A few months ago in Iraq ... meanwhile, at the White House ...
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| The security of the world requires disarming Saddim Hussein now. | |
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| Good, that's good George, very relaxed, very off script, you're well on your way to earning a cookie and your XBox privledges back ... now, some media lunkhead says, "Why now Mr. President?" You say-- | |
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| Eye-Rack has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends and it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of El Kai-duh. | |
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| GEORGE! George, I can't believe it! You are WELL on your way to earning a WEEK of Cable TV, Mr. President! Now, some lunkhead asks you, "What about letting the U.N. help in Iraq?" | |
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George really said all this stuff! Can you believe it? -fcr
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| The U.N. will definitely need to have a role. And that way it can begin to get its legs, legs of responsibility back. | |
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| AH, DAMNIT ARI, you were't supposed to let George eat pretzels today if he didn't study. What do you mean he sniffed glue? CAN'T YOU TAKE CARE OF GEORGE FOR JUST ONE DAY WITHOUT ME ? | |
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