Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Pimp and Circumstance
Doctor, I find that I'm completely unable to enjoy sex.
I'm not surprised. I've looked at your charts, and you know how in "Deep Throat" Linda Lovelace's clitoris was lodged in her throat?
Uh huh?
Well, put it this way: If they made a movie about you, it would be called "Deep Pimp."
Excuse me, but my girlfriend says I've got to screw you.
Whadja talkin bout here now?
kaufman's Comics
02/16/25 - I'm Dreaming of a Midnight Train to Georgia
01/15/25 - Thanks, Mom!
07/16/24 - The riddle of the sphincter
07/01/24 - On the Road Again
04/17/24 - One Night in the Dorms
10/17/23 - Today's True Story
07/15/23 - Astromonose Dominoes
07/10/23 - Napalien
04/16/23 - To the rescue!
02/01/23 - Cthulhu vs. Lassie
01/21/23 - The Unkindest Cut
01/06/23 - No Opinion, Dammit!
10/18/22 - Tracks of my tears
10/18/22 - You should have seen the other guy
10/18/22 - Code Blue Light Special
10/18/22 - Shock it to me!
10/18/22 - Flat Line? I thought this was the Red Line!
10/18/22 - That Does Not Commute
07/28/22 - Poetic Justice
03/12/22 - A few too many at the geek bar
02/28/22 - Mardi Gras 2022
12/07/21 - Now I Have An Endorsement Ho Ho Ho!
12/07/21 - A Mother of a Commercial
09/17/21 - Science Teacher, Dissection Week
09/03/21 - Halloween
08/18/21 - Straight to COVIDeo
06/06/21 - England, 1594
06/06/21 - That's One Colossal Canine!
06/06/21 - Its Seventeen Year Mission ...
05/20/21 - troppus hceT
05/05/21 - Epitaph
03/31/21 - He must be reacting to the second COVID shot
02/20/21 - Meanwhile in Texas
02/20/21 - Star Wars: Episode 3.14159265358979323846: A New Soap
02/08/21 - And he got the job
01/17/21 - The Concert
11/29/20 - On Dafoeth Day of Thanksgiving
11/25/20 - Zen and the Art of Despotism
11/10/20 - Crazy Rudy in Open Mike Night at the Four Seasons
11/06/20 - And somebody's responsible!
07/19/20 - The Former Failed Football Team Owner Cleans Up
06/28/20 - Watching Korean Baseball on ESPN
05/27/20 - Inspired by a million annoying ads
05/19/20 - Antisocial Distancing
04/24/20 - Not enough chlorine in the gene pool
03/26/20 - Thou Shalt Not Covid Thy Neighbor's Paper Products
03/17/20 - Life in the Time of Coronavirus
12/30/19 - An optometrist sees the glass as half full
09/19/19 - Un-App-etizing
08/12/19 - CC 721: Tips for the Conscientious Necrophiliac
08/04/19 - CC 720: He should have used a 3-Iran
08/04/19 - Monkeying Around
07/03/19 - And don't forget the undercoating!
06/10/19 - It was in the cards
03/28/19 - The Cryo King
02/23/19 - The damning evidence against Robert Kraft
02/13/19 - Lassie
02/10/19 - Bird Baux
01/22/19 - One Vulcan Vulcing
09/24/18 - Dear Sir or Madam, have you read my book?
09/07/18 - One Sad Day in the Future
08/17/18 - Like a Natural Comedian
07/25/18 - CC 698: And we want lollipops for dessert
07/07/18 - Eddie the Eco-Pirate vs. the Strawman
06/21/18 - Fills the Second Panel?
06/05/18 - CC 694: Beanvenidos!
05/18/18 - Brad, I think we need the stainless steel panels
05/13/18 - The Big Reveal
05/11/18 - The Grapes of Wrath
02/19/18 - CC 686: One Saturday Night Near Lake Tahoe
02/11/18 - Coming soon to a theater near you
02/07/18 - The Anal Frontier
01/29/18 - RIP, Ingvar
01/15/18 - CC 683: From the writings of George Caveman
12/29/17 - CC 682: We Kid Because We Love You
12/15/17 - CC 681: Dial P for Present
12/15/17 - CC 681: Listomania Too
12/15/17 - CC 681: Listomania
11/01/17 - What? This doesn't already exist?
10/26/17 - Trouble Brewin'
10/23/17 - Rocky Horror
10/18/17 - One evening at the Kents' house
09/30/17 - Let's Make a Dead
09/30/17 - CC 676: To him, it wasnt a foreign object
09/04/17 - CC 674: HELP ME!
08/12/17 - Brunch, 2017
07/27/17 - The Press Corpse
07/04/17 - CC 670: Back in the USSR
04/12/17 - Hailing a Cad
03/29/17 - CC 665: Mach-ing Bird
02/07/17 - PETA Remakes The Godfather
02/05/17 - Deflategate II
02/03/17 - CC 661: Ancient Chinese Secret
02/01/17 - Rebus in which Narrator2 has trouble enunciating
12/28/16 - Leiaway Plan
11/29/16 - Checkmelt!
11/24/16 - CC 656: Let There Be Cool
10/25/16 - A Couple Decades Ago in the Brin Household
10/21/16 - Why Ancient Rome never developed a space program
10/01/16 - July 11, 1804: The Duel
09/08/16 - Coming this fall to NBC
07/08/16 - At the NYC-themed Costume Party
07/08/16 - CC 646: The New Colostomy
06/18/16 - Gladys Knight and the Wally Pipps
06/16/16 - Infield Fly
06/07/16 - Garfield
06/02/16 - Nobel Prize in Medicine, 2025
05/18/16 - Marie Antoinette walks, er, bounces into a bar.
05/06/16 - A Rather Formulaic Comic
03/31/16 - Build A Wall Around My Stall
03/29/16 - Phoenix: Rising from the Asses
03/04/16 - If World Affairs Were Handled Like Professional Sports
02/23/16 - Abbott and Costello Meet Overreacting Randolph
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: One from the Bay City Rollers.
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: Timothy
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: A Horse With No Name
02/12/16 - K-Tel Presents: Billy Don't Be A Hero
02/12/16 - Interlude
02/12/16 - Box Set
02/12/16 - CC 635: Have Another Ho-Ho
02/12/16 - CC 635: Soylent Green is Papal, er, People!
01/28/16 - CC 363: Phreaky and DexXic
01/27/16 - CC 633: Fill It In Yourself
01/22/16 - The joys of being 50-something
01/20/16 - Overheard at a Flint Michigan McDonald's.
01/19/16 - You Can Check Out Any Time You Like
12/27/15 - World's Stupidest Movie Critic #3
12/22/15 - One Autumnal Afternoon in 1954
12/20/15 - Public Service Announcement
12/02/15 - The Assassination of Lincoln (2015)
12/01/15 - Pound Sign-Onara
11/27/15 - One Day in the Distant Future
11/27/15 - CC 628: Fowl Play
10/27/15 - At the Playground
10/15/15 - CC 624: To Ares Is Human
09/15/15 - Never Date a Middle-Aged First Grade Teacher
09/13/15 - It's all in the marketing
08/11/15 - Frankenstein 2016 (Firer Bad!)
08/06/15 - What if Samuel L. Jackson Had Gotten the Fantasy Island Gig?
08/05/15 - CC 618: And the Cakes Contained Files
08/05/15 - CC 618: That's Fish To You Surrealists!
08/03/15 - Lights! Camera! Daaaaaamn!
07/28/15 - Go Set a Reader Off
07/21/15 - Donald Trump Courts the Republican Base
07/14/15 - Why are we reading this comic?
