Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi i'm Danny Darko and I hope you like my comics, its all original stuff, im just glad i dont have to do my own artwork, hope you enjoy the random stories plots and wacky characters (watch out for FireBoy, Rocker, Perfect Person Man, GothBoy and many others!)
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by dannydarko
After space travel, jimmi left monkey and went back to studying in school made an imaganairy skull friend and sold his soul to satan, jimmi's soul is now in hell and his bodie is zombified
Satan and Damien are father and son, damien is going to spend his life tourturing jimmi's soul while his dad runs the business
Microsoft help, always popping up when you least want it to giving you 'helpfull advice' yeh right, why hasnt FireBoy or C.M killed it yet, maybe it cant be killed!
Microsoft help here, do you want to bookmark this page? email it to a friend? set up an email ccount? renew an old account? buy more memory? by a faster internet connection? upgrade better software?
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