Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Nail'em hard
typical day in bonesoft QA
Yet another list of new issues and bugs
I better get going
Code robot has clear plan
I wonder how can we deliverer these
You have to nail them down with force
bonesoft's Comics
03/05/24 - Summer Party
03/04/24 - Day in the Life of a People Obstacle
03/04/24 - Add Product Owners into the Mix
03/04/24 - Owner kind of rules them all
03/04/24 - Owner rules them all without typos
03/04/24 - Owner rules #1
11/24/16 - Nail'em hard
05/29/07 - Old Palm Pilot + Marker Pen = Affordable GPS
05/27/07 - Recruiting a Technical Specialist is Never Easy
05/27/07 - Specs travels across the world
05/26/07 - When two PM's meet information is sometimes exchanged
05/26/07 - All outsourced and less tasks make CodeMonkey curious
05/24/07 - The three step business plan....
05/24/07 - The Re-Surrection continues, but is it still OnShore?
01/11/07 - The LifeCycle of ReSurrected Code
01/11/07 - PMO restarts the killed project..
01/08/07 - Why some Ghosts become Evil Spirits
01/01/07 - Future is unchanged..
12/28/06 - Never Ever Mix CodeMonkeys, Booze, Nails and Hammers
12/28/06 - Lets Get the Project Moving (direction unknown)
12/27/06 - BOOPM vs Future Task Force (FTF) - Final Chapter?
12/27/06 - Internet Saves the Day (and the CodeMonkeys)
12/27/06 - The Codefairy Plots Against the Grooming Monkeys
12/27/06 - 12 CodeMonkeys - New Co-Ordinates Receive we Will
12/27/06 - 12 CodeMonkeys - The RipOff and the SpinOff
12/26/06 - 12 CodeMonkeys the Cheap Rip-Off
12/20/06 - SWAT Team from Current Future tries to stop SehrBra...
12/20/06 - Getting all Key Persons in the Same Room is Sometimes Hard
12/19/06 - SehrBra - Bonesoft makes mobile evolution
12/18/06 - Motivated people get motivated
12/18/06 - The Only Benefit(?) of being a PM you meet Sales Reps
12/18/06 - If it does not kill you...
12/18/06 - CodeMonkey has to make up his mind...
12/18/06 - When going get tough
12/18/06 - No for admin - no for career
12/18/06 - The Result of the Grooming Start Kicking in
12/17/06 - Code grooming is an art hard to master
12/16/06 - CodeMonkeys climbs the windy mountain of deliverables
12/16/06 - Where there is monkey fur there are bugs
12/15/06 - Read The Fine Comic
12/15/06 - How to get the server to be used forever and ever and.......
12/15/06 - Waking up and realising the coffee you smelt is cold
12/15/06 - If you pay peanuts you get code monkeys....
12/15/06 - Specification, fiction and reality seldom meet in good way
12/13/06 - BoneSofts Legal Disclaimer
12/13/06 - The Ghost of QA start haunting BoneSoft
12/13/06 - PMO gets new room...
12/12/06 - Confessions of a CTO
12/12/06 - Chatting with the CTO
12/12/06 - Bonesoft CTO - creates MUI
12/11/06 - Bonesoft CTO - Arnold Konfiguru
12/11/06 - Billy Bob the uncrowned king of marketing presents himself.
12/11/06 - Bonesoft archives #2 - PMO gets professional
12/11/06 - MonsterApp Recruit #3 - Kale Coders burnrate is too high
12/11/06 - MonsterApp Recruit #1 - Kale Coder creates sense of urgency
12/11/06 - MonsterApp recruit #1 Kale Coder
12/11/06 - Bonesoft - PMO meets PM..
12/10/06 - BoneSoft Early Days - The Way to an IPO and Riches
12/10/06 - Bonesoft Archives #1
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