Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi i'm Danny Darko and I hope you like my comics, its all original stuff, im just glad i dont have to do my own artwork, hope you enjoy the random stories plots and wacky characters (watch out for FireBoy, Rocker, Perfect Person Man, GothBoy and many others!)
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by dannydarko
you sicken me HIMchick, your not really one of us, your just a fucking poser who only dresses alternative cos its 'cool' and Vile Valo does it, your no different to 50,000 other girls out there
yeh, well like, you think your so cool cos you listen to weird like techno music that like no one has heard of, its not even good music, its just basic and lame, anyone could like do that
fuck you! industrial takes skill and gives the listeners true messages about life and the world, HIM are just about wanting love, love is not necesary in the world, get over it
love is beautifull, and HIM are telling us like, that one day we will find it and if we dont then we should die cos theres like nothing else to live for, like its deep and romantic, i wish i had a bf
romance is dead, and by the looks of you, your chance of getting someone to love you are pretty slim, so i'd just go ahead and die now if i were you, ive got a friend who will do it for free
like I dont wanna die! i just pretend like i do to look cool, but you'll see like one day i will like find my true love and you, will die like sad and alone
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