Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi i'm Danny Darko and I hope you like my comics, its all original stuff, im just glad i dont have to do my own artwork, hope you enjoy the random stories plots and wacky characters (watch out for FireBoy, Rocker, Perfect Person Man, GothBoy and many others!)
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by dannydarko
you know what we need man, we need us a smurfette! some blonde chick who will get down and dirty with the guys, like smurfette does
Oh i know a good website for that,, she does everything with those smurfs man, its hot
......dude I was talking about a real blonde chick, why'd you have to go and get so peverted on us donnie!?
uhh, yeh I was talking about a real girl too, who errr, dresses up as smurfette, seriously man check it out
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