Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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FTC #4: Fill in the Blanks
Hey, what were you doing sleeping in my room?
This is MY room. What are you doing in here?
kaufman's Comics
02/16/25 - I'm Dreaming of a Midnight Train to Georgia
01/15/25 - Thanks, Mom!
07/16/24 - The riddle of the sphincter
07/01/24 - On the Road Again
04/17/24 - One Night in the Dorms
10/17/23 - Today's True Story
07/15/23 - Astromonose Dominoes
07/10/23 - Napalien
04/16/23 - To the rescue!
02/01/23 - Cthulhu vs. Lassie
01/21/23 - The Unkindest Cut
01/06/23 - No Opinion, Dammit!
10/18/22 - Tracks of my tears
10/18/22 - You should have seen the other guy
10/18/22 - Code Blue Light Special
10/18/22 - Shock it to me!
10/18/22 - Flat Line? I thought this was the Red Line!
10/18/22 - That Does Not Commute
07/28/22 - Poetic Justice
03/12/22 - A few too many at the geek bar
02/28/22 - Mardi Gras 2022
12/07/21 - Now I Have An Endorsement Ho Ho Ho!
12/07/21 - A Mother of a Commercial
09/17/21 - Science Teacher, Dissection Week
09/03/21 - Halloween
08/18/21 - Straight to COVIDeo
06/06/21 - England, 1594
06/06/21 - That's One Colossal Canine!
06/06/21 - Its Seventeen Year Mission ...
05/20/21 - troppus hceT
05/05/21 - Epitaph
03/31/21 - He must be reacting to the second COVID shot
02/20/21 - Meanwhile in Texas
02/20/21 - Star Wars: Episode 3.14159265358979323846: A New Soap
02/08/21 - And he got the job
01/17/21 - The Concert
11/29/20 - On Dafoeth Day of Thanksgiving
11/25/20 - Zen and the Art of Despotism
11/10/20 - Crazy Rudy in Open Mike Night at the Four Seasons
11/06/20 - And somebody's responsible!
07/19/20 - The Former Failed Football Team Owner Cleans Up
06/28/20 - Watching Korean Baseball on ESPN
05/27/20 - Inspired by a million annoying ads
05/19/20 - Antisocial Distancing
04/24/20 - Not enough chlorine in the gene pool
03/26/20 - Thou Shalt Not Covid Thy Neighbor's Paper Products
03/17/20 - Life in the Time of Coronavirus
12/30/19 - An optometrist sees the glass as half full
09/19/19 - Un-App-etizing
08/12/19 - CC 721: Tips for the Conscientious Necrophiliac
08/04/19 - CC 720: He should have used a 3-Iran
08/04/19 - Monkeying Around
07/03/19 - And don't forget the undercoating!
06/10/19 - It was in the cards
03/28/19 - The Cryo King
02/23/19 - The damning evidence against Robert Kraft
02/13/19 - Lassie
02/10/19 - Bird Baux
01/22/19 - One Vulcan Vulcing
09/24/18 - Dear Sir or Madam, have you read my book?
09/07/18 - One Sad Day in the Future
08/17/18 - Like a Natural Comedian
07/25/18 - CC 698: And we want lollipops for dessert
07/07/18 - Eddie the Eco-Pirate vs. the Strawman
06/21/18 - Fills the Second Panel?
06/05/18 - CC 694: Beanvenidos!
05/18/18 - Brad, I think we need the stainless steel panels
05/13/18 - The Big Reveal
05/11/18 - The Grapes of Wrath
02/19/18 - CC 686: One Saturday Night Near Lake Tahoe
02/11/18 - Coming soon to a theater near you
02/07/18 - The Anal Frontier
01/29/18 - RIP, Ingvar
01/15/18 - CC 683: From the writings of George Caveman
12/29/17 - CC 682: We Kid Because We Love You
12/15/17 - CC 681: Dial P for Present
12/15/17 - CC 681: Listomania Too
12/15/17 - CC 681: Listomania
11/01/17 - What? This doesn't already exist?
10/26/17 - Trouble Brewin'
10/23/17 - Rocky Horror
10/18/17 - One evening at the Kents' house
09/30/17 - Let's Make a Dead
09/30/17 - CC 676: To him, it wasnt a foreign object
09/04/17 - CC 674: HELP ME!
08/12/17 - Brunch, 2017
07/27/17 - The Press Corpse
07/04/17 - CC 670: Back in the USSR
04/12/17 - Hailing a Cad
03/29/17 - CC 665: Mach-ing Bird
02/07/17 - PETA Remakes The Godfather
02/05/17 - Deflategate II
02/03/17 - CC 661: Ancient Chinese Secret
02/01/17 - Rebus in which Narrator2 has trouble enunciating
12/28/16 - Leiaway Plan
11/29/16 - Checkmelt!
11/24/16 - CC 656: Let There Be Cool
10/25/16 - A Couple Decades Ago in the Brin Household
10/21/16 - Why Ancient Rome never developed a space program
10/01/16 - July 11, 1804: The Duel
09/08/16 - Coming this fall to NBC
07/08/16 - At the NYC-themed Costume Party
07/08/16 - CC 646: The New Colostomy
06/18/16 - Gladys Knight and the Wally Pipps
06/16/16 - Infield Fly
06/07/16 - Garfield
06/02/16 - Nobel Prize in Medicine, 2025
05/18/16 - Marie Antoinette walks, er, bounces into a bar.
05/06/16 - A Rather Formulaic Comic
03/31/16 - Build A Wall Around My Stall
03/29/16 - Phoenix: Rising from the Asses
03/04/16 - If World Affairs Were Handled Like Professional Sports
02/23/16 - Abbott and Costello Meet Overreacting Randolph
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: One from the Bay City Rollers.
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: Timothy
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: A Horse With No Name
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: Billy Don't Be A Hero
02/12/16 - Interlude
02/12/16 - Box Set
02/12/16 - CC 635: Have Another Ho-Ho
02/12/16 - CC 635: Soylent Green is Papal, er, People!
01/28/16 - CC 363: Phreaky and DexXic
01/27/16 - CC 633: Fill It In Yourself
01/22/16 - The joys of being 50-something
01/20/16 - Overheard at a Flint Michigan McDonald's.
01/19/16 - You Can Check Out Any Time You Like
12/27/15 - World's Stupidest Movie Critic #3
12/22/15 - One Autumnal Afternoon in 1954
12/20/15 - Public Service Announcement
12/02/15 - The Assassination of Lincoln (2015)
12/01/15 - Pound Sign-Onara
11/27/15 - One Day in the Distant Future
11/27/15 - CC 628: Fowl Play
10/27/15 - At the Playground
10/15/15 - CC 624: To Ares Is Human
09/15/15 - Never Date a Middle-Aged First Grade Teacher
09/13/15 - It's all in the marketing
08/11/15 - Frankenstein 2016 (Firer Bad!)
08/06/15 - What if Samuel L. Jackson Had Gotten the Fantasy Island Gig?
08/05/15 - CC 618: And the Cakes Contained Files
08/05/15 - CC 618: That's Fish To You Surrealists!
08/03/15 - Lights! Camera! Daaaaaamn!
07/28/15 - Go Set a Reader Off
07/21/15 - Donald Trump Courts the Republican Base
07/14/15 - Why are we reading this comic?
07/09/15 - Another Stupid Euphemism
07/09/15 - CC 616: Significant Digits
07/07/15 - CC 616: Thrown for a Boop
06/28/15 - CC 615: Space Race
06/27/15 - Eocene Park
06/03/15 - Broken But Not Bruced
05/21/15 - With Extra Cheese and Red Meat
05/15/15 - Hound Fish
03/18/15 - Where O'Man Has Gone Before
03/17/15 - Kiss Me, I'm Colorblind!
03/05/15 - One Chilly Day Near Mons Olympus
03/02/15 - CC 605: Quit While You're Ahead
02/28/15 - ... Gone Tomorrow
02/17/15 - The Joys of Getting Old
02/12/15 - CC 603: One Evening in Southern California
01/31/15 - CC 602: Stupid Twopid Cupid
01/17/15 - It Would Have Been the Worst Typo Ever
01/15/15 - Gollum's Girlfriend Goes Caroling
01/01/15 - To the SC-Mobile!
12/30/14 - CC 599: Directile Dysfunction
12/10/14 - CC 597: The Obliga...
12/08/14 - The Imitation Game
12/05/14 - Jaws
11/26/14 - Goldfinger
11/17/14 - CC 595: Gee, Your Hair Smells Ambitemporal!
11/17/14 - CC 595: Shirley and Surly, or vice versa
10/17/14 - Cursed and Recursed
10/08/14 - Cult Movie Hit of 2015
10/07/14 - There's a Pap for That
10/07/14 - The Rich Aren't That Different.
10/07/14 - If a Cell Phone Excites Them ...
10/07/14 - Feminism Sprints Backwerd
10/07/14 - Three Vapid Bimbos Walk Into a Commercial
09/24/14 - The Day Oprah Went Bad
09/10/14 - CC 588: Erection Day
09/06/14 - Tune In, Turn On, Geic Out
08/15/14 - CC 586: The Unkindest Cut of All
08/02/14 - CC 585: Khaaaaaaaan!
08/01/14 - Joan of Arc's Husband
07/30/14 - Sharknado Debunked
07/11/14 - CC 583: School Rules
07/11/14 - CC 583: You Didn't Say Which Alphabet
06/27/14 - CC 582: Ebony and Ebony?
06/23/14 - CC 582: Xanadoomed
06/05/14 - Excision
05/28/14 - Tchaikovsky: The Tragic Life of a Musical Genius
05/28/14 - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
04/11/14 - CC 576: No score and...
04/11/14 - CC 576: He died with his Booths on
04/10/14 - CC 576: Don't forget your pickled wieners!
03/18/14 - CC 574: The Haight of Deception
03/12/14 - CC 574: Movie Night
03/12/14 - CC 574: The Harrison Within
03/12/14 - One Day At The Dentist
02/18/14 - The Grievances of Airing
02/10/14 - CC 572: If only she hadn't had such a thick accent ...
01/25/14 - Now a Major Motion Picture
01/22/14 - Follow the Link!
01/17/14 - Backup at the Rainbow Bridge
01/16/14 - The Modern Promotheus?
01/16/14 - CC 548: World's Worst NSA Agent
12/07/13 - Britain's New Weapon
11/29/13 - If you squeak when you fart ...
10/28/13 - Dirty Dining
09/01/13 - CC 542: Gabba Gabba Heil
06/28/13 - One Day in Elementary School
06/20/13 - Post Mortem
06/15/13 - CC 537: But you said ...
06/09/13 - Double the Voltage, Double the Fun
06/02/13 - CC 536: For It's One, Two, Three Strokes, You're Out!
05/05/13 - CC 533: Tag Teams
05/05/13 - CC 533: Cents and Sensibility
05/05/13 - CC 533: The Golden Drool
05/05/13 - CC 533: My Cop Runneth Over
03/16/13 - From Bad to Verse
03/14/13 - Cross-examination
03/14/13 - Jesus Grants a Wish
02/22/13 - CC 527: As Seen On Jeopardy!
02/22/13 - CC 527: Mummy Dearest
02/22/13 - CC 527: My Fair Zombie
02/08/13 - The Hunchback and the Quarterback
02/08/13 - The Source of Denial
02/08/13 - Second Hearse, Worse than the First
02/07/13 - Richard the Lying Here-ted
02/06/13 - Destiny's Children's Book
01/07/13 - Zombibliophile
12/07/12 - Rules of Succession
10/06/12 - I'm so happy, I can sit!
09/07/12 - Questions That Keep Me Up At Night
04/12/12 - Concatenated
03/21/12 - move into tighter quarters and eat Alice
03/21/12 - Because of the recession, the Bradys had to
03/21/12 - Premature Evisceration
03/21/12 - CC 500: Fourplay
03/17/12 - The Republican candidates speaking out of their asses again
02/15/12 - On a Hollywood Movie Set
02/08/12 - On a Roll
12/30/11 - Coming Attractions
12/29/11 - Souls in Jeopardy
12/29/11 - One Sunny Afternoon in Calcutta
12/24/11 - I've been watching too many Christmas movies
12/17/11 - Timepiece on Earth, Ill Will Toward Man
12/17/11 - I get this stupid email this time every year
12/01/11 - Slides from my Vacations
11/05/11 - A Few Last Words With Andy Rooney
11/04/11 - One Night at TGI-Flydays
11/04/11 - The Killing of Rasputin: Part 7
10/31/11 - Christmas in Texas
10/30/11 - Jolly Old St. Tick
10/30/11 - Sorry, Author Has Sleeping Sickness
10/22/11 - Noone Was Expecting This
10/22/11 - CC 488: This Day in History
10/13/11 - Dennis Ritchie's Last Words
10/12/11 - Deus ex Faux Queena
09/14/11 - The White House, December 8, 1941
08/20/11 - CC 483: He also hates Abbot and Costello.
08/13/11 - One day in Genesis 7
08/13/11 - CC 483: Fahrt auf den Autobahn
08/13/11 - World's Stupidest Movie Critic #2
04/12/11 - One Bleak Afternoon in Gotham City
03/31/11 - Zombies on Vacation
03/19/11 - Captain Kirk Tells a Limerick
03/05/11 - Another Vulcan Limerick
03/05/11 - Vulcan Limerick
03/02/11 - One Saturday Night Along Fraternity Row
02/26/11 - On This Day in Black History
02/25/11 - 2011's Top U.S. Banana Republicisms
02/10/11 - Hugh Grant Dines Out
10/11/10 - Win Place & Showtime
10/03/10 - CC 462: Tub Tiaw, Treehs Ermo!
09/22/10 - O Tobor, rm *
09/22/10 - CC 461: Rock the Casbah
09/21/10 - Physical
09/13/10 - Hemlock
08/17/10 - CC457: Wunderbra and Lightfoot
08/16/10 - CC 457: Northern Headlights
08/15/10 - CC 457: No need for two men to walk them ...
08/01/10 - WW 76: Chel-Shocked
07/13/10 - Or so I've heard ...
07/02/10 - OPC 53: Live, Freeze Or Die
07/02/10 - The Real Reason Dinosaurs Died Out
07/02/10 - Live and Let Diploid
06/21/10 - CC 454: Aquapun
06/15/10 - Zuzu's Vuvus
06/15/10 - Vuvuazelias
06/14/10 - Vuvuzela Zombies
06/14/10 - For the Music Lover in All of Us
06/13/10 - OPC 51: How it got its name
06/07/10 - ABBA Saves the World
05/13/10 - CC 451: Prophet and Loss
04/14/10 - If I could have any superpower ...
04/13/10 - Tea for Tourette
04/13/10 - One Saturday Morning at the ER
04/13/10 - One Saturday Night at the Cinema
04/13/10 - One Sunny Afternoon at the Grand Canyon
03/27/10 - Today CC 448, Tomorrow The World
03/27/10 - CC 448: Who Blesses the Blessers?
03/17/10 - Erin Go Bronto
01/28/10 - Meanwhile in Japan ...
01/14/10 - Disorder in the Court
01/09/10 - What really happened
01/09/10 - Commercial Outtakes: 1978
01/09/10 - Posers
01/09/10 - En Passant
01/09/10 - One Autumn Afternoon in Raljon
01/09/10 - Recurring Nightmare
12/08/09 - Catch a Tiger by the Tale
11/28/09 - Twitodus
11/28/09 - American Twit
11/28/09 - I Have a Twitter
11/28/09 - The Gettysburg Twitter
11/28/09 - HamTwit
11/25/09 - Messengers Reporting Lesser Known Greek Victories
11/23/09 - CC 440: With Apologies to The Craw
11/19/09 - CC 439: Bride of the Yanked Keys
11/03/09 - The Arf Side
10/25/09 - When life gives you lemons ...
10/25/09 - The Visitor
10/07/09 - One Day in Ancient Bethlehem
07/15/09 - Re-Cycled Humor
07/01/09 - The Education of Jesus
06/28/09 - Who's Bad?
05/31/09 - At the National Spelling Bee
05/27/09 - WW74: Silence of the Alums
05/24/09 - WW 74: Blah
05/23/09 - Godzilla vs. The Dionne Quintuplets
11/07/08 - CC 405: Number 1 to the Bridge!
