Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Everyone has something to live for. Some live for love, a noble cause, for money, some for success, and some live simply for themselves. I, however, live to kick people.
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by highway40
What did you think of George W.'s speech?
It was nothing but an empty rant filled with unsubstantiated nationalistic rhetoric. Bush, Jr. talks more crap than apes can throw.
Oh stop. W delivered a powerful message, declaring that this great nation will not stand for tyrrany or oppression; and that what it all comes down to is that everyone is American (or should be).
You're going to just bite into that crap sandwich? Please. All the man's doing is dredging up a problem that dates back to his father's term, and polishing it up to look good for the '04 election.
You're a tree-hugging hippie liberal bastard.
Shut up, you closet-case, fudge packing, nose-stuck-in-up position, self rightious conservative prick.
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