07/09/15 - Another Stupid Euphemism
07/09/15 - CC 616: Significant Digits
07/07/15 - CC 616: Thrown for a Boop
06/28/15 - CC 615: Space Race
06/27/15 - Eocene Park
06/03/15 - Broken But Not Bruced
05/21/15 - With Extra Cheese and Red Meat
05/15/15 - Hound Fish
03/18/15 - Where O'Man Has Gone Before
03/17/15 - Kiss Me, I'm Colorblind!
03/05/15 - One Chilly Day Near Mons Olympus
03/02/15 - CC 605: Quit While You're Ahead
02/28/15 - ... Gone Tomorrow
02/17/15 - The Joys of Getting Old
02/12/15 - CC 603: One Evening in Southern California
01/31/15 - CC 602: Stupid Twopid Cupid
01/17/15 - It Would Have Been the Worst Typo Ever
01/15/15 - Gollum's Girlfriend Goes Caroling
01/01/15 - To the SC-Mobile!
12/30/14 - CC 599: Directile Dysfunction
12/10/14 - CC 597: The Obliga...
12/08/14 - The Imitation Game
12/05/14 - Jaws
11/26/14 - Goldfinger
11/17/14 - CC 595: Gee, Your Hair Smells Ambitemporal!
11/17/14 - CC 595: Shirley and Surly, or vice versa
10/17/14 - Cursed and Recursed
10/08/14 - Cult Movie Hit of 2015
10/07/14 - There's a Pap for That
10/07/14 - The Rich Aren't That Different.
10/07/14 - If a Cell Phone Excites Them ...
10/07/14 - Feminism Sprints Backwerd
10/07/14 - Three Vapid Bimbos Walk Into a Commercial
09/24/14 - The Day Oprah Went Bad
09/10/14 - CC 588: Erection Day
09/06/14 - Tune In, Turn On, Geic Out
08/15/14 - CC 586: The Unkindest Cut of All
08/02/14 - CC 585: Khaaaaaaaan!
08/01/14 - Joan of Arc's Husband
07/30/14 - Sharknado Debunked
07/11/14 - CC 583: School Rules
07/11/14 - CC 583: You Didn't Say Which Alphabet
06/27/14 - CC 582: Ebony and Ebony?
06/23/14 - CC 582: Xanadoomed
06/05/14 - Excision
05/28/14 - Tchaikovsky: The Tragic Life of a Musical Genius
05/28/14 - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
04/11/14 - CC 576: No score and...
04/11/14 - CC 576: He died with his Booths on
04/10/14 - CC 576: Don't forget your pickled wieners!
03/18/14 - CC 574: The Haight of Deception
03/12/14 - CC 574: Movie Night
03/12/14 - CC 574: The Harrison Within
03/12/14 - One Day At The Dentist
02/18/14 - The Grievances of Airing
02/10/14 - CC 572: If only she hadn't had such a thick accent ...
01/25/14 - Now a Major Motion Picture
01/22/14 - Follow the Link!
01/17/14 - Backup at the Rainbow Bridge
01/16/14 - The Modern Promotheus?
01/16/14 - CC 548: World's Worst NSA Agent
12/07/13 - Britain's New Weapon
11/29/13 - If you squeak when you fart ...
10/28/13 - Dirty Dining
09/01/13 - CC 542: Gabba Gabba Heil
06/28/13 - One Day in Elementary School
06/20/13 - Post Mortem
06/15/13 - CC 537: But you said ...
06/09/13 - Double the Voltage, Double the Fun
06/02/13 - CC 536: For It's One, Two, Three Strokes, You're Out!
05/05/13 - CC 533: Tag Teams
05/05/13 - CC 533: Cents and Sensibility
05/05/13 - CC 533: The Golden Drool
05/05/13 - CC 533: My Cop Runneth Over
03/16/13 - From Bad to Verse
03/14/13 - Cross-examination
03/14/13 - Jesus Grants a Wish
02/22/13 - CC 527: As Seen On Jeopardy!
02/22/13 - CC 527: Mummy Dearest
02/22/13 - CC 527: My Fair Zombie
02/08/13 - The Hunchback and the Quarterback
02/08/13 - The Source of Denial
02/08/13 - Second Hearse, Worse than the First
02/07/13 - Richard the Lying Here-ted
02/06/13 - Destiny's Children's Book
01/07/13 - Zombibliophile
12/07/12 - Rules of Succession
10/06/12 - I'm so happy, I can sit!
09/07/12 - Questions That Keep Me Up At Night
04/12/12 - Concatenated
03/21/12 - move into tighter quarters and eat Alice
03/21/12 - Because of the recession, the Bradys had to
03/21/12 - Premature Evisceration
03/21/12 - CC 500: Fourplay
03/17/12 - The Republican candidates speaking out of their asses again
02/15/12 - On a Hollywood Movie Set
02/08/12 - On a Roll
12/30/11 - Coming Attractions
12/29/11 - Souls in Jeopardy
12/29/11 - One Sunny Afternoon in Calcutta
12/24/11 - I've been watching too many Christmas movies
12/17/11 - Timepiece on Earth, Ill Will Toward Man
12/17/11 - I get this stupid email this time every year
12/01/11 - Slides from my Vacations
11/05/11 - A Few Last Words With Andy Rooney
11/04/11 - One Night at TGI-Flydays
11/04/11 - The Killing of Rasputin: Part 7
10/31/11 - Christmas in Texas
10/30/11 - Jolly Old St. Tick
10/30/11 - Sorry, Author Has Sleeping Sickness
10/22/11 - Noone Was Expecting This
10/22/11 - CC 488: This Day in History
10/13/11 - Dennis Ritchie's Last Words
10/12/11 - Deus ex Faux Queena
09/14/11 - The White House, December 8, 1941
08/20/11 - CC 483: He also hates Abbot and Costello.
08/13/11 - One day in Genesis 7
08/13/11 - CC 483: Fahrt auf den Autobahn
08/13/11 - World's Stupidest Movie Critic #2
04/12/11 - One Bleak Afternoon in Gotham City
03/31/11 - Zombies on Vacation
03/19/11 - Captain Kirk Tells a Limerick
03/05/11 - Another Vulcan Limerick
03/05/11 - Vulcan Limerick
03/02/11 - One Saturday Night Along Fraternity Row
02/26/11 - On This Day in Black History
02/25/11 - 2011's Top U.S. Banana Republicisms
02/10/11 - Hugh Grant Dines Out
10/11/10 - Win Place & Showtime
10/03/10 - CC 462: Tub Tiaw, Treehs Ermo!
09/22/10 - O Tobor, rm *
09/22/10 - CC 461: Rock the Casbah
09/21/10 - Physical
09/13/10 - Hemlock
08/17/10 - CC457: Wunderbra and Lightfoot
08/16/10 - CC 457: Northern Headlights
08/15/10 - CC 457: No need for two men to walk them ...
08/01/10 - WW 76: Chel-Shocked
07/13/10 - Or so I've heard ...
07/02/10 - OPC 53: Live, Freeze Or Die
07/02/10 - The Real Reason Dinosaurs Died Out
07/02/10 - Live and Let Diploid
06/21/10 - CC 454: Aquapun
06/15/10 - Zuzu's Vuvus
06/15/10 - Vuvuazelias
06/14/10 - Vuvuzela Zombies
06/14/10 - For the Music Lover in All of Us
06/13/10 - OPC 51: How it got its name
06/07/10 - ABBA Saves the World
05/13/10 - CC 451: Prophet and Loss
04/14/10 - If I could have any superpower ...