11/07/08 - Halloween Night on the Streets of China
10/31/08 - One Day in 1709
07/19/08 - CC 395: The "P" List
07/18/08 - Captain Pike Meets Tobor
07/18/08 - Jaws: 2006
06/20/08 - The Further Adventures of The Cock
06/18/08 - WW 57: How Many Years Since I Did A Tobor Comic?
06/17/08 - CC 392: I win because I read the rules
06/15/08 - CC 391: Flood for Thought
06/05/08 - Back To Back To The Future
06/05/08 - Well Bred
08/31/07 - CC 366: Without ReMorse
08/20/07 - CC 365: Nun of the A-Bomb
08/19/07 - Meanwhile, in Alaska
08/13/07 - CC 364: Cheech and Chong Ride Again
08/13/07 - CC 364: It's No Lye!
07/20/07 - Dirty Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
07/17/07 - How to tell you're in a dyslexic's house
07/16/07 - Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Spoilers
07/15/07 - The end.
07/15/07 - Gladly the Cross I Bare
07/13/07 - Always look on the bright side of life
03/20/07 - CC 349: History Lesson
03/07/07 - CC 348: I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille
03/06/07 - CC 348: KISSterectomy
03/06/07 - Damning Evidence
12/12/06 - Talk About Typecasting!
05/10/06 - BTC 53: One Day in the Not-So-Distant Future
05/10/06 - CC 321: Border Colonoscopy
05/09/06 - One Day in PG County
05/09/06 - He is here, too
04/12/06 - Home for the Holidays
04/11/06 - Boa Meets Girl
03/30/06 - WW 44: January, 2001
03/30/06 - One Day at a Cardinals Game
03/26/06 - Sixkenny Opera
03/16/06 - CC 315: Outlook Not So Good
03/16/06 - CC 315: The Worm Turned
03/15/06 - Leap of Faith
03/05/06 - I love to work at nothing all day
03/02/06 - WW 43: My Dog Didn't Eat My Homework
02/22/06 - CC 313: At Your Steinbeck and Call
02/17/06 - Officer Roget on Patrol
02/16/06 - The Middle Panel
02/09/06 - BTC 48: Let He Who Is Without Sensitivity ...
02/07/06 - OPC 22: You might be someone with a short attention span...
02/02/06 - CC 312: Maxwell Smart's New Job
02/02/06 - Groundhog Day!
01/31/06 - Genital Hospital
01/27/06 - Saliva Divinorum
01/19/06 - CC 311: Královna
01/19/06 - CC 311: 5<4007 of Rock
01/18/06 - All Things Must Pass
01/13/06 - CC 310: And Never Been Stupider People;
01/13/06 - If Television Scriptwriters Ran the World
01/06/06 - FTC 81: Let's Make a Comic
01/05/06 - CC 310: Shows What I Know About MySpace
01/05/06 - Revenge is a Drink Best Served Cold
01/04/06 - CC 309: A Miner Error
01/02/06 - CC 309: Classic Brady Bunch
01/02/06 - Cheech N. Wrong Works at a Big Box Store
01/02/06 - CC 309
12/26/05 - CC 308: Leet Trading
12/23/05 - CC 308: Auld Lang Square Root
12/22/05 - A Modern Christmas Carol
12/20/05 - The Mattress Reloaded
12/18/05 - What if "Naomi Watts" meant "William Shatner"?
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (5)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (4)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (3)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (2)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah
12/14/05 - CC 307: He Knows When You Are Shaving
12/14/05 - CC 307: The 25th of Dismember
12/13/05 - Best Rhyme Ever!
12/13/05 - OPC 19: Deterred
12/12/05 - Holiday Shopping Tip #34
12/12/05 - Awe and Lorder
12/12/05 - Surprise!
12/09/05 - Brokeback Mountain
12/06/05 - Temporal Anomaly?
12/04/05 - CC 306: You've Got AIDS!
12/04/05 - Once More into the Drink
12/04/05 - Private Audience
12/04/05 - A Vision-Sea Expert
12/02/05 - Cassius in One More Time
12/02/05 - Here Today, Saigon Tomorrow
12/02/05 - For a Few Murders More
12/02/05 - Live and Let Dine
12/02/05 - One way to get a wake
12/02/05 - Incurable
12/02/05 - That Sinking Feeling
12/02/05 - Always Use a Peephole
12/02/05 - 1-Down
12/01/05 - CC 306: Writers' Aids
12/01/05 - Around the Dial (radio keeps getting worse and worse)
12/01/05 - CC 306: Dumb and Dumber go shopping
11/29/05 - CC 305: Tardstein and Finkelman
11/29/05 - They're Coming to Take Me Away, OB!
11/28/05 - Hulk Hogan's Heroes
11/25/05 - Postcard from Central City, Colorado
11/24/05 - The First Thanksgiving
11/22/05 - Godzilla vs. Kasparov
11/22/05 - Postcard from Fort Collins, Colorado
11/17/05 - The Five stages of Cowboy Physics
11/17/05 - Postcard from chilly Sidney, Nebraska
11/10/05 - Story Time Episode 5: The Vampire Strikes Back
11/10/05 - Story Time 4: This Time It's Perspirant
11/10/05 - Story Time 2: Did You ACME for a Sequel?
11/10/05 - Story Time 3: The Search for Spork
11/10/05 - CC 304: Story Time
11/10/05 - The Star-Spangled Bandanna
11/10/05 - Folded, Spindled and Muletilated
11/10/05 - Author at work
11/10/05 - Snow Place Like Home
11/10/05 - Grim and Bat It
11/09/05 - Is it flip enough?
11/09/05 - Five Centuries Ago in a South Seas Bar
11/08/05 - CC 304: Neutron Star Comix
11/07/05 - Toyage of the Damned
11/06/05 - OPC 16: Conbe
11/04/05 - The Rasher of Kane
11/03/05 - Hair today ...
11/03/05 - Punked!
11/03/05 - Coffee Physics
11/03/05 - Tips for a Fun Bachelor Party
11/03/05 - Beamzebub
11/02/05 - Halloween in Vienna: 1872
10/31/05 - CC 303: Thirteen O'Clock Shadows
10/31/05 - CC 303: Nerds Bobbing for Apples
10/30/05 - Roommates
10/30/05 - Coinholed
10/28/05 - Out in Space
10/27/05 - To Boldly Go ...
10/27/05 - Doctor, Doctor!
10/27/05 - You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tuna Thermometer
10/26/05 - Clothes Make the Man
10/26/05 - How About That!
10/25/05 - We Make Humor the Old-fashioned Way: We Urn It!
10/25/05 - Thanks to Rosa Parks, the signs on the water fountains mean:
10/24/05 - And the Children Shall Bleed
10/24/05 - CC 302: An Italian walks into a cheese shop
10/24/05 - Tapioca Man Goes on a Date
10/24/05 - Origins
10/24/05 - Master at Work
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: The Crying Game
10/23/05 - Tapioca Man visits the doctor
10/23/05 - Dracula and Tapioca Man go on the town
10/23/05 - Frankenstein vs. Tapioca Man
10/22/05 - OPC 14: I Win!
10/22/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Titanic
10/22/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Twelve Angry Men
10/22/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Star Wars
10/21/05 - Behind the Music: Iron Butterfly
10/21/05 - Zombie Musicals
10/21/05 - Our Continuing Educational Crisis
10/21/05 - On the Dark Side
10/21/05 - The Sequel
10/21/05 - Revenge is Sweet
10/20/05 - Think about it
10/20/05 - Could you pass me the tweezers?
10/20/05 - Questions that need no answer
10/20/05 - 21st Century Cowboy
10/20/05 - CC 301: What if Dorothy were played by Bruce Willis?
10/19/05 - Tenor is the Night
10/19/05 - What's Opera, Doc?
10/18/05 - CC 301: Medicated to the One I Love
10/18/05 - Jaws: The Chinese Bootleg
10/18/05 - CC 301: Let's Do the Time Warp!
10/18/05 - CC 301: Pussy Galore
10/18/05 - CC 301: The Eyes Have It
10/17/05 - The New Trainee
10/17/05 - Not His Type
10/17/05 - Lugosi, Lugodo
10/17/05 - The Aggie Christmas Pageant
10/17/05 - Upgrade Now!
10/16/05 - Why I won't be at the SC Halloween party
10/16/05 - One day I'll open a delicatessen.
10/16/05 - Say It Ain't Sosa!
10/14/05 - Maybe Ivy will vote this "good".
10/14/05 - Paging Reverend Spooner!
10/14/05 - How It Began
10/12/05 - Some people can't take a joke
10/12/05 - CC 300: Rodeo Drive
10/12/05 - The greatness of man(ty python)
10/11/05 - CC 300: The 1840 Election
10/11/05 - CC 300: Hip Pointer
10/09/05 - CC 300: Holey Spirit
10/09/05 - CC 300: Out on a Limb
10/06/05 - Memories
10/06/05 - BTC 42: Hold the Pickle!
10/05/05 - One Day in the Holy Roman Empire
10/04/05 - sixreasons
10/04/05 - Just a Thought Experiment
10/04/05 - CC 299: Nice Stump!
10/03/05 - CC 299: The Direct Approach
09/30/05 - CC 298: Thank you, and please tip the waitresses.
09/29/05 - Take Me Out to the Ballgame
09/28/05 - CC 298: Double Fault
09/28/05 - CC 298: A Second is a Long Time
09/28/05 - CC 298: Buried Treasure
09/28/05 - CC 298: Daffy Duck's "Titanic"
09/27/05 - CC 298: Drumsticked Out
09/27/05 - CC 298: The Honeymooers
09/27/05 - CC 298: Ripped from today's Fights Go Here ...
09/27/05 - CC 298: There is one small problem ...
09/27/05 - A Moment of Silence, Please
09/26/05 - CC 298: One Day in Andy Warhol's Studio
09/26/05 - CC 298: What'd He Say?
09/26/05 - CC 298: Alphas, Numbers, Punctuation, Length, Uncrackable!
09/26/05 - CC 298: Mrs. Perkins
09/26/05 - CC 298: Arena (unabridged)
09/26/05 - CC 298: Ode to Equality
09/26/05 - CC 298: Yerk City
09/26/05 - CC 298: The Plane Truth
09/26/05 - CC 298: Smashing Pumpkins
09/26/05 - CC 298: Small and Soft
09/26/05 - CC 298: Cumbersome
09/25/05 - CC 298: Hair Raid
09/25/05 - CC 298: And he was right.
09/24/05 - CC 298: The Organ Grinder
09/24/05 - CC 298: Jerk O'Lantern
09/24/05 - CC 298: Yerkin Soup for the Soul
09/21/05 - CC 297: Two Minutes for Irony
09/19/05 - CC 297: The Neverending Story
09/19/05 - CC 297: Obligatarrrrrry Talk Like A Pirate Day Cartoon
09/18/05 - CC 297: It's a True Fact
09/14/05 - Half-Empty
09/13/05 - CC 296: Apologies to Walt Kelly
09/13/05 - FTC 72: Almost Heavenly
09/13/05 - Oh no, it's mutating!
09/11/05 - Never a Noodle Moment
09/09/05 - Children at Pele
09/09/05 - Blend Ambition
09/09/05 - Gran and Gran: You're Never Too Old for Nuts and Berries
09/09/05 - Think about those poor starving pyromaniacs!
09/08/05 - CC 296: We Who Are About To Lye Salute You
09/08/05 - Their Performance Ratings Arlo
09/08/05 - Second Verse, Things Getting Worse!
09/08/05 - Everybody Sing Along!
09/07/05 - CC 296: We'll leave the light on for you
09/06/05 - WW 41: The Truth Hurts
09/06/05 - CC 295: The End
09/06/05 - Gilligone
09/02/05 - Full-Nielsen
09/02/05 - Harry Potter, Book 7, Final Scene (spoilers)
09/01/05 - Every cloud has a brown lining
08/31/05 - CC 295: Meldied
08/30/05 - Bourbon Renewal
08/30/05 - Why I didn't attend
08/29/05 - Crowning
08/26/05 - It Stands to Reason
08/25/05 - Who's Daffy?
08/21/05 - Just then, US troops came upon an unexploded mortar round...
08/18/05 - bewareofgreekbearing.gif
08/18/05 - y.mp3
08/17/05 - faux.pas
08/17/05 - grthnklskw.html
08/17/05 - fiftytimesthe.mpg
08/17/05 - recycle.bin
08/17/05 - make.php
08/16/05 - Ice Station Zeta
08/15/05 - CC 292: Collared Groans
08/15/05 - Ye Olde 14th Century Humour
08/10/05 - Atlas Shrugged
08/10/05 - CC 292: But Will it Play in Topeka?
08/09/05 - CC 292: Great Moments in TV History
08/08/05 - CC 292: Bohemian Aristocracy
08/08/05 - CC 292: One More Question
08/07/05 - CC 292: One Day at the Raunch...
08/04/05 - I Need a New Hymnal
08/04/05 - Why I'll never write a CSI episode
08/04/05 - DIC: Caten
08/03/05 - Five Other Dwarves at McDonalds
08/02/05 - CC 291: Green Eggs and REM
08/01/05 - Desert Island Disclaimer
08/01/05 - Desert Island Discotheque
08/01/05 - B.L.A.C.K. in the U.S.A.
07/18/05 - WTFTC 68: Risks of an Organic Diet
07/17/05 - What if *
07/16/05 - CC 289: My puppet has no nose, and he smells terrible
07/14/05 - Unclear on the Concept
07/06/05 - Please don't blame any fat transvestite actors for this
07/05/05 - Shrink Rap 2: Cruise Control
07/04/05 - School of Thought
07/01/05 - BTC 33: One Day in the Home Depot Parking Lot
06/30/05 - DIC: Putin on the Ritz
06/29/05 - FTC 65: The Reproducers
06/29/05 - FTC 65: Play it Again, Sal
06/29/05 - No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of this Comic
06/27/05 - Sixty-Sixty-Sixty-Five FTCs: I Wanna be Sudated
06/27/05 - FTC 65: Face the Music
06/27/05 - FTC 65: German Chocolate Cake
06/23/05 - We Have Liftoff!
06/23/05 - The Next The Next Day
06/23/05 - These Boots were Made for Flying
06/23/05 - Kids, don't try this at home
06/23/05 - The Next Day
06/23/05 - Geniuzzzzzzzzz
06/23/05 - Meanwhile, out in suburbia ...
06/22/05 - DIC: Darkness at Noone
06/21/05 - CSI: Stripcreator
06/20/05 - Because it's there
06/17/05 - The Cable Guy
06/16/05 - Four Scores and Seven Craps You Out
06/14/05 - Who's Bad?
06/13/05 - The Collector (#2)
06/13/05 - Australian Rules Poker
06/13/05 - You can't have your cake and flush it too
06/09/05 - We BTC, You Decide.
06/09/05 - Undersea Office: Special Pre-Belmont Stakes Edition
06/08/05 - Are you still trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson?
06/08/05 - A Murder of Crowes
06/07/05 - WWKSD?
06/06/05 - CC 284: Kids Say the Damnedest Things
06/03/05 - CC 284: Why Mathematicians Never Get Laid
06/03/05 - Lassie, 2525
06/02/05 - Would you prefer "Gigli?"
06/02/05 - Young Shakespeare's First Dilemma
06/01/05 - Episode 3: Revenge of the Smith
05/24/05 - CC 283: Dr. Seuss Meets Randy Newman
05/24/05 - CC 283: Munchkinoe
05/24/05 - CC 283: Multiple-Choice Deli
05/22/05 - Luckily, she doesn't hit in real life
05/17/05 - Die Really Hard
05/17/05 - Dilemma
05/17/05 - Approved by the Secretary of Random Backgrounds
05/11/05 - Call of the Child
05/07/05 - CHUBBY Memorial Random Comic
05/07/05 - What happens next
05/07/05 - Salvador Dali opens up a bowling alley
05/06/05 - Oops.
05/06/05 - The Roadrunaway
05/06/05 - Linus Van Pelt Marries Jennifer Wilbanks
05/06/05 - Runaway Prozac
05/06/05 - What if the Manson Family were dyslexic?
05/04/05 - Civil Disobedience
05/03/05 - CC 281: Sell-iloquy
05/02/05 - Did I ever tell you about the time I walked into a bar?
05/02/05 - Living in South Korea
05/02/05 - On the Road with M & M
04/27/05 - The God Couple: episode zen
04/26/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [13]
04/26/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [12]
04/26/05 - It's the End of the World as I Show It
04/26/05 - Flattery will get you everywhere.
