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| Dude... I'm not going to go see Resident Evil with you. I'd rather jab a rusty fishhook under each fingernail repeatedly than pay 6 dollars to see that crap! | |
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| But come on man! Milla Jovovich is naked in it... NAKED! Like.. no clothes. Man.. SHE'S NOT WEARING ANY CLOTHES! | |
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| Milla Jovovich is naked in almost every movie she's in! She was naked in The Fifth Element and it was PG-13! I think they figure since she kinda looks 13 it was okay. | |
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| But she KICKS zombie-dog head! And she's NAKED NAKED NAKED! | |
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| I don't care if she's naked or not!! If I want naked I'll go watch some porn or something where the people are naked the whole....wait... did you say zombie-dog head?!? | |
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