of zee radical terrorist group known as zee al Qaida? | |
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| Many curses upon your family, you unholy pig, but yes, yes I am. | |
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| Well, what are you doing here? France has tried to stay out of zees mess zat you are in! Please, we don't want any trouble here. | |
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| Oh, pale skinned devil, do not worry. I am not here to bomb you. I am merely here to recruit new soliders for our suicide attacks against our enemies. | |
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Once again, France earns the "Thanks for Nothing" award.
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| Ah, I see. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave zee country at once. We do not allow any riff raff here... | |
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| Wow, they didn't even try to arrest me! These guys are bigger pussies than I thought! | |
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