04/26/05 - Surprise parties for firemen
04/24/05 - The Family Circus
04/23/05 - Chewy!
04/23/05 - Roach Go Tell
04/22/05 - W.H. Harrison's Presidency: UNABRIDGED
04/20/05 - Jesus Christ, Superstore
04/19/05 - Stop Calling Me Shirley!
04/19/05 - The best-leet plans...
04/19/05 - Gallows Humor
04/19/05 - In search of a spare
04/12/05 - One Recent Afternoon in Central Park
04/12/05 - Master of Suspense
04/12/05 - Acorner Unit
04/09/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [9]
04/09/05 - The Treasure of Ours [8]
04/08/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [5]
04/08/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [4]
04/06/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [1]
04/06/05 - All That Summer We Enjoyed It
04/06/05 - Chop it off with a hand-saw
04/01/05 - Ripped from Today's Comic Pages
04/01/05 - RIP Frank Perdue
04/01/05 - You Can't Cowboy Physic All of the People All of the Time
03/31/05 - Purple Reign
03/31/05 - Curses, Falwelled Augean!
03/31/05 - Star Trek 2: Deleted Scene
03/30/05 - Ah, Look at all the Lonely Papal
03/30/05 - Stop! In the Name of Glove
03/29/05 - Greater then the Sum of its Parts
03/29/05 - 1975 Inspiration for the Folger's Coffee Commercial
03/29/05 - Yew: The Hunter from the Future
03/29/05 - Night of the Bleeding Dead
03/29/05 - Representation of the View From Iceland Looking South
03/21/05 - CC 278: Lost in Translation
03/21/05 - CC 278: Wehn a Man Loves His Maker
03/14/05 - CC 278: Two Tickets to Parodies
03/10/05 - Small Fry
03/10/05 - A Big Sale
03/10/05 - Spook the Spook
03/10/05 - Shall We Say Baskin Robins?
03/10/05 - Adjust Desserts
03/09/05 - Son of What If
03/09/05 - Zen and the Art of Movie Watching
03/09/05 - Mid-Morning of the Dead
03/08/05 - When You've Seen One Zombie Movie, You've Seen the Mall
03/08/05 - BTC 22: A Cheeky Excuse
03/01/05 - Welcome to Stripcreator. Now Go Home!
02/25/05 - There was an old lady who married a fly
02/22/05 - CC 276: Knock Knock
02/21/05 - CC 276: Trolling for Answers
02/21/05 - FTC 56: Template
02/19/05 - Act X: Good Mourning
02/19/05 - Act III: They Love Us, Aye, Aye, Aye
02/19/05 - Act VI: Goodbye, Goodbye!
02/18/05 - Act VIII: Getting Deader
02/18/05 - Act V: In My Wife
02/18/05 - CC 276: Overheard at the Mimes' Convention
02/18/05 - Act IV: Christ, You Know You Ain't Hefty
02/18/05 - Act II: Being for the Benefit of Musikheit
02/17/05 - ACT IX: The Well-Dressed Was Paul
02/17/05 - Four Gentlemen of Liverpool: Act I: Coming Together
02/17/05 - Act VII: Here Comes the Gun
02/16/05 - WW 37: WWJH?
02/14/05 - Finally using their heads
02/14/05 - CC 275: Ivy gets promoted to Supervisor
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (8)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (7)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (6)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (5)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (4)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (3)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (2)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (1)
02/10/05 - CC 275: 4-in-1
02/10/05 - Middle Earth: Ten Years Later
02/09/05 - And I need a Cairopractor.
02/08/05 - Harry the Hydrogen Atom Reads a Book
02/08/05 - CC 274: Fjord for Thought
02/08/05 - First "The Passion", Now Another Religious Hit
02/07/05 - On this date in history: 2101 BC, more or less
02/07/05 - CC 274: The Demanding Diner
02/07/05 - Dedicated to Phreaky: 101 Uses for a Sword (part 7)
02/06/05 - FTC 55: Brenda the Ass Queen
02/06/05 - The Unabridged Little Red Riding Hood
02/03/05 - Youre Decorated!
02/03/05 - The Further Adventures of Cinderella
02/03/05 - The Further Adventures of Cinderella
02/03/05 - The Further Adventures of Cinderella
02/03/05 - Life at the Bridge Club
02/02/05 - CC 274: Are we in luck!
02/01/05 - CC 273: All true - you can look it up
01/31/05 - Conundrum
01/27/05 - The Ty-D-Bowl Man's Worst Nightmare
01/27/05 - Another Long-Lost Brady Bunch Episode
01/26/05 - Killing them softly
01/24/05 - Where's my tape of this broadcast?
01/24/05 - After hearing the news, Ed McMahon falls badly off the wagon
01/21/05 - A Typical Night in the Gates Household (part 2)
01/21/05 - A Typical Night in the Gates Household (part 1)
01/21/05 - CC 273: The Trouble with Traffickers
01/21/05 - CC 273: One Fine Day in Hell
01/18/05 - CC 272: JCP 5
01/18/05 - CC 272: JCP 4
01/18/05 - CC 272: JCP3
01/18/05 - CC 272: Jurassic Corporate Park
01/13/05 - Happily Ever After?
01/13/05 - If God had meant us to fly ...
01/13/05 - Games People Play
01/13/05 - The Godfather: Part 2
01/11/05 - CC 272: Always Consult a Reputable Travel Agent
01/11/05 - CC 272: Or You'll Need a Wooden Stake
01/11/05 - CC 272: Coprophiliac?
01/10/05 - CC 272: Just the Way You Are
01/10/05 - CC 272: XX Marks the Spot
01/08/05 - CC 272: The Lost Action Hero
01/08/05 - CC 272: Under Screech
01/07/05 - FTC 51: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be afloyd. Be VERY afloyd.
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be poetic. Be VERY poetic.
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be angry. Be VERY angry.
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be stupid. Be VERY stupid.
01/06/05 - Hello Muddy, Hello Foody
01/04/05 - Can anything be more tasteless?
01/03/05 - At the Morse Code Aficionados' Convention
12/30/04 - Through history with mmyers' slow ass computer
12/29/04 - If mmyers' slow ass computer was on Jeopardy! (3)
12/29/04 - One Day in Court
12/29/04 - CC 271: A Short-sighted Solution
12/29/04 - CC 271: Tampa-Resistant
12/29/04 - CC 271: Signed, Seliged, Delivered
12/29/04 - CC 271: Imminent Katostrophe
12/29/04 - CC 271: Owa Taga Siam
12/28/04 - Why Witches Don't Play at Augusta National
12/28/04 - Why Psychologists Don't Play Golf
12/28/04 - Why Mathematicians Don't Play Golf
12/28/04 - Why Geeks Don't Play Golf
12/26/04 - FTC 50: Cap-Sized
12/26/04 - FTC 50: Easy Gum, Easy Go
12/26/04 - The Follicle of Man's Ways
12/24/04 - Cowboy Fizzle
12/23/04 - 41 & 43
12/23/04 - CC 270: She Was Only A Bleached Blonde
12/23/04 - CC 270: Boowrong
12/23/04 - CC 270: Cruel and Unusual
12/21/04 - CC 270: At the Superheroes' Reunion
12/21/04 - CC 270: The Balcony Scene
12/20/04 - "A Christmas Story" outtakes
12/20/04 - It's a miserable life.
12/20/04 - They Wouldn't Let Poor Rudolph Join in Any Reindeer Games
12/17/04 - Class of '94
12/16/04 - Kajunstein
12/16/04 - Chapter 3: Eddie Bends a Stop Sign
12/16/04 - Money Shot
12/16/04 - Why I Hate Breakfast Cereal
12/16/04 - story time: the shoemaker and the volcano
12/14/04 - WW III.3
12/14/04 - CC 269: RTFM
12/14/04 - CC 269: One Late September Afternoon
12/09/04 - FTC 47: Endless Slumber
12/09/04 - 00Holy Night
12/08/04 - CC 268: SAP
12/08/04 - CC 268: Let's Get PSAcal
12/07/04 - CC 268: ASP
12/07/04 - CC 268: The King of Pollenesia
12/07/04 - The Mini at Walt's
12/06/04 - Contortions of a Dromedary Queen
12/03/04 - 35
12/03/04 - 11.5
12/03/04 - 13
12/03/04 - 6
12/03/04 - 22 & 24
12/02/04 - 16
12/02/04 - 42
12/02/04 - 40
12/02/04 - 9
12/02/04 - 1
12/02/04 - 37
12/01/04 - CC 267: Where indeed is Kajun?
11/29/04 - FF: To Ares Ask Humans Though Forget Divine.
11/16/04 - CC 265: Cthlegm
11/15/04 - CC 265: Quickies
11/13/04 - CC 265: Sylvester the Cat's Nightmare
11/12/04 - CC 265: Shall We Begin With The Obvious
11/11/04 - Feline Groovy
11/11/04 - C2K: Read this while you can
11/11/04 - A switch in time beats 1999
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/10/04 - It's a good thing Jessica Simpson's not dead yet
11/10/04 - Why he's still alive
11/06/04 - As I'm Elite ...
11/04/04 - ... and paste some more (thanks, mmyers)
11/04/04 - Max Canon
11/04/04 - SAT: A nun, a Mexican and a goat walk into a bar ...
11/03/04 - Meanwhile, over at Delphi ...
11/03/04 - Why you may have a longer wait at the doctor's this week
10/28/04 - (1984) How it Happened
10/28/04 - (1983) The Fellowship of the Yellow Smiley Face
10/27/04 - (1982) You Asked For It!
10/27/04 - (1981) A Dog's Life (in memory of Sydnee)
10/21/04 - (1980) Instant Comics Gonna Get You
10/21/04 - (1979) Some People Call Me the Space Collie ...
10/21/04 - (1978) World's Worst Entrepreneur
10/20/04 - Maybe they should call themselves Breast Buy
10/15/04 - WW 27: Nobody's done this one yet?
10/14/04 - Scenes we'd like to see
10/13/04 - Wash Brain With Like Colors Tumble Dry Low Success
10/11/04 - FF: All in a Day's Work
10/07/04 - Blame it on Walt
10/07/04 - Taters for Sale 7
10/07/04 - Taters for Sale 6
10/07/04 - One Day at Mt. St. Helens
10/06/04 - BTC 18: The rout
10/05/04 - When in the courfe of human events
10/04/04 - VOAT 3
10/04/04 - VOAT 2
10/04/04 - VOAT 1
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 5
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 4
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 3
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 2
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 1
09/29/04 - A Little Less Long Gestation
09/29/04 - Avoiding a Groton Deal
09/29/04 - A Revolutionary Poem
09/28/04 - CC 259: A Drop in the Beckett
09/28/04 - CC 259: The Twilight Ozone
09/22/04 - The Raver
09/21/04 - CC 258: A Stunning Result
09/21/04 - Observations Made During Talk Like a Pirate Day (3)
09/21/04 - Observations Made During Talk Like a Pirate Day (2)
09/21/04 - Observations Made During Talk Like a Pirate Day (1)
09/20/04 - 3D Cumshot: In SENSURROUND!
09/20/04 - FF: It's a dirty Jabba; someone's got to do it!
09/18/04 - CC 258: In reality, pirates aren't all bad
09/17/04 - CC 258: Pirates Unclear on the Concept
09/17/04 - CC 258: Arrrrrrrr Pee Gee
09/15/04 - Lord of the Rings in Haiku
09/14/04 - CC12: The Needling and the Danage Done
09/12/04 - Sprawl's Well that Ends Well
09/12/04 - Citizen Shane
09/11/04 - FTC 44: I Posted It First!
09/11/04 - CSI: Providence
09/10/04 - Free Erections in Iraq
09/08/04 - Show Me the Funny!
09/06/04 - Dude, Where's My Dade?
09/06/04 - Husker Doings
09/04/04 - All's well that Roswell
09/04/04 - Why it smells cheesy
09/03/04 - Brigham On!
09/03/04 - Deep in the Artificial Heart
09/02/04 - The Reston the Story
09/02/04 - Hoosier Shock
09/02/04 - Honorable Borg Used Cubes
09/02/04 - On the Rhode Again
09/01/04 - I'm OK, You're OK
09/01/04 - The Spokane Truth
09/01/04 - United States of Bennington
09/01/04 - CC 256: On this Dayton History
08/27/04 - A Modern Fairy Tale
08/25/04 - Shut up and deal!
08/25/04 - PT4: Taking the Pants Home
08/25/04 - PT3: The Search for Pants
08/25/04 - PT2: The Wrath of Pants
08/25/04 - Pants Trek: The Motion Picture
08/24/04 - ... in which MikeyG gives boorite some pants
08/18/04 - CC 254: The Loneliest One
08/17/04 - We now check in with the Chinese Synchronized Diving team
08/11/04 - CC 253: Rock and Rule
08/11/04 - CC 253: You've Got Me on My Knees!
08/11/04 - CC 253: But Wouldn't Some Genesis have Been More Sensible?
08/11/04 - CC 253: Second Hand Rose (photoshop template)
08/10/04 - CC 253: When a Man Makes Love to a Woman ...
08/09/04 - ?melborP eht s'tahW
08/08/04 - CC 253: The Story of Mr. Feetforhands
08/04/04 - FTC 40: Play-Doo
07/30/04 - Periodic Table
07/25/04 - CC 252: I think I heard my cue.
07/24/04 - The Punt is the Lowest Form of Humor
07/23/04 - By Popular Demand: Interlude with the Donner Party
07/22/04 - WW22: Old MF Hubbard
07/20/04 - Teen Angel
07/20/04 - CC 251: Spelling Bee For the Tourette's-Afflicted
07/20/04 - CC 251: Ph33r Ph4|<70r
07/20/04 - CSI: Panel 3
07/19/04 - The End
07/19/04 - Maybe top it off with some Miracle Whip?
07/18/04 - Oui Oui Roast
07/08/04 - Kafka, 1986
07/08/04 - The long-lost Kafka-Seuss Collaboration
07/08/04 - Lower your pants and Kafka
07/08/04 - Beware of Imitations
07/07/04 - Samsa and Delilah
06/30/04 - FTC 38: How it Happened
06/26/04 - Trek or Treat
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu (Le Grand Finale)
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu (3)
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu (2)
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu
06/26/04 - WW 20: Some Politically Incorrect Title
06/25/04 - job description
06/22/04 - CC 249: Abraham and Strauss
06/19/04 - FTC 37: Volun-tears
06/19/04 - FTC 37: I am not a cookie
06/17/04 - Let's not overburden Kaddar too much!
06/08/04 - That's Entertainment!
06/07/04 - Ice Cream Mimes
06/02/04 - Quarterly Report
06/02/04 - Quarterly Report
06/02/04 - CC 247: The Unkindest Cut
06/02/04 - Reality TV's New Low
06/02/04 - Untitled
06/01/04 - From the Cutting Room Floor: Fellowship of the Ring
05/27/04 - Anti-drug Commercial K4
05/27/04 - Anti-drug Commercial K4
05/26/04 - Collect All 43: Trade Them With Your Friends
05/26/04 - Casablanca 2: The Sequel
05/25/04 - CC 246: Collect All 43, Trade Them With Your Friends
05/25/04 - FTC 36: Convent Ional Bomb
05/18/04 - BTC 5: Introductions.
05/17/04 - CC 244: David Byrne's New Project
05/17/04 - FTC 35: Template
05/17/04 - BTC 5: Will Cooler Heads Prevail?
05/17/04 - Something Sure Smells Funny
05/14/04 - Has this FTC had a Hitler's Ass joke yet?
05/13/04 - recurSSion
05/12/04 - CC 244: Toughest Ticket in Town
05/07/04 - WW 15: Courting Dissaster
05/07/04 - The Birds and the Bees
05/07/04 - Water Cooler
05/05/04 - What Am I Missing?
05/05/04 - Advanced Rhyming News
05/05/04 - The Rest of the Story
05/03/04 - On the other hand, maybe a few rolls won't hurt
05/03/04 - The New Hire
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (5)
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (4) -- Reality Intrudes
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (3) [just the template]
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (2) [only the template]
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake
04/29/04 - Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-TOBOR!
