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| What did you think of George W.'s speech? | |
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| It was nothing but an empty rant filled with unsubstantiated nationalistic rhetoric. Bush, Jr. talks more crap than apes can throw. | |
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| Oh stop. W delivered a powerful message, declaring that this great nation will not stand for tyrrany or oppression; and that what it all comes down to is that everyone is American (or should be). | |
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| You're going to just bite into that crap sandwich? Please. All the man's doing is dredging up a problem that dates back to his father's term, and polishing it up to look good for the '04 election. | |
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| You're a tree-hugging hippie liberal bastard. | |
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| Shut up, you closet-case, fudge packing, nose-stuck-in-up position, self rightious conservative prick. | |
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