Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Chris Neri is a musician, a writer, a comedian and a bunch of other stuff. He lives in Houston, TX. Feel free to send him love.
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by chrisrawkneri
The fates have sent on a quest. A quest to find my mentor and redeem my soul and cure my poor, broken, run down heart.
And...WOW! It's Billy Squire!
Hello, young rocker. I see you've got a broken heart. But don't think of it like you've got a broken heart. Think of it like you've now got TWO hearts. Or better yet, lots of little hearts.
Wow...I never thought of it like that. Thanks, Billy Squier!
By the way, can you spot me cabfare? I traded my car for this groovy new guitar.
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