04/29/04 - FTC 33: One Foggy Christmas Eve
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Ad K3
04/28/04 - Geico-Roman Wrestling
04/28/04 - FTC 32: Fanning the fires of a new catchphrase
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Ad K2
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Ad K1
04/26/04 - BTC 2: I need this like I need a hole in my head
04/26/04 - The Adventures of Barney
04/26/04 - The Thrill of Victory
04/25/04 - The Waterskier's Toast
04/23/04 - BTC 1: The Memento Version (thanks to new art)
04/23/04 - FTC 32: Hit the Loo, Jack
04/23/04 - Just released: Dark Side of Kim Yi and Song Lu Moon
04/22/04 - Romancing The Stone
04/22/04 - It Came From Davy Jones' Locker
04/22/04 - The Music Super (star) Market Borrows an Old SC Joke
04/22/04 - Music Super(star)market Quickies
04/22/04 - FTC 32: Relief Pitcher
04/21/04 - Don't Dream It ...
04/21/04 - WW 13
04/21/04 - CC 241: Drosophilove
04/21/04 - BTC 1: Kris Krumple
04/20/04 - WWMTD?
04/20/04 - CC 241: Math Geeks in Love
04/19/04 - One Tuesday Afternoon in Oz
04/14/04 - FTC 31: Template
04/13/04 - CC 240: Stripcreator Training Pays Off
04/13/04 - CC 240: XX-Rated
04/12/04 - CC 240: The day after
04/12/04 - CC 239: Duet
04/09/04 - They Get You Every Time
04/09/04 - CC 239: Fish Heads
04/07/04 - CC 239: Who can forget this classic?
04/06/04 - Stairway to Heaven. (fin)
04/06/04 - Stairway to Seven
04/06/04 - Stairway two and two and two Heaven.
04/06/04 - Stairway 2+2+1 Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway IV Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway Three Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway 2 Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway to Heaven: The Long Version
04/06/04 - FTC 30: Rocky Horror Show?
04/05/04 - FTC 30: And pick up a pack of Trojans
04/05/04 - FTC 30: Thor Losers
04/05/04 - FTC 30: Delta Cloud
04/02/04 - Death Takes a Holiday
04/01/04 - Zen and the Art of Comic Contest Victory
04/01/04 - Just because some watery tart lobbed some cheese at you...
03/31/04 - FTC 29: Someday My Prince Will Combust
03/29/04 - FTC 29: In a Rut
03/25/04 - Squeal Like a Rock Star
03/24/04 - Bonus 237: The title won't fit here -- see narration bar.
03/22/04 - WW 10: After losing the big game ...
03/21/04 - CC 237: Gee Whiz
03/20/04 - My Invisible Rabbit Pisses All Over Your Rules
03/17/04 - The Miracle Worker
03/16/04 - Again?
03/15/04 - Mark of Excrements
03/09/04 - CC 236: Multi-Chopper
03/06/04 - CC 236: Refursive Functions
03/05/04 - FTC 26: Finger-Licking Good
03/05/04 - Stripcreator Music Swap 4
03/05/04 - FTC 26: Bridget Loves Berne
03/04/04 - CC 235: Inside the Neonatal Ward
03/03/04 - CC 235: In a Badgered State
03/02/04 - WW8: Sha na na na nana na na na
03/02/04 - WW8: Unclear on the subject
03/02/04 - WW8: Moh
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (4)
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (3)
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (2)
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (1)
02/26/04 - Paws: The Revenge
02/24/04 - CC 234: Was this what HP was thinking?
02/24/04 - But he'll have such fun batting the little boat around
02/24/04 - CC 234: Lather, Rince, Repeat
02/24/04 - CC 234: As seen on ESPN
02/23/04 - FTC 24: Nun of the Above
02/21/04 - CC 233: Attack of the the Pet Peeves
02/20/04 - I Hop, You Hop, We All Hop For IHOP!
02/19/04 - Tommy, Can You Push Me?
02/18/04 - CC 233: From the BRAAAIIIIIINNS in Marketing
02/18/04 - Saturday Evening in the Red Light District
02/17/04 - Zat was Zen, Dis is Tao
02/16/04 - lint in the bellybutton of god
02/16/04 - Freudy-Cat
02/13/04 - FTC 23: The Predictable Template
02/12/04 - Hey! How'd you like a nice Hawaiian punchline?
02/12/04 - I don't think we've done this one yet.
02/12/04 - hair....
02/12/04 - The path to competence in beer drinking : lesson four (rev.)
02/11/04 - FTC 22: Anteballum
02/11/04 - FTC 22: Getting a foot in the door
02/10/04 - Photojournalistic Ethics
02/09/04 - The Rise and Fall of Private Whitman
02/09/04 - Second Worst Thing to say to a man in or out of a skirt
02/09/04 - Most Appropriate Username
02/06/04 - WW V: Skirting the Issue
02/05/04 - Meanwhile at FBI Headquarters ...
02/04/04 - ZS #17: Ex-queues Me
02/03/04 - We Are Looking for Goose and Squirm
02/03/04 - FTC 21: Curtains for Daniel?
02/03/04 - Obi a fine girl, kiss me
02/02/04 - We can dream, can't we?
01/31/04 - CC 231: Leading a Horticulture
01/31/04 - CC 231: Meet the New Boss
01/31/04 - CC 231: The Invasion
01/31/04 - CC 231: Their Fearless Leader
01/31/04 - CC 231: This Spud's for You
01/30/04 - What do you get when you cross a dark horse with a greyhound
01/29/04 - Squishy is as Squishy Does
01/28/04 - Brought to you by the Orlando Tourist Bureau
01/27/04 - FTC 20: Dean's List
01/26/04 - I'd Rather Laugh with the Dinners ...
01/25/04 - FTC 20: Too Many Cooks
01/23/04 - FTC 19: Paper or Plastic?
01/22/04 - Konami Physics
01/22/04 - I Beat the Witch Doctor at Chess
01/21/04 - Nightmare at 20,000 Decibels
01/21/04 - Second Best Billy Mumy Comic. Ever.
01/21/04 - Battle of the Skullge
01/20/04 - On tour with Sauron and the Balrogs
01/19/04 - Mind Meld
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Shockd and Awed
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Blue Scene of Death
01/16/04 - CC 229: Outtakes (or vice versa)
01/16/04 - CC 229: Ruining a Perfect Evening
01/16/04 - CC 229: See You Real Soon!
01/14/04 - Serial Comic 9.10
01/13/04 - FTC 18: High-Fiber Diet
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Friends of Mao W.
01/13/04 - Master and Pedantic: The Arrrrrrrr Side of the World
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Breakfast, Lunch and Donner
01/13/04 - Like Father, Like Pun (12)
01/12/04 - Behind the Music
01/12/04 - The Gospel According to Billy-Bob
01/12/04 - CC 228: A Source of a Different Color
01/12/04 - CC 228: Advice to a failed all-star
01/10/04 - You'd think they'd give it another name.
01/09/04 - Fourwepilogue
01/09/04 - Fourway's Treat (#18)
01/08/04 - Harry Potter and the Infield Fly Rule
01/08/04 - Tobor's Midnight Snack: Hot Cross Buns
01/08/04 - Are you trying to bee-t these jokes into the ground?
01/07/04 - Are you trying to deduce me, Mr. Holmes?
01/07/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Silver?
01/07/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Kermit?
01/06/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Shaquille?
01/06/04 - One Thursday Afternoon in Oz
01/05/04 - Channel 3, Home of the Square Blimp
01/05/04 - But it probably took extra innings
01/05/04 - FTC 17: The Anthrax Scare
01/04/04 - Never Take Fertility Drugs for Your Eyes
01/02/04 - The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Part 2
01/02/04 - The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Part 1
01/02/04 - Godzilla in Three Panels
01/02/04 - CC 227: The View From My London Hotel Room
01/02/04 - CC 227: Silent Movie
01/02/04 - CC 227: Evolution
01/02/04 - Epilogue
01/02/04 - Interlude.
01/02/04 - Hunter Worked and Overpaid
01/02/04 - The Loophole
01/02/04 - Telling the IRS Where to Stuff It ...
01/02/04 - Tales Calculated to Drive You FTC
12/30/03 - FTC 16: New Years Barkin' Eve
12/29/03 - Not since the Nixon administration ...
12/29/03 - CC 226: The Bear Minimum
12/29/03 - CC 226: The Cartoonits
12/27/03 - CC 226: Retractable Claus
12/26/03 - CC 226: Celebrity Resolutions
12/25/03 - CC 226: You say you want a resolution?
12/23/03 - FTC 15: At the Trading Deadline
12/23/03 - FTC 15: She Blinded Me With Compliance
12/23/03 - FTC 15: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Decade
12/23/03 - Who? Me Bitter?
12/22/03 - On the twelfth day of Christmas Chicka got the news
12/22/03 - On the Twelfth Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me ...
12/22/03 - Eight Maids-a-Milking ...
12/20/03 - CC 225: Two Total Doves
12/20/03 - CC 225: Ten More Lords a Leaping
12/20/03 - CC 225: The Next Novelty Release
12/20/03 - CC 225: Four Calling Birds
12/19/03 - Stripcreator exposes LOTR revisionist history
12/16/03 - Do I need to spell it out?
12/15/03 - FTC 14: Job-Related Hazards
12/15/03 - FTC 14: A Day in the Life
12/15/03 - Needs More Saddamy
12/12/03 - It could work!
12/10/03 - On the 13th FTC My True Love Gave to Me ...
12/09/03 - End of an Era
12/09/03 - The Fateful Meeting
12/09/03 - Donosore
12/09/03 - Simian Says: Hands on Hips!
12/09/03 - CC 224: A New Era Dawns
12/09/03 - FTC 12: Every Snowman's Fantasy
12/04/03 - Veni Vidi WWE
12/04/03 - Flog The Cliche #12: Geicold
12/04/03 - FTC 12: Oral History
12/04/03 - Skeleton Crude
12/04/03 - CC 223: N00bzilla Epilogue
12/03/03 - CC 223: Nothing Succeeds Like Sucks-Ex
12/03/03 - A Little Nightmare Music
12/03/03 - CC 223: Coup Boy Physics
12/03/03 - CC 223: Volt Early and Often
11/27/03 - FTC XI: Typothermia
11/20/03 - CC 221: The King is Dead, Long L1v3 the King!
11/19/03 - For Entertainment Purposes Only
11/19/03 - The other 59 are an exercise for the interested reader
11/19/03 - In search of background knowledge
11/18/03 - Never underestimate the gravidity of the situation
11/18/03 - Maternity Leave is a Very Good Thing
11/18/03 - CC 221: Spelling Bee
11/17/03 - UMFUMDAILY 11/17/03
11/16/03 - CC 221: Bladder-Laden Knight's Alright for Fighting
11/16/03 - FTC 9: Maybe his grandpa was a beaver.
11/14/03 - CC XI: Green is Envy
11/14/03 - UMFUMDAILY (11/14/03)
11/14/03 - UMFUMDAILY DOUBLE (11/14/03)
11/13/03 - CC 220: Fun for the whole family
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (5)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (4)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (3)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (2)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail
11/11/03 - FTC8: Witless
11/11/03 - FTC8: Amish Pair-o-dice
11/11/03 - FTC8: Don't Mansion It
11/11/03 - FTC8: Lycanthrome
11/07/03 - Scenes from a tournament
11/07/03 - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Ken
11/06/03 - Long-Range Forecast
11/05/03 - CC 219: And a good Friday it was!
11/05/03 - CC 219: Ph-nglui mglw'nafh the other side
11/04/03 - Summer Blockbuster
11/03/03 - FTC 7: Really Scary Monster
11/03/03 - A field guide to birds
10/31/03 - CC 11: Carter Blanche
10/30/03 - The Most Successful Fast Food Joint
10/29/03 - Sense and Sensitivity
10/29/03 - Warman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
10/29/03 - CC 218: Bela the Ball
10/29/03 - CC 218: Trick or Geek!
10/29/03 - AAP 8.1
10/28/03 - CC 217: Final Judgment
10/24/03 - Baby, You're Second Best
10/24/03 - HowMuchCrapWouldACrappieCrapIfACrappieCouldCrapCrap?
10/23/03 - One Day in Deaf-y Jones' Locker
10/23/03 - 10^100 pieces of crap
10/22/03 - Psych it to me!
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/17/03 - (5)
10/17/03 - (4)
10/17/03 - (3)
10/17/03 - (2)
10/17/03 - Don't you hate when this happens? (1)
10/16/03 - FTC #4: Fill in the Blanks
10/16/03 - CC 216: With Lloyd Bridges as the Captain
10/15/03 - The Ultimate Fast Food Comic
10/15/03 - FTC3: The Minute Waltz
10/14/03 - Cetacean on the Street
10/13/03 - FTC3b: The gift that keeps on giving
10/13/03 - Some shrinkage may occur
10/12/03 - The Real Reason People Tip Cows
10/11/03 - FTC (Flashbacks Thru Comics) #3
10/10/03 - The Hair and Distort Us
10/10/03 - Two: Hair is Human
10/10/03 - CC 215: One sally mit hairy
10/10/03 - Menage a huit?
10/09/03 - Dwarf and Peace
10/08/03 - Incidentally, That's Why Dwarves Taste That Way
10/07/03 - How do you make a dwarf cross?
10/07/03 - X Marks the Spot!
10/07/03 - Thriller (part 1)
10/04/03 - From the Unabridged "Frankenstein"
10/04/03 - Bachelor of 'R'ts
10/02/03 - Another Tender Moment
10/02/03 - At the Gates of Valhalla
10/02/03 - Wild & Wooly
10/01/03 - CC 30 + 183: Special Movie Hybrid Edition: Love Is ...
09/30/03 - CC 213: Deep in the Fun Zone
09/29/03 - CC 213: Air Bud vs. The Princess Bride
09/29/03 - CC 213: Romeo and Juliet and The Exorcist
09/26/03 - Subdivision by 1999
09/26/03 - First on Who
09/26/03 - Why they don't name streets after rock bands
09/26/03 - Subdivision by Zero
09/25/03 - CC 212: The Dwight Stuff
09/25/03 - Create Your Own Milli Vanilli Song
09/24/03 - A Manwich is a Meal!
09/23/03 - CC 212: The Bet
09/23/03 - This 1937 film revealed the brewing German-Japanese alliance
09/23/03 - CC 212: What has we gots in our bloodstreamses?
09/23/03 - Tard Boy and Finkelman
09/22/03 - WAITER!
09/19/03 - Exit Stage Left
09/19/03 - CC 211: In Stereoooooohhhh
09/19/03 - CC 211: Return of Cindy the Weather Dog
09/12/03 - The Prince and the Papparazo
09/12/03 - Pb 20
09/10/03 - CC 209: Razing the Borrowed
09/09/03 - CC 209: He said, cliched
09/08/03 - CC 209: JLo Blow
09/08/03 - CC 209: Matt, Rest in Peace
09/06/03 - CC 209: Detective Fun Pack Comix
09/02/03 - A Connecticut Yankee in MacArthurs Corps
09/02/03 - One Year After Nineteen-No-Nothing
09/02/03 - CC 208: Casey at the Bot
09/02/03 - CC 208: The Farmie Paradox
09/02/03 - CC 208: This is gonna hurt me a lot more than it'll hurt you
09/02/03 - CC 208: Why we shouldn't send very old people back in time
08/29/03 - CC 207: Marmadoom
08/28/03 - The B.C. Comic You'll NEVER See
08/28/03 - Eyebeam 3
08/28/03 - Eyebeam 2
08/28/03 - Eyebeam 1
08/27/03 - CC 207: Soaps Gone Bad
08/27/03 - CC 207: Red Meat goes really bad
08/27/03 - The Lesser Evil
08/26/03 - The Boys of Slaughter
08/26/03 - The Devil is in the Details
08/25/03 - CC 206: Paging Mr. Checker!
08/24/03 - Congratulations
08/24/03 - Happy Spring!
08/24/03 - CC 206: Birthday
08/20/03 - Film and Theatre Styles (1)
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/19/03 - The Playwright Apologizes (and so do I)
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untittled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/13/03 - CC X: Out To Launch
08/12/03 - Not For Long
08/12/03 - CC 204: Evolution of a Blockbuster
08/12/03 - CC 204: Why they never accomplish anything
08/11/03 - What is where is this all leading to?
08/11/03 - What has six legs and a pair of antennas?
08/11/03 - What is the name of the second baseman?
08/11/03 - What is the title of this comic?