04/13/10 - Tea for Tourette
04/13/10 - One Saturday Morning at the ER
04/13/10 - One Saturday Night at the Cinema
04/13/10 - One Sunny Afternoon at the Grand Canyon
03/27/10 - Today CC 448, Tomorrow The World
03/27/10 - CC 448: Who Blesses the Blessers?
03/17/10 - Erin Go Bronto
01/28/10 - Meanwhile in Japan ...
01/14/10 - Disorder in the Court
01/09/10 - What really happened
01/09/10 - Commercial Outtakes: 1978
01/09/10 - Posers
01/09/10 - En Passant
01/09/10 - One Autumn Afternoon in Raljon
01/09/10 - Recurring Nightmare
12/08/09 - Catch a Tiger by the Tale
11/28/09 - Twitodus
11/28/09 - American Twit
11/28/09 - I Have a Twitter
11/28/09 - The Gettysburg Twitter
11/28/09 - HamTwit
11/25/09 - Messengers Reporting Lesser Known Greek Victories
11/23/09 - CC 440: With Apologies to The Craw
11/19/09 - CC 439: Bride of the Yanked Keys
11/03/09 - The Arf Side
10/25/09 - When life gives you lemons ...
10/25/09 - The Visitor
10/07/09 - One Day in Ancient Bethlehem
07/15/09 - Re-Cycled Humor
07/01/09 - The Education of Jesus
06/28/09 - Who's Bad?
05/31/09 - At the National Spelling Bee
05/27/09 - WW74: Silence of the Alums
05/24/09 - WW 74: Blah
05/23/09 - Godzilla vs. The Dionne Quintuplets
11/07/08 - CC 405: Number 1 to the Bridge!
11/07/08 - Halloween Night on the Streets of China
10/31/08 - One Day in 1709
07/19/08 - CC 395: The "P" List
07/18/08 - Captain Pike Meets Tobor
07/18/08 - Jaws: 2006
06/20/08 - The Further Adventures of The Cock
06/18/08 - WW 57: How Many Years Since I Did A Tobor Comic?
06/17/08 - CC 392: I win because I read the rules
06/15/08 - CC 391: Flood for Thought
06/05/08 - Back To Back To The Future
06/05/08 - Well Bred
08/31/07 - CC 366: Without ReMorse
08/20/07 - CC 365: Nun of the A-Bomb
08/19/07 - Meanwhile, in Alaska
08/13/07 - CC 364: Cheech and Chong Ride Again
08/13/07 - CC 364: It's No Lye!
07/20/07 - Dirty Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
07/17/07 - How to tell you're in a dyslexic's house
07/16/07 - Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Spoilers
07/15/07 - The end.
07/15/07 - Gladly the Cross I Bare
07/13/07 - Always look on the bright side of life
03/20/07 - CC 349: History Lesson
03/07/07 - CC 348: I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille
03/06/07 - CC 348: KISSterectomy
03/06/07 - Damning Evidence
12/12/06 - Talk About Typecasting!
05/10/06 - BTC 53: One Day in the Not-So-Distant Future
05/10/06 - CC 321: Border Colonoscopy
05/09/06 - One Day in PG County
05/09/06 - He is here, too
04/12/06 - Home for the Holidays
04/11/06 - Boa Meets Girl
03/30/06 - WW 44: January, 2001
03/30/06 - One Day at a Cardinals Game
03/26/06 - Sixkenny Opera
03/16/06 - CC 315: Outlook Not So Good
03/16/06 - CC 315: The Worm Turned
03/15/06 - Leap of Faith
03/05/06 - I love to work at nothing all day
03/02/06 - WW 43: My Dog Didn't Eat My Homework
02/22/06 - CC 313: At Your Steinbeck and Call
02/17/06 - Officer Roget on Patrol
02/16/06 - The Middle Panel
02/09/06 - BTC 48: Let He Who Is Without Sensitivity ...
02/07/06 - OPC 22: You might be someone with a short attention span...
02/02/06 - CC 312: Maxwell Smart's New Job
02/02/06 - Groundhog Day!
01/31/06 - Genital Hospital
01/27/06 - Saliva Divinorum
01/19/06 - CC 311: Královna
01/19/06 - CC 311: 5<4007 of Rock
01/18/06 - All Things Must Pass
01/13/06 - CC 310: And Never Been Stupider People;
01/13/06 - If Television Scriptwriters Ran the World
01/06/06 - FTC 81: Let's Make a Comic
01/05/06 - CC 310: Shows What I Know About MySpace
01/05/06 - Revenge is a Drink Best Served Cold
01/04/06 - CC 309: A Miner Error
01/02/06 - CC 309: Classic Brady Bunch
01/02/06 - Cheech N. Wrong Works at a Big Box Store
01/02/06 - CC 309
12/26/05 - CC 308: Leet Trading
12/23/05 - CC 308: Auld Lang Square Root
12/22/05 - A Modern Christmas Carol
12/20/05 - The Mattress Reloaded
12/18/05 - What if "Naomi Watts" meant "William Shatner"?
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (5)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (4)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (3)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah (2)
12/15/05 - How the Grinch Stole Chanukah
12/14/05 - CC 307: He Knows When You Are Shaving
12/14/05 - CC 307: The 25th of Dismember
12/13/05 - Best Rhyme Ever!
12/13/05 - OPC 19: Deterred
12/12/05 - Holiday Shopping Tip #34
12/12/05 - Awe and Lorder
12/12/05 - Surprise!
12/09/05 - Brokeback Mountain
12/06/05 - Temporal Anomaly?
12/04/05 - CC 306: You've Got AIDS!
12/04/05 - Once More into the Drink
12/04/05 - Private Audience
12/04/05 - A Vision-Sea Expert
12/02/05 - Cassius in One More Time
12/02/05 - Here Today, Saigon Tomorrow
12/02/05 - For a Few Murders More
12/02/05 - Live and Let Dine
12/02/05 - One way to get a wake
12/02/05 - Incurable
12/02/05 - That Sinking Feeling
12/02/05 - Always Use a Peephole
12/02/05 - 1-Down
12/01/05 - CC 306: Writers' Aids
12/01/05 - Around the Dial (radio keeps getting worse and worse)
12/01/05 - CC 306: Dumb and Dumber go shopping
11/29/05 - CC 305: Tardstein and Finkelman
11/29/05 - They're Coming to Take Me Away, OB!
11/28/05 - Hulk Hogan's Heroes
11/25/05 - Postcard from Central City, Colorado
11/24/05 - The First Thanksgiving
11/22/05 - Godzilla vs. Kasparov
11/22/05 - Postcard from Fort Collins, Colorado
11/17/05 - The Five stages of Cowboy Physics
11/17/05 - Postcard from chilly Sidney, Nebraska
11/10/05 - Story Time Episode 5: The Vampire Strikes Back
11/10/05 - Story Time 4: This Time It's Perspirant
11/10/05 - Story Time 2: Did You ACME for a Sequel?
11/10/05 - Story Time 3: The Search for Spork
11/10/05 - CC 304: Story Time
11/10/05 - The Star-Spangled Bandanna
11/10/05 - Folded, Spindled and Muletilated
11/10/05 - Author at work
11/10/05 - Snow Place Like Home
11/10/05 - Grim and Bat It
11/09/05 - Is it flip enough?
11/09/05 - Five Centuries Ago in a South Seas Bar
11/08/05 - CC 304: Neutron Star Comix
11/07/05 - Toyage of the Damned
11/06/05 - OPC 16: Conbe
11/04/05 - The Rasher of Kane
11/03/05 - Hair today ...
