Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am hipper than u.
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by hipperthanu
Dude... I'm not going to go see Resident Evil with you. I'd rather jab a rusty fishhook under each fingernail repeatedly than pay 6 dollars to see that crap!
But come on man! Milla Jovovich is naked in it... NAKED! Like.. no clothes. Man.. SHE'S NOT WEARING ANY CLOTHES!
Milla Jovovich is naked in almost every movie she's in! She was naked in The Fifth Element and it was PG-13! I think they figure since she kinda looks 13 it was okay.
But she KICKS zombie-dog head! And she's NAKED NAKED NAKED!
I don't care if she's naked or not!! If I want naked I'll go watch some porn or something where the people are naked the whole....wait... did you say zombie-dog head?!?
You're damn right I did.
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