08/08/03 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
08/06/03 - Monday Morning Blues
08/06/03 - CC 203: Mid-Atlantic Summer of 2003 in review
08/06/03 - The Adventures of Ricky Retardo
07/30/03 - I'll Never See Obese a Burden
07/30/03 - The Artist (2)
07/30/03 - The Artist (1)
07/30/03 - CC 201: London Broil
07/29/03 - CC 201: A Space Symphony
07/27/03 - Calendar (12)
07/27/03 - Calendar (11)
07/27/03 - Cslendar (10)
07/27/03 - Calendar (9)
07/27/03 - Calendar (8)
07/27/03 - Calendar (7)
07/27/03 - Calendar (6)
07/27/03 - Calendar (5)
07/27/03 - Calendar (4)
07/27/03 - Calendar (3)
07/27/03 - Calendar (2)
07/27/03 - Calendar (1)
07/26/03 - August 2 in Australia
07/25/03 - Is Chuck Jones now in command?
07/25/03 - One Night in a Pumpkin Patch: Take 1
07/24/03 - CC 199: And He Cleans His Sink Once Every 76 Years
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [5]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [4]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [3]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [2]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [1]
07/23/03 - Meanwhile at Bernie's Pawn Shop ...
07/23/03 - In Search of the Elusive Fourth Wall
07/21/03 - Haiku to you too
07/18/03 - Count on it!
07/17/03 - Apologies if I couldn't shoehorn you in
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (4)
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (3)
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (2)
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (1)
07/14/03 - If stripcreator didn't exist, this could never happen
07/14/03 - YACHeM
07/14/03 - CC 197: When the domain names become available again
07/13/03 - There are some things money can't buy.
07/13/03 - Never ride It's A Small World maxed out on meth and PCP
07/12/03 - Just Those Goofy Statues
07/11/03 - CC 196 Four De Trance
07/10/03 - Director's Cut
07/10/03 - Ask us about our vows of silence
07/10/03 - Meteor!
07/10/03 - Yielding to Temptation
07/09/03 - Obscurely Abridged Shakespeare
07/09/03 - Rock-bottom discount cruise
07/09/03 - More Abridged Shakespeare!
07/09/03 - The British Champion concentrates on his move
07/07/03 - CC 196: Flushed with Embarassment
06/26/03 - CC 194 (2 days late)
06/24/03 - CC 194: Spoiler Warning
06/24/03 - CC 194: Idol Hands
06/21/03 - A Bad Slice
06/20/03 - No, they're not at all random.
06/16/03 - Let me put it in terms Andy would understand
06/14/03 - CC 192: Capital Punishment
06/04/03 - CC 190: Cross Doubt
06/01/03 - Earning a Devil Raise
05/31/03 - An Exciting Announcement
05/31/03 - CC 190: A Gnir Management
05/29/03 - Another Day in Ancient Rome
05/28/03 - CC 189: The Assassination of Caesar
05/27/03 - January 6, 2001
05/27/03 - CC 189: The Rest of the Story
05/22/03 - Split Decision
05/22/03 - Episode IV: A New Dope
05/22/03 - Vacuum-Packed
05/22/03 - Rocket To Me
05/22/03 - The Human Race
05/20/03 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Abducted By Aliens (part 2)
05/20/03 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Abducted by Aliens (Part 1)
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act V
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act IV
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act I
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act III
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act II
05/17/03 - William I
05/12/03 - Emotional Rescue
05/12/03 - X Spots the Marks
05/12/03 - Now They Need a Place to Hide Away
05/12/03 - So They Reunited: Poetic License!
05/12/03 - CC 186: Catching a Few X's
05/06/03 - Epiclog
05/06/03 - The Plumber Never Rings Twice
05/06/03 - Germs of Endearment
05/06/03 - This is the Tidal of This Comic
05/05/03 - Sorry, Wrong Plumber
05/03/03 - Due to extended deadline and buttonmen down ...
05/01/03 - The Scottish Plumber
04/30/03 - More Scenes from a Cat
04/29/03 - Scenes from a Cat
04/26/03 - When She Was Bad She Was Horrid
04/26/03 - CC 183: Irresistable Urge
04/25/03 - CC 183: On the set of James Cameron's TITANIC
04/25/03 - CC 183: Conditioned Response
04/23/03 - The Big Finish!
04/22/03 - One day in the (c)old west
04/21/03 - Feed the Boards
04/17/03 - Contein
04/16/03 - All A Board!
04/15/03 - The Stripcreator Board Game
04/15/03 - I Owe You Three
04/14/03 - CC 181: Oh, I see you've got one already.
04/14/03 - CC 181: Some Assembly Required
04/09/03 - Dial C for Contest
04/08/03 - How I Got My "Accessory"
04/07/03 - My Worst Nightmare
04/03/03 - Same as it Ever Was
04/02/03 - Not if she paints her sockets black
04/02/03 - CC 179: In Solitary Confinement
03/31/03 - CC 179: No Direction Home
03/31/03 - CC 179: Wyoming at Night
03/30/03 - CC 179: Stacy the Radical Feminist
03/29/03 - Serial Comic 8, Expos 3
03/28/03 - Hindus and Dont's
03/26/03 - Community Chest
03/24/03 - CC 177: Fucklestilskin
03/22/03 - More Reality TV
03/22/03 - CC 178: More Scarlet Letters
03/21/03 - 1984
03/20/03 - Beckett To Me!
03/19/03 - The Princess Bride
03/19/03 - Kernighan & Plauger: The Elements of Programming Style
03/18/03 - Two Soles in Communion
03/16/03 - Fight Club of Toronto
03/15/03 - Department of Haiku Security
03/14/03 - CC 176: Close-Captioned for the Herring-Impaired
03/14/03 - Commie Contest 175
03/07/03 - CC 174: 3 x 0 = ?
03/07/03 - Next Time We Bring Prunes
03/07/03 - CC 174: Yow!
03/07/03 - CC 174: The Best Policy
03/06/03 - A Message from the President (Buy Brain Brillo)
03/03/03 - CC 173: Cereal Killer
03/02/03 - That Beer Commercial: Unabridged
03/01/03 - Somewhere over a gangster hideout
02/28/03 - CC 173: Halloween
02/28/03 - Picture Yourself in CC 173
02/25/03 - Tag!
02/24/03 - YMtC1: As a Matter of Coarse
02/24/03 - Some Assembly Required
02/24/03 - CC 172: Big MaKK Attack
02/22/03 - CC 172: O BANada!
02/22/03 - CC 172: A Day in a Bug's Life
02/21/03 - Goedel, Wisher, Bach
02/19/03 - Peter Frampton's Career in Three Panels
02/19/03 - CC 171: Shrink Rap
02/18/03 - The Devil is in the Details
02/18/03 - Be Careful What You Ask For
02/18/03 - Last Week in Washington
02/17/03 - Roger and the Genie
02/16/03 - Buffy the Volcano Slayer
02/13/03 - CC 170: Genesplice
02/13/03 - Recycling old jokes since 1973 ...
02/13/03 - CC 170: And North Korea has our Post-Its
02/13/03 - CC 170: The Staplers Only Club
02/11/03 - CC 169: Employment Advice
02/10/03 - CC 169: Science Mission
02/08/03 - CC 169: Searching for Bobby Liquor
02/08/03 - Why there are so few drunk drivers in Stripcreatorland
02/04/03 - Life, The Universe and Everything
02/04/03 - Sfvojpo
02/04/03 - A Greeting to Arms
02/04/03 - Punslinger
02/03/03 - Scenes From a Reunion
02/03/03 - Cowboy Senior Moment
02/03/03 - CC 168: Prop-aganda
02/02/03 - I am a colossal old fart
02/02/03 - CC 168: The More Things Change
01/31/03 - CC 167: Follow the red-splattered road
01/31/03 - In This Corny!
01/31/03 - Misadventures of a Perch-Up Comic
01/30/03 - Untitled
01/29/03 - Some People Just Can't Tell a Joke
01/29/03 - The Druid of Sno-Conehenge
01/29/03 - The Druid of Stallonehenge
01/29/03 - Constructive Criticism
01/28/03 - CC 167: Language Lessons
01/28/03 - The Druid of Sierra Leonehenge
01/28/03 - Kids, Don't Try This at Home!
01/27/03 - Party Animals
01/27/03 - David Owwwwie!
01/27/03 - CC 167: Who's on Call?
01/27/03 - Passing Calculus
01/27/03 - Captain Obvious' Final Swim
01/23/03 - Me Too!
01/23/03 - CC 166: To Tell the Truth
01/22/03 - CC 166: The Return of the King
01/22/03 - CC 166: Lies, Damn Lies, and Sadistics
01/22/03 - A Fable
01/21/03 - a/s/l?
01/21/03 - CC 166: A Wholly Original Comic
01/21/03 - My Bonnie
01/17/03 - And if you haven't already, read them
01/16/03 - (10)
01/16/03 - (9)
01/16/03 - (8)
01/16/03 - (7)
01/16/03 - (6)
01/16/03 - (5)
01/16/03 - (4)
01/16/03 - (3)
01/16/03 - (2)
01/16/03 - Apologies to the Good Doctor (1)
01/15/03 - CC 165: Rap on Wood
01/15/03 - CC 165: If Benjamin Franklin Were Alive Today
01/15/03 - CC 165: The Cock Crowes
01/11/03 - Gabe Billings: Now Available in Triphonic!
01/10/03 - Money Shot
01/10/03 - Peanuts Goes to College
01/10/03 - F.S.U.
01/10/03 - Would you believe "Morris?"
01/10/03 - CC 164: Return to Santa
01/10/03 - Rush Job
01/09/03 - CC 164: Hops, Skip and Jump
01/09/03 - When a man loves a woman and that woman is himself ...
01/09/03 - More Skydiving 101
01/09/03 - Skydiving 101
01/09/03 - Dropping the Course
01/09/03 - CC 164: Matriculater
01/08/03 - Say it with Flowers
01/08/03 - A New Angle
01/07/03 - Alternate Tolkien
01/05/03 - Biblio Tech
01/04/03 - Mikey ate it!
01/02/03 - Show, Replace and Wince
12/31/02 - First Lame Pun of the Year
12/31/02 - Martha Quinn, Medicine Woman
12/31/02 - And Then She Said, "It's Time for Ed"
12/31/02 - Clarence and Anita: The Early Years
12/31/02 - Haven't You Ever Attached a Generator to Your Plow?
12/30/02 - CC 162: But What About the Hairy Palms?
12/30/02 - CC 162: A View to a Bondbarella
12/30/02 - CC 162: Part 1 of 33
12/27/02 - The Great Race
12/26/02 - PC-Man Takes on the World
12/24/02 - Lara Rescues a Genie
12/23/02 - CC 161: Thou Shalt Not The Hustle
12/21/02 - No Hell
12/20/02 - CC 161: Raiders of the Lost Lunch
12/20/02 - Hatfield vs. McCoy
12/20/02 - Dance of Death 3
12/20/02 - Dance of Death 2
12/20/02 - CC 161: Dance of Death
12/19/02 - CC 161: Robin Seeks to Lose His Virginity
12/17/02 - Karpov Tunnel Syndrome
12/17/02 - CC 160: The Shaggy Spaceship
12/16/02 - It's my Party
12/13/02 - Cell-Out
12/13/02 - Hallmark Proudly Presents "An Arkham Christmas"
12/12/02 - A Stripcreator Christmas Story
12/12/02 - Burnt to a Kris
12/12/02 - Carol visits Shangri-La
12/12/02 - Meanwhile on Mars ...
12/09/02 - Cow Chips
12/09/02 - Cash Cow
12/09/02 - Cash Call
12/07/02 - A Zip In Time
12/06/02 - Winona Ryder Visits Stripcreator
12/06/02 - A Zip in Time
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 4)
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 3)
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 2)
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 1)
11/26/02 - The Big Finish!
11/26/02 - For a Few Tens of Thousands of Dollars More
11/26/02 - The Unkindest Cut
11/26/02 - A Pawn'll Pox Your House
11/26/02 - Three Martini Lunch
11/26/02 - Dammit, Janitor!
11/22/02 - Hitler at the Circus
11/22/02 - Jason's first and last day as a dental hygenist
11/22/02 - Die Another Day in 3 panels
11/21/02 - Michael Jackson's Romeo and Juliet: The Balcony Scene
11/21/02 - Nope, No Sprite Words Here!
11/19/02 - CC 154: Loser and Still Champ!
11/18/02 - CC 154: Dinosaur Bureaucrats
11/18/02 - Dubya's Game
11/17/02 - One day at the pinball arcade
11/17/02 - Super Marijuana Brothers (High Score)
11/15/02 - Highlights from this season's hottest video games #1
11/15/02 - CC 154: At the hospital cafeteria
11/13/02 - The Extreme Minimalist CC153 Entry
11/12/02 - Punderdog (5)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (4)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (3)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (2)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (1)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (.5)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (0)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (-1)
11/11/02 - CC 153: Hole Freezes Over
11/10/02 - Pulp Confection
11/07/02 - Days of Our Lives
11/07/02 - For Losers
11/07/02 - Snkkt in the Grass
11/07/02 - Still Some Bugs in the System
11/05/02 - Mine's Bigger than Yours Is!
11/05/02 - Eleciton Day
11/04/02 - Guess Who Else is Moving?
11/02/02 - When the Shit Hits the Van
11/02/02 - The Tenant
11/01/02 - The Obvious Icrebreaker
10/31/02 - Comic Strip
10/31/02 - Based loosely on a Hemingway book
10/28/02 - Other than that, Mrs. Lincolnova ...
10/28/02 - Looney Tunes Physics II
10/28/02 - What They Don't Want You to Know
10/28/02 - The Close Encounters Mashed Potatoes were also Fake
10/28/02 - Freshman Follies
10/28/02 - Overhead View: A Busy Day on Roadkill Blvd.
10/24/02 - From the files of Max Canon
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 6
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 5
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 4
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 3
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 2
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 1
10/23/02 - From the Book of Puns
10/23/02 - OFDitHL: The Namgubed's Cut
10/22/02 - One Fine Day in the Holy Land
10/22/02 - The Feminist Bible
10/22/02 - Ne'er Do Whale
10/22/02 - Angels Out in the Field
10/22/02 - But Jesus Made Them Bury It
10/21/02 - One Day in the Firmament (when they were younger)
10/21/02 - The Burning Bush
10/21/02 - Think of it as Evolution Inaction
10/17/02 - Profiles n+I
10/17/02 - Profiles ]V
10/17/02 - Mary the Mirage at the mall
10/17/02 - July, 1969: Bill the Oasis goes on vacation
10/17/02 - Claudia the Cactus and Mary the Mirage
10/17/02 - Bill the Oasis in "Fool me Once, Shame on You"
10/17/02 - Mary the Mirage
10/17/02 - I need this like I need a hole in my head!
10/13/02 - Puzzle Missing Many Pieces
10/12/02 - Dozens Killed in Bali Blast
10/12/02 - War Planners Ordered to Gulf
10/12/02 - Dragnet Shuts Down I-95
10/11/02 - Fear Comes to Pr. William (Wash. Post, Oct. 11)
10/11/02 - Invasive D.C. Police Searches Alleged
10/10/02 - Study Sees Cancer Survival in a More Optimistic Light
10/10/02 - CC 146: Dysfunctional Cowboys
10/10/02 - Belated CC 144: The Obvious
10/09/02 - Paging Doctor Shakespeare ...
10/09/02 - Bill the Oasis
10/08/02 - CC 146: Schroedenger ne sait pas si c'est une entrée
10/08/02 - At the party (If I were BeNN_MaKK)
10/08/02 - Thirsty Beatnik Cameo
10/08/02 - Phone Phun
10/08/02 - Knock, Knock
10/08/02 - Smoke too much
10/07/02 - CC 146: Relay Race
10/07/02 - 50s Film Strip
10/05/02 - Maybe next time they'll ask the women
10/04/02 - Movies Rewritten for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10/04/02 - CC 145: The real reason they're gone
10/04/02 - See if I can get this in before DexX reads through.
10/03/02 - How to keep DexX from Leaving
10/02/02 - Satan Place 6: Eternal Damnation
10/02/02 - Satan Place 5: Crime and Punishment
10/02/02 - Satan Place 4: Ask Not For Whome the Bell Crowes
10/02/02 - Satan Place 3: A Warm Reception
10/02/02 - Satan Place 2: The Flight
10/02/02 - Satan Place 1: The Call
10/01/02 - What? You thought they grew on trees?
10/01/02 - Fred the Fish's Unhappy Vacation to the South Pacific
10/01/02 - Why Jesus and Maura went Digital
09/30/02 - Based on a Bazooka Joe Comic
09/30/02 - Beware Impastas
09/30/02 - H2O, not Zero
09/30/02 - CC 144: The Bangor Sisters?