11/03/05 - Punked!
11/03/05 - Coffee Physics
11/03/05 - Tips for a Fun Bachelor Party
11/03/05 - Beamzebub
11/02/05 - Halloween in Vienna: 1872
10/31/05 - CC 303: Thirteen O'Clock Shadows
10/31/05 - CC 303: Nerds Bobbing for Apples
10/30/05 - Roommates
10/30/05 - Coinholed
10/28/05 - Out in Space
10/27/05 - To Boldly Go ...
10/27/05 - Doctor, Doctor!
10/27/05 - You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tuna Thermometer
10/26/05 - Clothes Make the Man
10/26/05 - How About That!
10/25/05 - We Make Humor the Old-fashioned Way: We Urn It!
10/25/05 - Thanks to Rosa Parks, the signs on the water fountains mean:
10/24/05 - And the Children Shall Bleed
10/24/05 - CC 302: An Italian walks into a cheese shop
10/24/05 - Tapioca Man Goes on a Date
10/24/05 - Origins
10/24/05 - Master at Work
10/23/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: The Crying Game
10/23/05 - Tapioca Man visits the doctor
10/23/05 - Dracula and Tapioca Man go on the town
10/23/05 - Frankenstein vs. Tapioca Man
10/22/05 - OPC 14: I Win!
10/22/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Titanic
10/22/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Twelve Angry Men
10/22/05 - Abe Vigoda Theatre: Star Wars
10/21/05 - Behind the Music: Iron Butterfly
10/21/05 - Zombie Musicals
10/21/05 - Our Continuing Educational Crisis
10/21/05 - On the Dark Side
10/21/05 - The Sequel
10/21/05 - Revenge is Sweet
10/20/05 - Think about it
10/20/05 - Could you pass me the tweezers?
10/20/05 - Questions that need no answer
10/20/05 - 21st Century Cowboy
10/20/05 - CC 301: What if Dorothy were played by Bruce Willis?
10/19/05 - Tenor is the Night
10/19/05 - What's Opera, Doc?
10/18/05 - CC 301: Medicated to the One I Love
10/18/05 - Jaws: The Chinese Bootleg
10/18/05 - CC 301: Let's Do the Time Warp!
10/18/05 - CC 301: Pussy Galore
10/18/05 - CC 301: The Eyes Have It
10/17/05 - The New Trainee
10/17/05 - Not His Type
10/17/05 - Lugosi, Lugodo
10/17/05 - The Aggie Christmas Pageant
10/17/05 - Upgrade Now!
10/16/05 - Why I won't be at the SC Halloween party
10/16/05 - One day I'll open a delicatessen.
10/16/05 - Say It Ain't Sosa!
10/14/05 - Maybe Ivy will vote this "good".
10/14/05 - Paging Reverend Spooner!
10/14/05 - How It Began
10/12/05 - Some people can't take a joke
10/12/05 - CC 300: Rodeo Drive
10/12/05 - The greatness of man(ty python)
10/11/05 - CC 300: The 1840 Election
10/11/05 - CC 300: Hip Pointer
10/09/05 - CC 300: Holey Spirit
10/09/05 - CC 300: Out on a Limb
10/06/05 - Memories
10/06/05 - BTC 42: Hold the Pickle!
10/05/05 - One Day in the Holy Roman Empire
10/04/05 - sixreasons
10/04/05 - Just a Thought Experiment
10/04/05 - CC 299: Nice Stump!
10/03/05 - CC 299: The Direct Approach
09/30/05 - CC 298: Thank you, and please tip the waitresses.
09/29/05 - Take Me Out to the Ballgame
09/28/05 - CC 298: Double Fault
09/28/05 - CC 298: A Second is a Long Time
09/28/05 - CC 298: Buried Treasure
09/28/05 - CC 298: Daffy Duck's "Titanic"
09/27/05 - CC 298: Drumsticked Out
09/27/05 - CC 298: The Honeymooers
09/27/05 - CC 298: Ripped from today's Fights Go Here ...
09/27/05 - CC 298: There is one small problem ...
09/27/05 - A Moment of Silence, Please
09/26/05 - CC 298: One Day in Andy Warhol's Studio
09/26/05 - CC 298: What'd He Say?
09/26/05 - CC 298: Alphas, Numbers, Punctuation, Length, Uncrackable!
09/26/05 - CC 298: Mrs. Perkins
09/26/05 - CC 298: Arena (unabridged)
09/26/05 - CC 298: Ode to Equality
09/26/05 - CC 298: Yerk City
09/26/05 - CC 298: The Plane Truth
09/26/05 - CC 298: Smashing Pumpkins
09/26/05 - CC 298: Small and Soft
09/26/05 - CC 298: Cumbersome
09/25/05 - CC 298: Hair Raid
09/25/05 - CC 298: And he was right.
09/24/05 - CC 298: The Organ Grinder
09/24/05 - CC 298: Jerk O'Lantern
09/24/05 - CC 298: Yerkin Soup for the Soul
09/21/05 - CC 297: Two Minutes for Irony
09/19/05 - CC 297: The Neverending Story
09/19/05 - CC 297: Obligatarrrrrry Talk Like A Pirate Day Cartoon
09/18/05 - CC 297: It's a True Fact
09/14/05 - Half-Empty
09/13/05 - CC 296: Apologies to Walt Kelly
09/13/05 - FTC 72: Almost Heavenly
09/13/05 - Oh no, it's mutating!
09/11/05 - Never a Noodle Moment
09/09/05 - Children at Pele
09/09/05 - Blend Ambition
09/09/05 - Gran and Gran: You're Never Too Old for Nuts and Berries
09/09/05 - Think about those poor starving pyromaniacs!
09/08/05 - CC 296: We Who Are About To Lye Salute You
09/08/05 - Their Performance Ratings Arlo
09/08/05 - Second Verse, Things Getting Worse!
09/08/05 - Everybody Sing Along!
09/07/05 - CC 296: We'll leave the light on for you
09/06/05 - WW 41: The Truth Hurts
09/06/05 - CC 295: The End
09/06/05 - Gilligone
09/02/05 - Full-Nielsen
09/02/05 - Harry Potter, Book 7, Final Scene (spoilers)
09/01/05 - Every cloud has a brown lining
08/31/05 - CC 295: Meldied
08/30/05 - Bourbon Renewal
08/30/05 - Why I didn't attend
08/29/05 - Crowning
08/26/05 - It Stands to Reason
08/25/05 - Who's Daffy?
08/21/05 - Just then, US troops came upon an unexploded mortar round...
08/18/05 - bewareofgreekbearing.gif
08/18/05 - y.mp3
08/17/05 - faux.pas
08/17/05 - grthnklskw.html
08/17/05 - fiftytimesthe.mpg
08/17/05 - recycle.bin
08/17/05 - make.php
08/16/05 - Ice Station Zeta
08/15/05 - CC 292: Collared Groans
08/15/05 - Ye Olde 14th Century Humour
08/10/05 - Atlas Shrugged
08/10/05 - CC 292: But Will it Play in Topeka?
08/09/05 - CC 292: Great Moments in TV History
08/08/05 - CC 292: Bohemian Aristocracy
08/08/05 - CC 292: One More Question
08/07/05 - CC 292: One Day at the Raunch...
08/04/05 - I Need a New Hymnal
08/04/05 - Why I'll never write a CSI episode
08/04/05 - DIC: Caten
08/03/05 - Five Other Dwarves at McDonalds
08/02/05 - CC 291: Green Eggs and REM
08/01/05 - Desert Island Disclaimer
08/01/05 - Desert Island Discotheque
08/01/05 - B.L.A.C.K. in the U.S.A.
