Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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im a botard
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by botard
I need lots and lots of caramel just to survive, I swear! I have a prescription and everything!
And I didn't even have to take secret pictures of the doctor putting the tongue depressors in his butt, like the time I got him to give me a prescription for hookers!
Or the time when I found copies of some nudie magazine called 'Unconscious Patients' in his medical bag with the pages stuck together.
When I found the magazine and told him, he gave me a prescription for video games and sent me home! On the way out I stole some cottonballs.
No, this time I just called his wife and told her that her husband sometimes makes me punch him in the cock with my tonsils. The next day I had a prescription for caramel!
(once I poo'd on my dad's nose when he was sleeping)
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