Just as defeat loomed it's unsightly, politically correct head...
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| Must... fight...... must... strike back... | |
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| Look, you may be a ninja, and I may be a samurai, but can't we do lunch or something instead of engaging in senselessly violent acts? | |
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| I can't bring myself... to... hurt him... but I have to get out of here fast... or I'll never be able to commit another violent act again... | |
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| I'd give you my card but I can barely move my arms right now, why don't you tell me your number and- OOF! | |
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Our hero recalls the age old rule of "Keeping it simple." Hey, we're sorry if it was anti-climactic, but if it works, do it, right?
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| Aha! Now for my quick escape! | |
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| Hey! Why'd you push me!?... Hey, hey... Help! I can't get up! | |
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