07/18/05 - WTFTC 68: Risks of an Organic Diet
07/17/05 - What if *
07/16/05 - CC 289: My puppet has no nose, and he smells terrible
07/14/05 - Unclear on the Concept
07/06/05 - Please don't blame any fat transvestite actors for this
07/05/05 - Shrink Rap 2: Cruise Control
07/04/05 - School of Thought
07/01/05 - BTC 33: One Day in the Home Depot Parking Lot
06/30/05 - DIC: Putin on the Ritz
06/29/05 - FTC 65: The Reproducers
06/29/05 - FTC 65: Play it Again, Sal
06/29/05 - No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of this Comic
06/27/05 - Sixty-Sixty-Sixty-Five FTCs: I Wanna be Sudated
06/27/05 - FTC 65: Face the Music
06/27/05 - FTC 65: German Chocolate Cake
06/23/05 - We Have Liftoff!
06/23/05 - The Next The Next Day
06/23/05 - These Boots were Made for Flying
06/23/05 - Kids, don't try this at home
06/23/05 - The Next Day
06/23/05 - Geniuzzzzzzzzz
06/23/05 - Meanwhile, out in suburbia ...
06/22/05 - DIC: Darkness at Noone
06/21/05 - CSI: Stripcreator
06/20/05 - Because it's there
06/17/05 - The Cable Guy
06/16/05 - Four Scores and Seven Craps You Out
06/14/05 - Who's Bad?
06/13/05 - The Collector (#2)
06/13/05 - Australian Rules Poker
06/13/05 - You can't have your cake and flush it too
06/09/05 - We BTC, You Decide.
06/09/05 - Undersea Office: Special Pre-Belmont Stakes Edition
06/08/05 - Are you still trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson?
06/08/05 - A Murder of Crowes
06/07/05 - WWKSD?
06/06/05 - CC 284: Kids Say the Damnedest Things
06/03/05 - CC 284: Why Mathematicians Never Get Laid
06/03/05 - Lassie, 2525
06/02/05 - Would you prefer "Gigli?"
06/02/05 - Young Shakespeare's First Dilemma
06/01/05 - Episode 3: Revenge of the Smith
05/24/05 - CC 283: Dr. Seuss Meets Randy Newman
05/24/05 - CC 283: Munchkinoe
05/24/05 - CC 283: Multiple-Choice Deli
05/22/05 - Luckily, she doesn't hit in real life
05/17/05 - Die Really Hard
05/17/05 - Dilemma
05/17/05 - Approved by the Secretary of Random Backgrounds
05/11/05 - Call of the Child
05/07/05 - CHUBBY Memorial Random Comic
05/07/05 - What happens next
05/07/05 - Salvador Dali opens up a bowling alley
05/06/05 - Oops.
05/06/05 - The Roadrunaway
05/06/05 - Linus Van Pelt Marries Jennifer Wilbanks
05/06/05 - Runaway Prozac
05/06/05 - What if the Manson Family were dyslexic?
05/04/05 - Civil Disobedience
05/03/05 - CC 281: Sell-iloquy
05/02/05 - Did I ever tell you about the time I walked into a bar?
05/02/05 - Living in South Korea
05/02/05 - On the Road with M & M
04/27/05 - The God Couple: episode zen
04/26/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [13]
04/26/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [12]
04/26/05 - It's the End of the World as I Show It
04/26/05 - Flattery will get you everywhere.
04/26/05 - Surprise parties for firemen
04/24/05 - The Family Circus
04/23/05 - Chewy!
04/23/05 - Roach Go Tell
04/22/05 - W.H. Harrison's Presidency: UNABRIDGED
04/20/05 - Jesus Christ, Superstore
04/19/05 - Stop Calling Me Shirley!
04/19/05 - The best-leet plans...
04/19/05 - Gallows Humor
04/19/05 - In search of a spare
04/12/05 - One Recent Afternoon in Central Park
04/12/05 - Master of Suspense
04/12/05 - Acorner Unit
04/09/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [9]
04/09/05 - The Treasure of Ours [8]
04/08/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [5]
04/08/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [4]
04/06/05 - Stripcreator Treasure [1]
04/06/05 - All That Summer We Enjoyed It
04/06/05 - Chop it off with a hand-saw
04/01/05 - Ripped from Today's Comic Pages
04/01/05 - RIP Frank Perdue
04/01/05 - You Can't Cowboy Physic All of the People All of the Time
03/31/05 - Purple Reign
03/31/05 - Curses, Falwelled Augean!
03/31/05 - Star Trek 2: Deleted Scene
03/30/05 - Ah, Look at all the Lonely Papal
03/30/05 - Stop! In the Name of Glove
03/29/05 - Greater then the Sum of its Parts
03/29/05 - 1975 Inspiration for the Folger's Coffee Commercial
03/29/05 - Yew: The Hunter from the Future
03/29/05 - Night of the Bleeding Dead
03/29/05 - Representation of the View From Iceland Looking South
03/21/05 - CC 278: Lost in Translation
03/21/05 - CC 278: Wehn a Man Loves His Maker
03/14/05 - CC 278: Two Tickets to Parodies
03/10/05 - Small Fry
03/10/05 - A Big Sale
03/10/05 - Spook the Spook
03/10/05 - Shall We Say Baskin Robins?
03/10/05 - Adjust Desserts
03/09/05 - Son of What If
03/09/05 - Zen and the Art of Movie Watching
03/09/05 - Mid-Morning of the Dead
03/08/05 - When You've Seen One Zombie Movie, You've Seen the Mall
03/08/05 - BTC 22: A Cheeky Excuse
03/01/05 - Welcome to Stripcreator. Now Go Home!
02/25/05 - There was an old lady who married a fly
02/22/05 - CC 276: Knock Knock
02/21/05 - CC 276: Trolling for Answers
02/21/05 - FTC 56: Template
02/19/05 - Act X: Good Mourning
02/19/05 - Act III: They Love Us, Aye, Aye, Aye
02/19/05 - Act VI: Goodbye, Goodbye!
02/18/05 - Act VIII: Getting Deader
02/18/05 - Act V: In My Wife
02/18/05 - CC 276: Overheard at the Mimes' Convention
02/18/05 - Act IV: Christ, You Know You Ain't Hefty
02/18/05 - Act II: Being for the Benefit of Musikheit
02/17/05 - ACT IX: The Well-Dressed Was Paul
02/17/05 - Four Gentlemen of Liverpool: Act I: Coming Together
02/17/05 - Act VII: Here Comes the Gun
02/16/05 - WW 37: WWJH?
02/14/05 - Finally using their heads
02/14/05 - CC 275: Ivy gets promoted to Supervisor
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (8)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (7)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (6)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (5)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (4)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (3)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (2)
02/11/05 - CC 275: The Surrogate (1)
02/10/05 - CC 275: 4-in-1
02/10/05 - Middle Earth: Ten Years Later
02/09/05 - And I need a Cairopractor.
02/08/05 - Harry the Hydrogen Atom Reads a Book
02/08/05 - CC 274: Fjord for Thought
02/08/05 - First "The Passion", Now Another Religious Hit
02/07/05 - On this date in history: 2101 BC, more or less
02/07/05 - CC 274: The Demanding Diner
02/07/05 - Dedicated to Phreaky: 101 Uses for a Sword (part 7)
02/06/05 - FTC 55: Brenda the Ass Queen
02/06/05 - The Unabridged Little Red Riding Hood
02/03/05 - Youre Decorated!