09/30/02 - CC 144:Aye-Ayes Wide Shut
09/28/02 - Next?
09/28/02 - Who's
09/28/02 - CC 143: Good Pedantry
09/28/02 - Raising the Steaks
09/27/02 - Shaft
09/27/02 - Purrfect.
09/27/02 - Second Story
09/27/02 - Two Asian Girls Going Down
09/27/02 - WW Top
09/26/02 - Flatulacity
09/26/02 - CC 143: Frankie Goes to Hamletland
09/26/02 - How Does it Feel?
09/25/02 - This Strip is Just Three Frames Long
09/24/02 - The C&W version of Revolution 9
09/24/02 - Lagos my Nest Eggo
09/24/02 - But wait, there's more!
09/24/02 - Scrambled Huevos
09/23/02 - The Anti-Kaufman takes on Kip Adotta
09/23/02 - Retrospective part 3
09/23/02 - Retrospective part 2
09/23/02 - CC 143: Retrospective
09/23/02 - Nobody's Default but Mine
09/23/02 - CC 143: Garfunkeled
09/23/02 - Sung to the Tune of Do Re Mi
09/23/02 - The Sound of Stripcreator
09/23/02 - You'd Think it was a Toyota Fore-runner
09/23/02 - Lather, Rinse, Repeat
09/22/02 - Sub Snub
09/21/02 - The Continuing Adventures of Butch the Hungarian
09/20/02 - Ask Jesus
09/18/02 - CC 142: Tribute to DexX
09/17/02 - One Toke Over the Lime
09/17/02 - Six Logicians
09/17/02 - New Episode: The Sopranos
09/17/02 - CC 142: Eqwhine
09/16/02 - CC 142 Skiit Shooting?
09/16/02 - CC 142: Vienna Coop
09/15/02 - It's a Wonderful Life in 3 Panels
09/15/02 - Figure and Grandma
09/15/02 - Epilogue: Figure and Ground
09/13/02 - Zevon: Trapped Singer
09/12/02 - Waiting for Obi #2
09/11/02 - This is Spinal Tap's Tribute
09/11/02 - Waiting for Obi
09/09/02 - Thoughtcrime
09/07/02 - J-Park
09/06/02 - Sequels? We don't need no steenkin' sequels!
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[74]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[72]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[70]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[68]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[66]
09/05/02 - Bipolarity[64]
09/05/02 - Bipolarity[62]
09/05/02 - Intrusion 2: The Quickening
09/04/02 - Prick
09/03/02 - But if you're going to make me write a future ...
09/03/02 - Bringing us up to
09/03/02 - Joker's Wild
09/03/02 - Collosal Freak
09/03/02 - You Can't Handle the Truth!
09/03/02 - Sliding Doors
09/03/02 - CC 141: Soothnaysayer
08/31/02 - CC 140: Survivor
08/30/02 - Skeeting on Thin Ice
08/29/02 - CC 140: CC 140
08/28/02 - CCOHF: YAEE
08/28/02 - In Memory of Emily Lattella
08/28/02 - Bipolarity [60]
08/27/02 - The sequels to "Being John Malkovich" weren't nearly so good
08/26/02 - No Human Nap Soda (part 2)
08/26/02 - No Human Nap Soda (part 1)
08/26/02 - CC 139: Bed Sores
08/26/02 - Jaws: The Sequel
08/26/02 - Cowboy Psychiatry
08/25/02 - CC 139: Ask Dr. Kaufman
08/25/02 - CC 139: Biplanean Rhapsody
08/25/02 - CC 139: Make sure they're accredited!
08/21/02 - Real Cowboy Physics
08/20/02 - Already 45 Minutes Late
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 8
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 7
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 6
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 5
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 4
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 3
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 2
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome
08/19/02 - Through the Ages
08/19/02 - CC 138: Captain's Monologue
08/17/02 - CC 137: Pirates of the Monongahela
08/17/02 - Two Bits!
08/16/02 - Book Report
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[58]
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[56]
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[54]
08/15/02 - Special Pirate Edition: Believe Me or Bite Me
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[52]
08/15/02 - Interlude from the other side
08/15/02 - Pieces of 8-Track
08/15/02 - CC 137: Pollyglot
08/14/02 - Biography
08/14/02 - History Class
08/14/02 - Dylbert
08/14/02 - Bloeing in the Windows
08/13/02 - Bipolarity[50]
08/13/02 - Bipolarity[48]
08/13/02 - Still Power-Crazy After All These Years
08/13/02 - Serial Comic 7.9: No runs, no hits, no eras
08/12/02 - CC 10001000: What's Causing that Racket?
08/12/02 - CC 10001000: Games Machines Play
08/12/02 - Tomorrow's News Today
08/12/02 - CC 0x88: Windowpain
08/12/02 - Robocon
08/11/02 - CC 10001000BIJ0: AWOL, Y'all
08/11/02 - Bipolarity[46]
08/11/02 - CC 136: At the Circus
08/10/02 - The Two Drexles
08/09/02 - And then there were two
08/09/02 - Cartoon Rebus with Answer.
08/09/02 - And now the foreskin looks like Tweety.
08/08/02 - Outside the Tower
08/07/02 - Bipolarity[44]
08/07/02 - Approaching Deadline: Penthouse Offices
08/07/02 - Ursine of the Apocalypse
08/07/02 - Bipolarity[42]
08/07/02 - Bipolarity[40]
08/07/02 - CC 135: To Baldly Go
08/06/02 - One Day in the Garden of Eden
08/05/02 - Listen Till It Hertz
08/04/02 - CC 135: Cal Cut a Class
08/04/02 - CC 135: Give it Arrest
08/02/02 - The film "Signs" as told in three panels
08/02/02 - What? Nobody's done Cowboy Dieters yet?
08/01/02 - Fear not, Brad; I inserted those backslashes myself
08/01/02 - CC 134: Driving Under the Affluence
07/30/02 - Final Exam at the KSCS
07/30/02 - The Collector
07/30/02 - Necromancer's Bane
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (5)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (4)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (3)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (2)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation
07/29/02 - Bipolarity[38]
07/29/02 - Bipolarity[36]
07/29/02 - CC 134: Low Humor
07/28/02 - Untitled
07/25/02 - CC 133: Now you know why he invented the floating ball
07/20/02 - Misting Frequencies Open
07/19/02 - CC 132: Another Brick in the Wall
07/18/02 - Bipolarity[34]
07/17/02 - Cowboy Combustion
07/17/02 - Kaufman never spontaneously combusts without a reason.
07/17/02 - Bipolarity[32]
07/17/02 - Bipolarity[30]
07/17/02 - Bipolarity[28]
07/17/02 - A Long Time Ago at a Bris Far Away...
07/16/02 - Bipolarity[26]
07/16/02 - Bipolarity[24]
07/16/02 - More Fun with Rule 1
07/16/02 - It's not the heat, it's the stupidity
07/16/02 - Bipolarity[22]
07/15/02 - Bipolarity[20]
07/15/02 - Bipolarity[18]
07/15/02 - I really should have posted this one before evil_d did his
07/14/02 - Octopermy
07/14/02 - Blackmail
07/13/02 - At the big game ...
07/11/02 - Bipolarity[16]
07/11/02 - Cliff's Notes: "A Farewell to Arms"
07/11/02 - Nightmare at 35,000 feet
07/11/02 - The right to bare arms
07/11/02 - Bipolarity[14]
07/11/02 - Third time's a charm
07/11/02 - CC 130: Jurassic Perk
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[12]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[10]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[8]
07/10/02 - Bipolar[6]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[4]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[2]
07/10/02 - 65 Million Years Ago
07/09/02 - The Suicide Scot
07/09/02 - Worst thing to say at a bris
07/09/02 - We come not to praise Cesar ...
07/09/02 - Stairway to Heaven, Ladder to Hell
07/09/02 - Circular Reasoning
07/09/02 - Heist Makes Weist
07/09/02 - Issue 1
07/09/02 - Freezy Riders
07/09/02 - CC 130: No room for Cowboys
07/08/02 - Evolution
07/05/02 - Father of our pun tree
07/05/02 - Meet the New Boss!
07/05/02 - Stompy, Stompy, Five Dollah!
07/05/02 - ... And Your Little Cat Too.
07/05/02 - The W Files
07/05/02 - Newbie Roundup
07/05/02 - Go West, Young Man
07/04/02 - Beam Me Up!
07/03/02 - Pac Man: The Graphic Novel
07/03/02 - Child Stars: Where are they now?
07/03/02 - Stripcreator Viagra
07/03/02 - CC 128: God Help Us in the Remake
07/02/02 - CC 128: Southeaster
07/02/02 - CC 128: But No Grey Poupon!
07/02/02 - CC 128: The Cavities of Steel
07/01/02 - CC 128: By popular demand
07/01/02 - CC 128: A question that has never been asked
07/01/02 - Bachelor Party
06/30/02 - CC 128: Those are not the Spice Girls!
06/29/02 - CC 128: Wehn a Man Rites a Poum
06/28/02 - CC 127: Splashdown
06/27/02 - A word from our sponsor
06/26/02 - Reality Bytes
06/26/02 - Kajun Physics
06/25/02 - 2:45 AM at a Nearby Hotel
06/25/02 - CC 127: Non-Traditional Marriage
06/25/02 - CC 127: Cassinis from a Marriage
06/25/02 - Apocalypse Soon
06/24/02 - Be the first one on your block to own the SC Chess Set
06/24/02 - Tomorrow Never Mohs
06/23/02 - Death Race 2001
06/23/02 - The Adventures of Uberbondagewussman
06/21/02 - A night Out with the Priest Scouts
06/19/02 - Shatner Physics (part 1)
06/19/02 - Loafers and Fishes
06/18/02 - Cogito Ergo Pun
06/18/02 - Equal Time (5)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (4)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (3)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (2)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (1)
06/18/02 - CC 126: Self-fulfilling Prophecy
06/17/02 - Ripple
06/17/02 - Ripples
06/16/02 - CC 125: You Wake Daddy Game_Master at 5:15 AM
06/15/02 - Mostly Painless
06/15/02 - CC 125
06/15/02 - Cowboy Phathers
06/14/02 - Where There's Smoke, There's Firefly
06/13/02 - Air Guitarist
06/13/02 - Voices Carry
06/13/02 - Cash Cache
06/12/02 - Geek Fraternity!
06/11/02 - CC 123: The Gift of the Magi
06/10/02 - CC 123: Let's all Sing the Happy Song!
06/10/02 - CC 123: Let's all Sing the Happy Song!
06/09/02 - CCIX #1: A Day in the Afterlife
06/08/02 - CC 123: Final Assembly
06/07/02 - CC 123: Mohsury loves company
06/05/02 - The Brad of Avon
06/05/02 - It's All Daily News to me!
06/04/02 - CC 122: Airstripcreator
06/03/02 - Wehn You Wish Upon a Star
06/03/02 - stupid gay people.
06/03/02 - Turkey-Brazil
05/31/02 - My Edible Television
05/31/02 - Happy World Cup!
05/30/02 - (10)
05/30/02 - (9)
05/30/02 - (8)
05/30/02 - (7)
05/30/02 - (6)
05/30/02 - (5)
05/30/02 - (4)
05/30/02 - (3)
05/30/02 - (2)
05/30/02 - Hold My Kitty's First Music Video (1)
05/29/02 - Amateur hour at Hell's Comedy Improv Club
05/29/02 - Jesus really IS our all-mighty lord and savior!
05/29/02 - Once upon a time in the west
05/29/02 - Stump-ed is as Stump-ed Does
05/28/02 - A day in the afterlife
05/28/02 - fYte punch kick!
05/28/02 - Mr Haven und die Hölle
05/28/02 - Flore's Lesbo Adventure Part I
05/28/02 - Lilacs from Hell.
05/26/02 - Dhaka the Halal with Bombs of Folly
05/25/02 - From each according to his knead.
05/24/02 - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man at the Office
05/24/02 - I'll-Have-Whatever-ObiJo-Was-Having-Last-Night-Man
05/24/02 - Special Delivery
05/23/02 - CC 120: The Mall, the Merrier
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/21/02 - Woman of La Munchie
05/21/02 - Mail Answer Syndrome
05/09/02 - The End
05/09/02 - Crater and Destroyer
05/09/02 - Some Men, a Goat, A Plan: Alpataoganememos!
05/09/02 - Some Men, a Plan, a Goat. Aoganalpanememos!
05/09/02 - Apocalypse Now?
05/09/02 - A Shocking Revelation
05/09/02 - Background Check
05/09/02 - Come Hell or High Water
05/07/02 - 200 CXIX: Episode 2.71828...
05/07/02 - 200 CXIX: Episode 1000
05/07/02 - 200 CXIX: Episode 1001
05/06/02 - CC 118: Dannihilation
05/03/02 - For the Want of an Unladen Swallow
05/03/02 - CC 118: So Sioux Me!
05/03/02 - CC 118: Irrefutable
05/03/02 - All the World's a Stooge
05/02/02 - Czar Wars
05/01/02 - Pop-Tartans
05/01/02 - A Strip I Will Post When I'm Sick of a Conversation
05/01/02 - Superman
04/30/02 - It's not an Adventure
04/30/02 - Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
04/30/02 - Confederate Pyromaniacs
04/29/02 - 24 Better or Worse
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #11
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #11
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #10
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #9
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #8
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #7
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #6
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #5
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #4
04/28/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #3
04/28/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #2
04/28/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #1
04/26/02 - Double Treble, Doyle and Trouble
04/26/02 - Changes in Atti2de, Changes in Plati2de
04/25/02 - The Never-Ending Battle Against the Politically Incorrect
04/25/02 - CC 116: How World War III Started
04/25/02 - CC 116: How World War III Started
04/25/02 - CC 116: Rhyme & Reason
04/24/02 - CC 116: I Am Iraq!
04/24/02 - Morale Booster
04/24/02 - The Live Ones, on the Other Hand ...
04/24/02 - CC 115: Unclear on the Concept
04/23/02 - CC 115: A Suspicious Mind Investigates
04/22/02 - CC 115: The Return of the Kings
04/22/02 - TTCC Final: His obscure funeral, his means of death
04/17/02 - Working Title: N9ne
04/16/02 - CC 114: Blazing Saddles
04/16/02 - CC 114: Raiders of the Lost Ark
04/16/02 - CC 114: Braveheart
04/16/02 - CC 114: Bull Durham
04/16/02 - CC 114: Jolly Holiday
04/16/02 - And I don't even live in Kentucky
04/15/02 - House-hunting
04/12/02 - Star Trek: "The Enemy Within" in 3 panels
04/12/02 - The Further Adventures of Tom Swift, Boy Genius
04/12/02 - Apologies to Ogden Nash
04/12/02 - 21-step Program
04/12/02 - CC 113: Eternal Ishment
04/11/02 - CC113: First Church of Christ, Scientologist
04/11/02 - Number 20: The Larch.
04/11/02 - TTCC: Painful Memories
04/11/02 - TTCoE: Somewhere over the Atlantic
04/11/02 - Far Side Rocks
04/11/02 - Go Ask Alice When She's 200 Feet Tall
04/11/02 - Oy, Vegas!
04/11/02 - Tobid on Tobor
04/11/02 - History's First Recorded Computer Geek
04/10/02 - Let's Make a Date!
04/10/02 - Get out of Jael Free
04/10/02 - Six-Pack
04/10/02 - Fuzzenstein
04/09/02 - Episode 14; In Which The Plot Advances; Like a Big Glacier
04/09/02 - Curses, Foaled Again!
04/08/02 - Counteroffensive!
04/08/02 - The Play's Thirteen
04/08/02 - PROPS: The Musical
04/07/02 - Asses to Ashes!!!11!!
04/07/02 - Tension Released
04/07/02 - CC 112: Did Anyone Bring Marshmallows?
04/06/02 - Who's Nuts?
04/06/02 - 8 Christmas Carol
04/06/02 - Super Britainman vs. Tiny Origami Girl
04/06/02 - CC 112: Revolver
04/05/02 - 7
04/05/02 - Comic Comic #6, though he looks more like a size 4 than a 6
04/05/02 - 5 Onion Rings!
04/05/02 - 4 Services Rendered
04/05/02 - Comic Contest #3surrection
04/05/02 - Comic Contest #2 from Outer Space (raising the dead)
04/05/02 - Comic Contest #1 spews a new beginning
04/04/02 - Unguearly
04/04/02 - Don't you hate when this happens?
