Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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im a botard
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by botard
I like to say the word 'stuff' over and over again until people get annoyed.
Stuff stuff stuff! Stuff stuff stuff! stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff! Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuffstuff stuffstuff stuff stuff stuff.
Stuff stuff stuff! Stuff stuff stuff! stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff! Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuffstuff stuffstuff stuff stuff stuff.
Stuff stuff stuff! Stuff stuff stuff! stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff! Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuffstuff stuffstuff stuff stuff stuff.
By this time, several people would have threatened my life and the prosperity of my gonads.
(I haven't told the Liebowitz family in my attic yet that the war is over.)
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