02/03/05 - The Further Adventures of Cinderella
02/03/05 - The Further Adventures of Cinderella
02/03/05 - The Further Adventures of Cinderella
02/03/05 - Life at the Bridge Club
02/02/05 - CC 274: Are we in luck!
02/01/05 - CC 273: All true - you can look it up
01/31/05 - Conundrum
01/27/05 - The Ty-D-Bowl Man's Worst Nightmare
01/27/05 - Another Long-Lost Brady Bunch Episode
01/26/05 - Killing them softly
01/24/05 - Where's my tape of this broadcast?
01/24/05 - After hearing the news, Ed McMahon falls badly off the wagon
01/21/05 - A Typical Night in the Gates Household (part 2)
01/21/05 - A Typical Night in the Gates Household (part 1)
01/21/05 - CC 273: The Trouble with Traffickers
01/21/05 - CC 273: One Fine Day in Hell
01/18/05 - CC 272: JCP 5
01/18/05 - CC 272: JCP 4
01/18/05 - CC 272: JCP3
01/18/05 - CC 272: Jurassic Corporate Park
01/13/05 - Happily Ever After?
01/13/05 - If God had meant us to fly ...
01/13/05 - Games People Play
01/13/05 - The Godfather: Part 2
01/11/05 - CC 272: Always Consult a Reputable Travel Agent
01/11/05 - CC 272: Or You'll Need a Wooden Stake
01/11/05 - CC 272: Coprophiliac?
01/10/05 - CC 272: Just the Way You Are
01/10/05 - CC 272: XX Marks the Spot
01/08/05 - CC 272: The Lost Action Hero
01/08/05 - CC 272: Under Screech
01/07/05 - FTC 51: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be afloyd. Be VERY afloyd.
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be poetic. Be VERY poetic.
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be angry. Be VERY angry.
01/07/05 - CC 272: Be stupid. Be VERY stupid.
01/06/05 - Hello Muddy, Hello Foody
01/04/05 - Can anything be more tasteless?
01/03/05 - At the Morse Code Aficionados' Convention
12/30/04 - Through history with mmyers' slow ass computer
12/29/04 - If mmyers' slow ass computer was on Jeopardy! (3)
12/29/04 - One Day in Court
12/29/04 - CC 271: A Short-sighted Solution
12/29/04 - CC 271: Tampa-Resistant
12/29/04 - CC 271: Signed, Seliged, Delivered
12/29/04 - CC 271: Imminent Katostrophe
12/29/04 - CC 271: Owa Taga Siam
12/28/04 - Why Witches Don't Play at Augusta National
12/28/04 - Why Psychologists Don't Play Golf
12/28/04 - Why Mathematicians Don't Play Golf
12/28/04 - Why Geeks Don't Play Golf
12/26/04 - FTC 50: Cap-Sized
12/26/04 - FTC 50: Easy Gum, Easy Go
12/26/04 - The Follicle of Man's Ways
12/24/04 - Cowboy Fizzle
12/23/04 - 41 & 43
12/23/04 - CC 270: She Was Only A Bleached Blonde
12/23/04 - CC 270: Boowrong
12/23/04 - CC 270: Cruel and Unusual
12/21/04 - CC 270: At the Superheroes' Reunion
12/21/04 - CC 270: The Balcony Scene
12/20/04 - "A Christmas Story" outtakes
12/20/04 - It's a miserable life.
12/20/04 - They Wouldn't Let Poor Rudolph Join in Any Reindeer Games
12/17/04 - Class of '94
12/16/04 - Kajunstein
12/16/04 - Chapter 3: Eddie Bends a Stop Sign
12/16/04 - Money Shot
12/16/04 - Why I Hate Breakfast Cereal
12/16/04 - story time: the shoemaker and the volcano
12/14/04 - WW III.3
12/14/04 - CC 269: RTFM
12/14/04 - CC 269: One Late September Afternoon
12/09/04 - FTC 47: Endless Slumber
12/09/04 - 00Holy Night
12/08/04 - CC 268: SAP
12/08/04 - CC 268: Let's Get PSAcal
12/07/04 - CC 268: ASP
12/07/04 - CC 268: The King of Pollenesia
12/07/04 - The Mini at Walt's
12/06/04 - Contortions of a Dromedary Queen
12/03/04 - 35
12/03/04 - 11.5
12/03/04 - 13
12/03/04 - 6
12/03/04 - 22 & 24
12/02/04 - 16
12/02/04 - 42
12/02/04 - 40
12/02/04 - 9
12/02/04 - 1
12/02/04 - 37
12/01/04 - CC 267: Where indeed is Kajun?
11/29/04 - FF: To Ares Ask Humans Though Forget Divine.
11/16/04 - CC 265: Cthlegm
11/15/04 - CC 265: Quickies
11/13/04 - CC 265: Sylvester the Cat's Nightmare
11/12/04 - CC 265: Shall We Begin With The Obvious
11/11/04 - Feline Groovy
11/11/04 - C2K: Read this while you can
11/11/04 - A switch in time beats 1999
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/11/04 - The Newlydead Game
11/10/04 - It's a good thing Jessica Simpson's not dead yet
11/10/04 - Why he's still alive
11/06/04 - As I'm Elite ...
11/04/04 - ... and paste some more (thanks, mmyers)
11/04/04 - Max Canon
11/04/04 - SAT: A nun, a Mexican and a goat walk into a bar ...
11/03/04 - Meanwhile, over at Delphi ...
11/03/04 - Why you may have a longer wait at the doctor's this week
10/28/04 - (1984) How it Happened
10/28/04 - (1983) The Fellowship of the Yellow Smiley Face
10/27/04 - (1982) You Asked For It!
10/27/04 - (1981) A Dog's Life (in memory of Sydnee)
10/21/04 - (1980) Instant Comics Gonna Get You
10/21/04 - (1979) Some People Call Me the Space Collie ...
10/21/04 - (1978) World's Worst Entrepreneur
10/20/04 - Maybe they should call themselves Breast Buy
10/15/04 - WW 27: Nobody's done this one yet?
10/14/04 - Scenes we'd like to see
10/13/04 - Wash Brain With Like Colors Tumble Dry Low Success
10/11/04 - FF: All in a Day's Work
10/07/04 - Blame it on Walt
10/07/04 - Taters for Sale 7
10/07/04 - Taters for Sale 6
10/07/04 - One Day at Mt. St. Helens
10/06/04 - BTC 18: The rout
10/05/04 - When in the courfe of human events
10/04/04 - VOAT 3
10/04/04 - VOAT 2
10/04/04 - VOAT 1
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 5
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 4
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 3
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 2
09/30/04 - Doiliverance, part 1
09/29/04 - A Little Less Long Gestation
09/29/04 - Avoiding a Groton Deal
09/29/04 - A Revolutionary Poem
09/28/04 - CC 259: A Drop in the Beckett
09/28/04 - CC 259: The Twilight Ozone
09/22/04 - The Raver
09/21/04 - CC 258: A Stunning Result
09/21/04 - Observations Made During Talk Like a Pirate Day (3)
09/21/04 - Observations Made During Talk Like a Pirate Day (2)
09/21/04 - Observations Made During Talk Like a Pirate Day (1)
09/20/04 - 3D Cumshot: In SENSURROUND!
09/20/04 - FF: It's a dirty Jabba; someone's got to do it!
09/18/04 - CC 258: In reality, pirates aren't all bad
09/17/04 - CC 258: Pirates Unclear on the Concept
09/17/04 - CC 258: Arrrrrrrr Pee Gee
09/15/04 - Lord of the Rings in Haiku
09/14/04 - CC12: The Needling and the Danage Done
09/12/04 - Sprawl's Well that Ends Well
09/12/04 - Citizen Shane
09/11/04 - FTC 44: I Posted It First!