04/04/02 - CC 111: Accept No Substitutes
04/03/02 - CC 111: Tolkein 'Bout My Generation
04/02/02 - CC 111: It Is Not Gold
04/02/02 - CC 111: Daddy's Boy
04/02/02 - Summer Blockbuster
04/02/02 - Just kidding!
04/01/02 - A Visit by Peter, Paul and Mary
04/01/02 - Happy, Happy!
03/30/02 - CC 110: Bridge Over Doubled Twatters
03/29/02 - I Never Metamorphosis I Didn't Like
03/29/02 - Print and cut out this comic, then tape the ends together.
03/29/02 - CC 110: Use your imagination
03/28/02 - CC 110: Penny Wise, Pound Fuelish
03/28/02 - Tobor at Play
03/27/02 - CC 109: Slow Pygmies
03/27/02 - Frank, the Evil Smiling Waiter (K1)
03/27/02 - Don't you hate when that happens?
03/27/02 - Generic James Bond Movie in Three Panels
03/27/02 - Look out! Here come the elephants!
03/27/02 - Mean Mr. MSTard
03/26/02 - CC 109: The Artist Formerly Known As ...
03/26/02 - Dipostantepenultimate Words
03/25/02 - CC 109: Quarts Watch
03/25/02 - The 700 Club
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #4
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #3.
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #2
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #1
03/23/02 - Doomsday Clock
03/21/02 - Castaway
03/20/02 - CC 107: Shitcom
03/19/02 - Polly Wanna Crocker?
03/19/02 - The Sign of Isces
03/19/02 - CC 107: Buried, with Children
03/18/02 - Bill Monohan, Avian Proctologist
03/18/02 - Vows of Silence
03/18/02 - Vows of Silence
03/18/02 - Medusa's Wild (the other one was just a pilot)
03/18/02 - CC 107: Medusa's Wild
03/18/02 - CC 107: The Substitute
03/18/02 - CC 107: Spammer and Son
03/15/02 - The Fish
03/14/02 - Siberian Khatru
03/14/02 - The Clap
03/14/02 - CC 106: Perpetual Change
03/14/02 - CC 106: Heart of the Sunrise
03/14/02 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Akbar and Jeff
03/14/02 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Physicists
03/14/02 - Godzilla Meets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
03/13/02 - Rosencranatz and Guildenstern are Pining for the Fjords
03/13/02 - The Hamlet Gang 15 Years Ago
03/13/02 - Public Service Announcement (inspired by skagg)
03/13/02 - Jimmy Hoffa (Part 2)
03/13/02 - Jimmy Hoffa (part 1)
03/12/02 - An old gag revisited
03/10/02 - Birth of Dr. Pedantic
03/08/02 - Buy Request
03/08/02 - Hats off to Kramer
03/07/02 - Checkmate!
03/07/02 - When Edward Feetforears Hutton talks, do you listen?
03/07/02 - How many wishes did that cost?
03/07/02 - The End
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #7
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #6
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #4
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #5
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #3
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #2
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #1
03/06/02 - Dick 54/\\/\/|\|
03/06/02 - CC 104: As seen at a recent Flyers-Rangers game
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn : The Final Frontier
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn
03/05/02 - Zen and Now
03/04/02 - Missed it by that much!
03/04/02 - CC 103: The Struggling Artist
03/04/02 - CC 103: Dummy Reversal
03/03/02 - CC 103: People Unclear on the Concept
03/02/02 - The Truth Emerges
03/01/02 - Behind the Music
03/01/02 - Civil Defense
02/28/02 - The Comic Contest (apologies to William Goldman)
02/28/02 - Rocky Horror in 3 Panels
02/27/02 - One Night in the 17th Century
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers #4
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers #3
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers #2
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers
02/26/02 - A Certified Not-So-Funny Comic
02/26/02 - As seen on the evening news
02/25/02 - Reverend Spooner's first and last visit to Mitchell, SD
02/24/02 - Tales from the dark side
02/20/02 - Hoping for a hung jury ...
02/20/02 - Exeunt
02/20/02 - The End (Part 2)
02/20/02 - The End (Part 1)
02/20/02 - Johnny Cochrane wishes he thought of this
02/20/02 - WWA
02/20/02 - Nanoperm?
02/20/02 - Legal Briefs
02/20/02 - Cross-Examination
02/20/02 - Once bitten, twice shyster
02/20/02 - Liar in the Lair
02/20/02 - Chorus
02/20/02 - The sums of the clones of the hippopotamus are equal
02/20/02 - The Gathering Storm
02/20/02 - A Rose by any Other Name
02/20/02 - Prelude
02/20/02 - One day in the South Pacific
02/19/02 - Stripcreator: The Next Generation
02/19/02 - Untitled
02/18/02 - CC 100: 20 Years Down the Road
02/18/02 - Untitled
02/16/02 - Get well soon!
02/15/02 - Not too long ago, in Atlanta
02/15/02 - CC 100 (depending on the exchange rate)
02/15/02 - Cafe Press: A Winning Idea
02/15/02 - CC 100: In Today's News
02/14/02 - Reassigned
02/14/02 - Waiting
02/13/02 - A Chicken and a Goat Celebrate a Monkee's 60th Birthday
02/12/02 - Enough, Please.
02/12/02 - Flea and Bi
02/12/02 - Young Frankenstein
02/11/02 - Carl Sagan's Dorm Room: Sophomore Year
02/11/02 - A Reminder from Elmer and Bugs
02/09/02 - CC 99: Irish Drinking Song
02/09/02 - Last Call!
02/08/02 - What really happened to wirthling
02/08/02 - Fatal Affliction (with apologies to israphael)
02/07/02 - The Best-Laid Flans
02/06/02 - People are the same all over
02/05/02 - Aesop's Commentary on "Swindler's List"
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 5)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 4)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 3)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 2)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 1)
02/05/02 - CC 98: And what did he return to the video store?
02/05/02 - CC 98: Mr. Knoll-It-All
02/05/02 - I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
02/02/02 - Groundhog Day in 3 Panels
02/01/02 - CC 97: Hit Enron
02/01/02 - CC 97: Give me liberty, or give me commercials!
02/01/02 - CC 97: Great White Meat
02/01/02 - CC 97: Cowboy Sales Pitch
02/01/02 - CC 97: Moving to the Font of the Line
02/01/02 - CC 97: With Patriots Like This, Who Needs Marshall Faulk?
01/30/02 - Tokyo Fell
01/30/02 - CC 96: Over 99 Billion Wrecked
01/30/02 - Art for Art's Sake
01/30/02 - What Might Have Been
01/29/02 - CC 96: At Your Service!
01/29/02 - It looks like you need the proper ordnance.
01/29/02 - This comic has a title
01/29/02 - CC 96: Hell Hath No Flurry
01/28/02 - Did somebody say "McAfee?"
01/28/02 - Pick your porn supplier
01/28/02 - Of Moose and Men
01/28/02 - Moving House
01/25/02 - CC 95: Atack of the Cute, Furry Special Effects
01/25/02 - Star Wars II: Anakin Goes Bad
01/24/02 - A Day Late, A Dollar Short
01/23/02 - You say "potato," I say ..
01/23/02 - The Perminator
01/22/02 - Apollo 13 in 3 panels
01/22/02 - The Understudy
01/22/02 - Close Enough for Government Work
01/22/02 - Why mimes must be eradicated
01/21/02 - Brad's New Project
01/21/02 - MMDXXVH1 FANatic
01/20/02 - Serial Comic VI: Trio Grande
01/20/02 - First Rule of Surrealists Club ...
01/18/02 - CC 93: Removal of hair with a blade in Southeastern Asia
01/17/02 - Here, Dan, You Can Have This One.
01/17/02 - Alternate History: Why Woodstock Failed
01/17/02 - Lord of the Rings: An Alternate History
01/17/02 - CC 93: Purgatorio
01/17/02 - CC 93: Inferno
01/17/02 - CC 93: Paradisio
01/16/02 - CC 93: Tora Bora Whora
01/16/02 - Tribal Study
01/16/02 - CC 93: Hat Trick!
01/15/02 - Celebrity Suicide Pun Hot Line #3
01/15/02 - Celebrity Suicide Pun Hot Line
01/15/02 - Through the Ages
01/14/02 - Untitled
01/14/02 - CC 92: El Limpio Grande
01/13/02 - CC 92: Devil's Operating System
01/12/02 - The Weakest Pull
01/12/02 - You thought he was kidding.
01/11/02 - Gluttony
01/10/02 - The Seven Deadly Virtues
01/09/02 - TWS: One Over Par
01/09/02 - C C 91: Spot the Class Geek
01/08/02 - CC 91: The Abridged Adventures of Sinderella
01/08/02 - Gluttony
01/08/02 - CC 91: Sin City
01/08/02 - Envy with a splash of anger
01/07/02 - P is for Physics
01/07/02 - Really Deep Pimp
01/07/02 - Pimp and Circumstance
01/06/02 - Happy birthday stripcreator; you can zoom out now!
01/04/02 - Paired with rhyme this is a legal entry but make yours funny
01/04/02 - CC 89: Paradox!
01/03/02 - Celebrating 50K!
01/02/02 - CC 89: The Palindromeda Strain
01/02/02 - CC 89: ABBA and Costello
01/02/02 - ABBA Brainstorming Session
01/02/02 - Questions that need no answer
01/01/02 - God: "A Dog!"
01/01/02 - CC 89: Writer's Block
01/01/02 - If Gabe Had Really Proven Fermat's Last Theorem
01/01/02 - Proto Zoe and the Telemarketer
12/29/01 - CC 88: Santa Claus is Gunning Them Down
12/28/01 - CC 88: We Wish You a Memento Christmas
12/28/01 - The Unauthorized Michael Jackson Biography by fuck
12/28/01 - The Second Worst Michael Jackson Biography
12/28/01 - CC 88: Post-Holiday Press Conference
12/27/01 - The Joker
12/27/01 - Physics with Regis and Kathie Lee
12/26/01 - Pure Bunk
12/26/01 - Free Kick
12/26/01 - CC 88
12/25/01 - Cowboy Aolers
12/25/01 - CC 88: With Bows to Hollywood
12/24/01 - CC88 -- St. Nick and the Amazing Monocolor Screamcoat
12/21/01 - CC 87: Biscuit Rap
12/21/01 - Invalid Query
12/21/01 - Movies in 2.5 panels
12/20/01 - Sugar Plumb Fairy
12/20/01 - Six of one
12/19/01 - scisyhp yobwoc
12/19/01 - Why Tim Curry will win CC87
12/18/01 - CC 87: Conan the Librarian
12/17/01 - Veni Vidi Clancy
12/14/01 - CC 86: Superman hits puberty
12/14/01 - Scooby Physics
12/14/01 - CC 86: More Than a Filling
12/13/01 - CC 86: In the Eyes of the Beholder
12/13/01 - CC 86: In the Eyes of the Beholder
12/13/01 - Before and After
12/12/01 - Bury 'Em Enemy
12/12/01 - Brad Chooses a Dentist
12/11/01 - Cowboys and Injuneers
12/09/01 - Paradise Tossed
12/08/01 - Jack Cthick Tract (part 2)
12/08/01 - Jack Cthick Tract (part 1)
12/08/01 - Chick-O-Lantern
12/08/01 - Jakhtichickhu
12/08/01 - CC 85: Chicklets
12/06/01 - Quickies!
12/06/01 - A Christmas Carol
12/06/01 - Running on Empty (part 4)
12/06/01 - Running on empty (part 3)
12/06/01 - Running on Empty (part 2)
12/06/01 - Running on Empty (Part 1)
12/06/01 - CC84: Paula the Precognizant Preschooler
12/05/01 - World's Worst
12/05/01 - CC 84: A Message from Our Sponsors
12/05/01 - CC 84: LA Confidential
12/05/01 - Cowboy Phone Sex
12/05/01 - Dallas Cowboy Physics
12/05/01 - Cowboy Paramedics
12/05/01 - Cowpie Physics
12/05/01 - Cowboy Pedantics
12/04/01 - Cowboy Photosynthesis
12/04/01 - Cowboy Psychedelics
12/04/01 - Cowboy Phys-Ed
12/04/01 - Serial Comic V: Au ooooo
12/04/01 - CC 83.15: Epilogue
12/04/01 - CC 83.14: No Participle Place to Go
12/04/01 - CC 83.13: The Voyage Home
12/04/01 - CC 83.12: Joeys to the Worlds
12/04/01 - CC 83.11: Paniatrama!
12/03/01 - Another Public Service Announcement
12/03/01 - CC 83.10: With Phrens Like That, Who Needs Enemies?
12/03/01 - CC 83.09: The Sauceror's Apprentice
12/03/01 - CC 83.08: Things are Looking Up ...
12/03/01 - CC 83.07: Unusual Occurrences in the Dessert
12/03/01 - CC 83.06: Where There's Smoke There's Ire
12/02/01 - CC 83.05: And Phobos is a Vietnamese Restaurant
12/02/01 - CC 83.04: At First Sight
12/02/01 - CC 83.03: Phone Call, Take Two.
12/02/01 - CC 83.02: In A Gadda DeVito
12/02/01 - CC 83.01: Prologue
12/01/01 - CC 82: In memory of George
11/30/01 - Spankling's Excellent Adventure (part 2)
11/30/01 - Spankling's Excellent Adventure (Part 1)
11/30/01 - Rudolph: The Remake
11/30/01 - A Clippy Christmas
11/30/01 - Thanks to the pedants, we don't have a live audience anymore
11/29/01 - On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the sixeth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - Surly Dragon IS Leslie Nielsen
11/29/01 - Maternal Clock
11/29/01 - Let the cheap laughs return!
11/29/01 - The Three Not-So-Wise Men
11/29/01 - CC 82: Cross my palm with silver
11/28/01 - But wait, there's more!
11/16/01 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
11/16/01 - CC80: The Emperor Brad
11/16/01 - CC80: Yolk Festival
11/15/01 - CC80: Hi-yo Silver!
11/15/01 - TTCC1: The James Conspiracy
11/13/01 - CC79: Lara's Press Conference
11/13/01 - Why you'll be seeing crabby played by squirrel again
11/12/01 - CC 79: Anagram Anne's US Tour
11/11/01 - Crime Wave
11/11/01 - New Heads on the Block
11/11/01 - Serial Comic IV: Doorway to Heaven
11/07/01 - CC 77: Just when you thought it was safe ...
11/06/01 - 2038 -- Tic Tac Tobor
11/06/01 - 1938 -- Monopoly ......... 1988 -- Trivial Pursuit .........
11/06/01 - Popular Board Games Through the Ages:
11/05/01 - Christmas Eve, 2016
11/05/01 - Tail of One Kitty
11/05/01 - Because the Punt is the Lowest Form of Humor
11/05/01 - CC 77: You asked for it!
11/05/01 - Tobor in Time: September, 1752
11/05/01 - Comic Science Contest 77
11/05/01 - CC 77: The Rest of the Story
11/04/01 - TOBOR IN TIME: 1431
11/03/01 - Cowboy Fizzle
11/03/01 - CC 76: Skeet the Beatles
11/03/01 - CC 76: Skeetnick
11/02/01 - Red Meat Adventures
11/02/01 - MeOOOOOWWWWW!
10/24/01 - Prequels? We don't need to post no steenkin prequels!
10/23/01 - Oh, and while you're at it, send Brad $50, will you?
10/23/01 - In Cyberspace No One Can Hear You Mispronounce Their Name
10/23/01 - CC 75: The Last Unicorns
10/23/01 - CC 75: The Next Day
10/22/01 - Collector's Item
10/22/01 - Person Test
10/22/01 - CC 74: Recurse You, Red Baron!
10/22/01 - CC 74: Doonesburied
10/22/01 - A remake: Air Supply in 3 panels.
10/22/01 - Open Mike #74
10/22/01 - CC 74: A Transporter Accident Fuses Andy and Gabe.
10/20/01 - More Cthy
10/20/01 - Cthy
10/20/01 - De Family Circus
10/19/01 - CC 74: A comic about the terrorist who sank
10/19/01 - Mudhen Van Buren
10/19/01 - The Mormon Tobornacle Choir performs Handel's Messiah
10/19/01 - Colateral Damage
10/19/01 - Battlefield Physics
10/19/01 - What? You wanted me to get little Billy to draw some strips?