09/11/04 - CSI: Providence
09/10/04 - Free Erections in Iraq
09/08/04 - Show Me the Funny!
09/06/04 - Dude, Where's My Dade?
09/06/04 - Husker Doings
09/04/04 - All's well that Roswell
09/04/04 - Why it smells cheesy
09/03/04 - Brigham On!
09/03/04 - Deep in the Artificial Heart
09/02/04 - The Reston the Story
09/02/04 - Hoosier Shock
09/02/04 - Honorable Borg Used Cubes
09/02/04 - On the Rhode Again
09/01/04 - I'm OK, You're OK
09/01/04 - The Spokane Truth
09/01/04 - United States of Bennington
09/01/04 - CC 256: On this Dayton History
08/27/04 - A Modern Fairy Tale
08/25/04 - Shut up and deal!
08/25/04 - PT4: Taking the Pants Home
08/25/04 - PT3: The Search for Pants
08/25/04 - PT2: The Wrath of Pants
08/25/04 - Pants Trek: The Motion Picture
08/24/04 - ... in which MikeyG gives boorite some pants
08/18/04 - CC 254: The Loneliest One
08/17/04 - We now check in with the Chinese Synchronized Diving team
08/11/04 - CC 253: Rock and Rule
08/11/04 - CC 253: You've Got Me on My Knees!
08/11/04 - CC 253: But Wouldn't Some Genesis have Been More Sensible?
08/11/04 - CC 253: Second Hand Rose (photoshop template)
08/10/04 - CC 253: When a Man Makes Love to a Woman ...
08/09/04 - ?melborP eht s'tahW
08/08/04 - CC 253: The Story of Mr. Feetforhands
08/04/04 - FTC 40: Play-Doo
07/30/04 - Periodic Table
07/25/04 - CC 252: I think I heard my cue.
07/24/04 - The Punt is the Lowest Form of Humor
07/23/04 - By Popular Demand: Interlude with the Donner Party
07/22/04 - WW22: Old MF Hubbard
07/20/04 - Teen Angel
07/20/04 - CC 251: Spelling Bee For the Tourette's-Afflicted
07/20/04 - CC 251: Ph33r Ph4|<70r
07/20/04 - CSI: Panel 3
07/19/04 - The End
07/19/04 - Maybe top it off with some Miracle Whip?
07/18/04 - Oui Oui Roast
07/08/04 - Kafka, 1986
07/08/04 - The long-lost Kafka-Seuss Collaboration
07/08/04 - Lower your pants and Kafka
07/08/04 - Beware of Imitations
07/07/04 - Samsa and Delilah
06/30/04 - FTC 38: How it Happened
06/26/04 - Trek or Treat
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu (Le Grand Finale)
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu (3)
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu (2)
06/26/04 - Walt Disney's Ghraib Abu-bu
06/26/04 - WW 20: Some Politically Incorrect Title
06/25/04 - job description
06/22/04 - CC 249: Abraham and Strauss
06/19/04 - FTC 37: Volun-tears
06/19/04 - FTC 37: I am not a cookie
06/17/04 - Let's not overburden Kaddar too much!
06/08/04 - That's Entertainment!
06/07/04 - Ice Cream Mimes
06/02/04 - Quarterly Report
06/02/04 - Quarterly Report
06/02/04 - CC 247: The Unkindest Cut
06/02/04 - Reality TV's New Low
06/02/04 - Untitled
06/01/04 - From the Cutting Room Floor: Fellowship of the Ring
05/27/04 - Anti-drug Commercial K4
05/27/04 - Anti-drug Commercial K4
05/26/04 - Collect All 43: Trade Them With Your Friends
05/26/04 - Casablanca 2: The Sequel
05/25/04 - CC 246: Collect All 43, Trade Them With Your Friends
05/25/04 - FTC 36: Convent Ional Bomb
05/18/04 - BTC 5: Introductions.
05/17/04 - CC 244: David Byrne's New Project
05/17/04 - FTC 35: Template
05/17/04 - BTC 5: Will Cooler Heads Prevail?
05/17/04 - Something Sure Smells Funny
05/14/04 - Has this FTC had a Hitler's Ass joke yet?
05/13/04 - recurSSion
05/12/04 - CC 244: Toughest Ticket in Town
05/07/04 - WW 15: Courting Dissaster
05/07/04 - The Birds and the Bees
05/07/04 - Water Cooler
05/05/04 - What Am I Missing?
05/05/04 - Advanced Rhyming News
05/05/04 - The Rest of the Story
05/03/04 - On the other hand, maybe a few rolls won't hurt
05/03/04 - The New Hire
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (5)
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (4) -- Reality Intrudes
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (3) [just the template]
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake (2) [only the template]
04/30/04 - A Grave Mistake
04/29/04 - Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-TOBOR!
04/29/04 - FTC 33: One Foggy Christmas Eve
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Ad K3
04/28/04 - Geico-Roman Wrestling
04/28/04 - FTC 32: Fanning the fires of a new catchphrase
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Ad K2
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Ad K1
04/26/04 - BTC 2: I need this like I need a hole in my head
04/26/04 - The Adventures of Barney
04/26/04 - The Thrill of Victory
04/25/04 - The Waterskier's Toast
04/23/04 - BTC 1: The Memento Version (thanks to new art)
04/23/04 - FTC 32: Hit the Loo, Jack
04/23/04 - Just released: Dark Side of Kim Yi and Song Lu Moon
04/22/04 - Romancing The Stone
04/22/04 - It Came From Davy Jones' Locker
04/22/04 - The Music Super (star) Market Borrows an Old SC Joke
04/22/04 - Music Super(star)market Quickies
04/22/04 - FTC 32: Relief Pitcher
04/21/04 - Don't Dream It ...
04/21/04 - WW 13
04/21/04 - CC 241: Drosophilove
04/21/04 - BTC 1: Kris Krumple
04/20/04 - WWMTD?
04/20/04 - CC 241: Math Geeks in Love
04/19/04 - One Tuesday Afternoon in Oz
04/14/04 - FTC 31: Template
04/13/04 - CC 240: Stripcreator Training Pays Off
04/13/04 - CC 240: XX-Rated
04/12/04 - CC 240: The day after
04/12/04 - CC 239: Duet
04/09/04 - They Get You Every Time
04/09/04 - CC 239: Fish Heads
04/07/04 - CC 239: Who can forget this classic?
04/06/04 - Stairway to Heaven. (fin)
04/06/04 - Stairway to Seven
04/06/04 - Stairway two and two and two Heaven.
04/06/04 - Stairway 2+2+1 Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway IV Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway Three Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway 2 Heaven
04/06/04 - Stairway to Heaven: The Long Version
04/06/04 - FTC 30: Rocky Horror Show?
04/05/04 - FTC 30: And pick up a pack of Trojans
04/05/04 - FTC 30: Thor Losers
04/05/04 - FTC 30: Delta Cloud
04/02/04 - Death Takes a Holiday
04/01/04 - Zen and the Art of Comic Contest Victory
04/01/04 - Just because some watery tart lobbed some cheese at you...
03/31/04 - FTC 29: Someday My Prince Will Combust
03/29/04 - FTC 29: In a Rut
03/25/04 - Squeal Like a Rock Star
03/24/04 - Bonus 237: The title won't fit here -- see narration bar.
03/22/04 - WW 10: After losing the big game ...