10/18/01 - Comic 31986, the Director's Cut
10/17/01 - CC 73: Allow me to apologize now
10/17/01 - CC 73: I'd Like to Teach the World to String
10/16/01 - The Fab 60
10/15/01 - CC 72: The switchboards are clogged
10/15/01 - Monday Night Ineptitude
10/15/01 - You say goodbye, I say up yours
10/15/01 - YABITP
10/15/01 - When merry-go-round operators take too many amphetamines
10/14/01 - Catch the Wave!
10/13/01 - Cliff's Notes: Serial Comic ]I[
10/12/01 - CC 72: Stripcreator's new revenue source
10/12/01 - You'll need your 3-D glasses for this one
10/12/01 - Fantastic Voyage
10/12/01 - A Day in the Life of the Riddle of the Sphinx
10/11/01 - Godwin & Godwin
10/10/01 - A day in the life of grocery clerk Alan J. Qaeda
10/09/01 - Paradox: A day in my life that will/won't happen
10/09/01 - Fir Ghoot
10/09/01 - Bill the Mayfly
10/08/01 - Heg Foot
10/08/01 - Through the ages
10/08/01 - Marooned with a View
10/07/01 - DTV
10/06/01 - CC 70: Winner and Still Champion
10/06/01 - Next!
10/05/01 - CC 70: 5.23 to beam up
10/05/01 - DWB
10/05/01 - CC 70: Squeegie Board
10/05/01 - Home Alone in 3 panels
10/04/01 - Whose Idea Is It Anyway?
10/04/01 - Those Amazing Animals
10/03/01 - Ballad of DexX and Keegan
10/03/01 - Reason #378 to stay in school
10/03/01 - Late night commercial
10/03/01 - Goedel, Escher, Pr0n
10/02/01 - From the Australian Production of "The Hobbit"
10/02/01 - Bad parody of a not-so-bad strip
10/02/01 - Blatantly ripping off ObiJo's "mad"
10/02/01 - Birds of a feather
10/02/01 - Billy, did you leave the zebra under the microscope again?
10/02/01 - Look Before You Leap
10/01/01 - A Cautionary Braille
10/01/01 - Midterm Lecture: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
10/01/01 - A Tender Moment
10/01/01 - CC 68: Saturday Night at Tau Beta Rho
10/01/01 - CC 68: Red Dorm Rising
10/01/01 - CC 68: Physics 101
10/01/01 - CC 68: Go Big Red!
10/01/01 - CC 68: Go Team!
10/01/01 - CC 68: That's not a typo in the course catalogue
09/30/01 - Robot Volleyball
09/29/01 - A CC67 Carol
09/28/01 - CC 67: It worked for the Producers ...
09/28/01 - Limerick of the Sperm
09/28/01 - The Jolly Roger Flag
09/28/01 - Honey, which wallpaper should we put in the kitchen?
09/28/01 - What's in my wallet right now
09/28/01 - Plan 10 from outer spa
09/27/01 - Party of One
09/25/01 - HALitosis
09/25/01 - A true fix in sixty-six
09/24/01 - CC 66: But it's a Dry Heat.
09/24/01 - CC 66: The Devil is in the Details
09/24/01 - The first ru
09/24/01 - Visualizing whirrled pets
09/24/01 - Whoundunit?
09/24/01 - Whoundunit?
09/24/01 - Google Motel
09/21/01 - LadyJ Backs Up DexX
09/21/01 - Being Pavel Chekov
09/21/01 - CC IV: Anal-Eeze This!
09/20/01 - CC 64: Is this the three-panel comic, or the full course?
09/20/01 - Toast in the Machine
09/20/01 - CC 64: Better Lite than Heifer?
09/20/01 - CC 57A: Ladies and Gentlemen: The Fifth Dimension!
09/20/01 - CC64: Catastrophe
09/20/01 - CC 55: Belated or Bite Me
09/19/01 - CC 63: Pre Frontal Robotomy
09/19/01 - You Know What in Three Frames
09/19/01 - Testifius Interruptus
09/18/01 - Have we beaten this one into the ground yet?
09/18/01 - Divin' the Terrible
09/17/01 - ... Zzzzzzzzz
09/17/01 - Yet Another Old Music Joke
09/17/01 - Raiders of the Lost Arse
09/17/01 - Comic Cup IV: Lepal Weapon
09/17/01 - The Old Guard and the CC63
09/16/01 - The Ten Commandments at the C of A (Part 3)
09/15/01 - Untitled
09/15/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Masquer Aid
09/14/01 - Comic Cup ]I[: The Best Laid Eggs
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Sistine Vandals
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Dial T for Tobor
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/11/01 - It was overflowing with people!
09/10/01 - Saving Private Ryan
09/10/01 - But it said ...
09/10/01 - Boxing Match
09/09/01 - CC 61: Special Guest Obis
09/08/01 - Enter Stage Left
09/08/01 - 3 Panels, 1 Character, no Words: West Side Story
09/07/01 - I can see your houseboat from here!
09/07/01 - Glen or Glenda: The Graphic Novel
09/07/01 - Yellow Submarine in 3 Panels
09/07/01 - OED (I3P)
09/07/01 - Another literary classic in 3 panels
09/06/01 - Genesis
09/06/01 - Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal 3-Panel Version
09/06/01 - One from Column A
09/06/01 - One from Column B
09/06/01 - The Tragic Adventures of Trick Candle Man
09/05/01 - Copycat
09/05/01 - Ever see how married couples start looking like each other?
09/04/01 - Substitute Cement Shoes Man for Trash Boy
09/04/01 - CC 59: At least you get clean uniforms
09/03/01 - CC 59: Unemployment Line
08/30/01 - Dolphin Physics
08/29/01 - Ku Klutz Klan
08/29/01 - CC 58: A Grayve Mistake
08/29/01 - Quiz Shoo
08/28/01 - This captions' just 7 lines long
08/28/01 - Handyman
08/28/01 - Birthling
08/27/01 - CC 57: Jet Lag
08/27/01 - CC 57: AI (Artificial Incarceration)
08/27/01 - CC 57: On eBay nobody knows if you're not human
08/26/01 - Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (translated to the Fly)
08/26/01 - Kaufmgnip's accept this entry or bite me
08/22/01 - They're spreading like the plague around here
08/22/01 - R1/2ture
08/22/01 - CC 55: Westward, Oh!
08/21/01 - Optimist in Cell Block #9
08/21/01 - Cowboy Broadway
08/21/01 - CC 55: At the Department of Motor Vehicles
08/21/01 - CC 54: Farming Junior
08/20/01 - The Pantychrist
08/18/01 - Late Night TV (part 1)
08/17/01 - Ladies and Gentlemen: The Talking Heads!
08/17/01 - Magic 6-Ball
08/17/01 - If samir were here
08/17/01 - Balls
08/17/01 - Duel
08/16/01 - Apokelypse Now
08/16/01 - The Jamaican Bobsledders: Where are they now?
08/15/01 - Comic Cup 3: Lack to the Future
08/15/01 - F@nt@si@
08/15/01 - Bizarro Peanuts
08/14/01 - Important Announcement
08/14/01 - Bill & Ted in three panels
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Season-Ending Cliffhanger
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Reaper Madness (part 3)
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Reaper Madness (part 2)
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Reaper Madness (part 1)
08/12/01 - The acorns are always greener on the other side.
08/09/01 - CC 52: Blatantly stealing DexX's springboard
08/09/01 - CC 52: Young Men in Heat
08/09/01 - A Depot of Trainers
08/09/01 - CC51: The Envelope, Please.
08/08/01 - Dr. Pedantic's Father Reminisces
08/07/01 - The Full Monty Python and the Holy Grail
08/06/01 - Ice Station H-Bomb
08/06/01 - Being "Being John Malkovich"
08/05/01 - Coming soon: "Armageddon"
08/04/01 - Three panels don't do justice to Airplane!
08/04/01 - Three-Panel Blazing Saddles
08/03/01 - There are some things wirthling can't buy
08/03/01 - Deep Throat in Three Frames
08/03/01 - CC 50: Hallmark Presents Election Eve 2000
08/02/01 - Comic Cup 2: Venus Needs Women Too
08/02/01 - CC 50: On a Sesame Seed Pun
08/02/01 - Casting Call!
08/02/01 - Psycho in Three Frames.
08/01/01 - Grody to the max (Valley Physics)
08/01/01 - The Further Adventures of Ralph the Wonder Llama
07/30/01 - CC 49: True Confessions
07/30/01 - At the starting gate of the Kendonkey Derby
07/30/01 - Photoschlep
07/30/01 - CC48: IUDesc
07/29/01 - Bible Comix 1
07/28/01 - I'm back too!
07/19/01 - Omelets for everyone!
07/18/01 - We did say Xtreme ...
07/18/01 - Beamon Up, Scotty
07/18/01 - Almost 42 billion microns
07/17/01 - CC 45: An Xtremely Old Joke
07/17/01 - Biology 101
07/13/01 - CC 44: One Day at the Police Station
07/13/01 - Lycanthrobot
07/13/01 - You saw it here first!
07/12/01 - Doc Star
07/12/01 - CC Fortysomething: What if Crabby had boobs?
07/09/01 - CC 42: He died with his boots off
07/09/01 - CC 42: Whodunit?
07/09/01 - CC 42: Laundry's Journey into Night
07/08/01 - CC 42: Wirthwaiting for?
07/08/01 - CC 42: A Tragedy in Three Acts
07/08/01 - Only the finest suds at the Wash & Wash
07/03/01 - 2001: A Race Odyssey
07/02/01 - I'm HAL 9000, I am
07/02/01 - I'm HAL 9000, I am
06/30/01 - CC 41: Sigh-Fly
06/30/01 - But what about the lemmings?
06/29/01 - Cyrano de Babelfish
06/28/01 - The Abridged Edition
06/27/01 - CC 40: Back to BASIC
06/26/01 - The Hunters
06/26/01 - Tuesdays with Mauras #2
06/25/01 - Variations on a Theme
06/24/01 - CC39: Sea of Tequility
06/22/01 - Until I can look up some real Tom Waits lyrics ...
06/22/01 - Lemmings are the meek
06/22/01 - No lemmings? Make lemmingade!
06/21/01 - A(n un)timely rebus
06/21/01 - Night of the Leapers
06/20/01 - John Wilkes Booth meets Godzilla
06/20/01 - A Day In Lowpazz Den'l
06/19/01 - There was nothing like a Grateful Dead summer stadium tour
06/19/01 - Able GI Soul
06/19/01 - A Man, A Strip, A Contest: Set no cap, Irtsanama!
06/18/01 - Life on the Brink
06/18/01 - Rock and Rosary
06/17/01 - I think I know one of the rules x 44
06/16/01 - I've seen this movie too.
06/15/01 - CC 37: Live and Let Dial
06/15/01 - Searching for answers
06/15/01 - When is it safe to say yes?
06/15/01 - The Punishment
06/15/01 - Not So Great Moments in TV History #1
06/15/01 - Wizard of Oz in Three Frames
06/14/01 - Lassie Faire
06/14/01 - Bradys: Remember this episode?
06/14/01 - Nope, it just doesn't scan.
06/14/01 - Why Tobor Stays Away From Comedy Clubs
06/14/01 - 0 + 5 = 10
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: Yet another fully compliant strip
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: Fully compliant!
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: 1-5 bad, 6-10 good
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: 1-5 ok, 6-10 not.
06/13/01 - If the Village People used a dyslexic songwriter ...
06/13/01 - Victory?
06/13/01 - Who fixed Stripcreator?
06/11/01 - CC36: The "ALL" Template
06/11/01 - Rules ][? Master and Student
06/11/01 - Rules ][? The Master and the Student
06/11/01 - No Frills
06/11/01 - Interviewus Interruptus
06/10/01 - Rules ][? Electric Boogaloo
06/08/01 - A long-time lowpasser reminisces
06/08/01 - The Final Word: Yours
06/07/01 - Polltergeist
06/07/01 - Tonight the part of Yul Brynner will be played by Russ.
06/07/01 - CC35: Chuck Steak (well done)
06/06/01 - Jocks Trapped (part n+1)
06/06/01 - It's a Graphic, Graphic, Graphic, Graphic Novel
06/06/01 - Explains a lot, doesn't it?
06/06/01 - Admit it, it would be so cool!
06/06/01 - Serial II: The Longest Bray
06/05/01 - Nine Billion Names of God? Piece of Cake!
06/05/01 - Tuesdays With Mauras #1
06/05/01 - They're part of the audience, that's the ticket!
06/04/01 - CC34: The Golden Goose Cashes In
06/04/01 - Santa's Excellent Adventure (part 3)
06/04/01 - Santa's Excellent Adventure (part 2)
06/04/01 - Santa's Excellent Adventure (part 1)
06/03/01 - Katmandoom
06/02/01 - You too can be a gabe_billings impersonater
06/02/01 - It's unanimous
06/02/01 - He also stinks at Stratego.
06/01/01 - A few minutes with Andy Rooney
06/01/01 - Robot and Julius (sic)
06/01/01 - How the war was won
05/31/01 - No ifs, ands or butts
05/30/01 - Ducked Ape
05/30/01 - I Dream of Gene
05/30/01 - You don't suppose ...
05/30/01 - Casey Jonesin'
05/30/01 - The First Draft
05/29/01 - Ransom
05/29/01 - Dead Man's Hand
05/29/01 - Pleasantville: The Graphic Novel
05/29/01 - Sesame Street Outtakes
05/29/01 - Signs of the Times
05/24/01 - Beelzebrush
05/23/01 - CC31: So long and thanks for all the subspace anomalies
05/22/01 - Pentium-Man's Hexadecimal Challenge
05/21/01 - CC31: Missing Persons
05/19/01 - Telecrostic
05/19/01 - Husker Dei
05/18/01 - Meanwhile, Satan's doing hockey games in Prague
05/18/01 - Monty Hall and the Holy Grail
05/18/01 - World's Stupidest Movie Critic #1
05/17/01 - Beating around the Bush
05/17/01 - Barn, Baby, Barn!
05/17/01 - A Haiku and a Limerick walk into a bar
05/17/01 - Speedball
05/17/01 - Resurrecch
05/17/01 - Evolution of a lie
05/16/01 - Heaven's Gate Cult: The Graphic Novel
05/16/01 - Forever Clueless
05/16/01 - Open Mike with The Unboned Comic #1
05/16/01 - Stop me if you've heard this before (episode 4 of 11)
05/16/01 - Who Wants to be a Memento-aire?
05/16/01 - If TITANIC were written by a Jewish mother
05/16/01 - Punchline Theatre #3
05/16/01 - Fire Elemental High School #2
05/16/01 - Horton Hears The Who
05/16/01 - Why Microsoft Scrabble Isn't Popular (corrected)
05/16/01 - Another Science Lesson
05/16/01 - Death Takes a Holiday
05/16/01 - Karaoke Komix #1
05/16/01 - From the Unabridged Bible
05/16/01 - Spam in the place where I live #2
05/16/01 - The Continuing Crisis #1 (corrected)
05/16/01 - Punchline Theatre #2
05/15/01 - Cruceffects
05/15/01 - CC30: Love Is...
05/15/01 - Memento: The Graphic Novel
05/15/01 - Busted!
05/15/01 - Boob Tube
05/15/01 - International Brotherhood of Gollums ON STRIKE!
05/15/01 - Someone spilled invisible ink on the comics page!
05/15/01 - Highlights Outtakes
05/15/01 - Public Service Announcement
05/15/01 - Haikthu
05/15/01 - The Olympic Synchronized Swimming Results
05/15/01 - Auditioning for the remake
05/15/01 - One Partly Sunny Day in Stepford
05/15/01 - Four little syllables
05/15/01 - The Love Craft
05/15/01 - Wait till she wants to sell her soul
05/15/01 - Science Lesson
05/15/01 - Fire Elemental High School
05/15/01 - Rudy the ROT-13 Mimic
05/15/01 - Spam in the place where I live
05/15/01 - And you can really dance to it.
05/15/01 - Punchline Theatre
05/15/01 - Blooper Reel
05/15/01 - Oy McVeigh!
05/15/01 - Random Haikomik #1
05/15/01 - Nightmare on Barnum St.
05/15/01 - Gates of Hell
05/15/01 - The Adventures of Inappropriate Greeting Man
05/15/01 - And throw in a few boxes of Brownies.
05/15/01 - So Long and Thanks for all the Great Danes!
05/15/01 - Only You Can Prevent Forrest Fires
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