03/21/04 - CC 237: Gee Whiz
03/20/04 - My Invisible Rabbit Pisses All Over Your Rules
03/17/04 - The Miracle Worker
03/16/04 - Again?
03/15/04 - Mark of Excrements
03/09/04 - CC 236: Multi-Chopper
03/06/04 - CC 236: Refursive Functions
03/05/04 - FTC 26: Finger-Licking Good
03/05/04 - Stripcreator Music Swap 4
03/05/04 - FTC 26: Bridget Loves Berne
03/04/04 - CC 235: Inside the Neonatal Ward
03/03/04 - CC 235: In a Badgered State
03/02/04 - WW8: Sha na na na nana na na na
03/02/04 - WW8: Unclear on the subject
03/02/04 - WW8: Moh
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (4)
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (3)
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (2)
02/27/04 - The Passion of the Titanic (1)
02/26/04 - Paws: The Revenge
02/24/04 - CC 234: Was this what HP was thinking?
02/24/04 - But he'll have such fun batting the little boat around
02/24/04 - CC 234: Lather, Rince, Repeat
02/24/04 - CC 234: As seen on ESPN
02/23/04 - FTC 24: Nun of the Above
02/21/04 - CC 233: Attack of the the Pet Peeves
02/20/04 - I Hop, You Hop, We All Hop For IHOP!
02/19/04 - Tommy, Can You Push Me?
02/18/04 - CC 233: From the BRAAAIIIIIINNS in Marketing
02/18/04 - Saturday Evening in the Red Light District
02/17/04 - Zat was Zen, Dis is Tao
02/16/04 - lint in the bellybutton of god
02/16/04 - Freudy-Cat
02/13/04 - FTC 23: The Predictable Template
02/12/04 - Hey! How'd you like a nice Hawaiian punchline?
02/12/04 - I don't think we've done this one yet.
02/12/04 - hair....
02/12/04 - The path to competence in beer drinking : lesson four (rev.)
02/11/04 - FTC 22: Anteballum
02/11/04 - FTC 22: Getting a foot in the door
02/10/04 - Photojournalistic Ethics
02/09/04 - The Rise and Fall of Private Whitman
02/09/04 - Second Worst Thing to say to a man in or out of a skirt
02/09/04 - Most Appropriate Username
02/06/04 - WW V: Skirting the Issue
02/05/04 - Meanwhile at FBI Headquarters ...
02/04/04 - ZS #17: Ex-queues Me
02/03/04 - We Are Looking for Goose and Squirm
02/03/04 - FTC 21: Curtains for Daniel?
02/03/04 - Obi a fine girl, kiss me
02/02/04 - We can dream, can't we?
01/31/04 - CC 231: Leading a Horticulture
01/31/04 - CC 231: Meet the New Boss
01/31/04 - CC 231: The Invasion
01/31/04 - CC 231: Their Fearless Leader
01/31/04 - CC 231: This Spud's for You
01/30/04 - What do you get when you cross a dark horse with a greyhound
01/29/04 - Squishy is as Squishy Does
01/28/04 - Brought to you by the Orlando Tourist Bureau
01/27/04 - FTC 20: Dean's List
01/26/04 - I'd Rather Laugh with the Dinners ...
01/25/04 - FTC 20: Too Many Cooks
01/23/04 - FTC 19: Paper or Plastic?
01/22/04 - Konami Physics
01/22/04 - I Beat the Witch Doctor at Chess
01/21/04 - Nightmare at 20,000 Decibels
01/21/04 - Second Best Billy Mumy Comic. Ever.
01/21/04 - Battle of the Skullge
01/20/04 - On tour with Sauron and the Balrogs
01/19/04 - Mind Meld
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Shockd and Awed
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Blue Scene of Death
01/16/04 - CC 229: Outtakes (or vice versa)
01/16/04 - CC 229: Ruining a Perfect Evening
01/16/04 - CC 229: See You Real Soon!
01/14/04 - Serial Comic 9.10
01/13/04 - FTC 18: High-Fiber Diet
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Friends of Mao W.
01/13/04 - Master and Pedantic: The Arrrrrrrr Side of the World
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Breakfast, Lunch and Donner
01/13/04 - Like Father, Like Pun (12)
01/12/04 - Behind the Music
01/12/04 - The Gospel According to Billy-Bob
01/12/04 - CC 228: A Source of a Different Color
01/12/04 - CC 228: Advice to a failed all-star
01/10/04 - You'd think they'd give it another name.
01/09/04 - Fourwepilogue
01/09/04 - Fourway's Treat (#18)
01/08/04 - Harry Potter and the Infield Fly Rule
01/08/04 - Tobor's Midnight Snack: Hot Cross Buns
01/08/04 - Are you trying to bee-t these jokes into the ground?
01/07/04 - Are you trying to deduce me, Mr. Holmes?
01/07/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Silver?
01/07/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Kermit?
01/06/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Shaquille?
01/06/04 - One Thursday Afternoon in Oz
01/05/04 - Channel 3, Home of the Square Blimp
01/05/04 - But it probably took extra innings
01/05/04 - FTC 17: The Anthrax Scare
01/04/04 - Never Take Fertility Drugs for Your Eyes
01/02/04 - The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Part 2
01/02/04 - The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Part 1
01/02/04 - Godzilla in Three Panels
01/02/04 - CC 227: The View From My London Hotel Room
01/02/04 - CC 227: Silent Movie
01/02/04 - CC 227: Evolution
01/02/04 - Epilogue
01/02/04 - Interlude.
01/02/04 - Hunter Worked and Overpaid
01/02/04 - The Loophole
01/02/04 - Telling the IRS Where to Stuff It ...
01/02/04 - Tales Calculated to Drive You FTC
12/30/03 - FTC 16: New Years Barkin' Eve
12/29/03 - Not since the Nixon administration ...
12/29/03 - CC 226: The Bear Minimum
12/29/03 - CC 226: The Cartoonits
12/27/03 - CC 226: Retractable Claus
12/26/03 - CC 226: Celebrity Resolutions
12/25/03 - CC 226: You say you want a resolution?
12/23/03 - FTC 15: At the Trading Deadline
12/23/03 - FTC 15: She Blinded Me With Compliance
12/23/03 - FTC 15: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Decade
12/23/03 - Who? Me Bitter?
12/22/03 - On the twelfth day of Christmas Chicka got the news
12/22/03 - On the Twelfth Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me ...
12/22/03 - Eight Maids-a-Milking ...
12/20/03 - CC 225: Two Total Doves
12/20/03 - CC 225: Ten More Lords a Leaping
12/20/03 - CC 225: The Next Novelty Release
12/20/03 - CC 225: Four Calling Birds
12/19/03 - Stripcreator exposes LOTR revisionist history
12/16/03 - Do I need to spell it out?
12/15/03 - FTC 14: Job-Related Hazards
12/15/03 - FTC 14: A Day in the Life
12/15/03 - Needs More Saddamy
12/12/03 - It could work!
12/10/03 - On the 13th FTC My True Love Gave to Me ...
12/09/03 - End of an Era
12/09/03 - The Fateful Meeting
12/09/03 - Donosore
12/09/03 - Simian Says: Hands on Hips!
12/09/03 - CC 224: A New Era Dawns
12/09/03 - FTC 12: Every Snowman's Fantasy
12/04/03 - Veni Vidi WWE
12/04/03 - Flog The Cliche #12: Geicold
12/04/03 - FTC 12: Oral History
12/04/03 - Skeleton Crude
12/04/03 - CC 223: N00bzilla Epilogue
12/03/03 - CC 223: Nothing Succeeds Like Sucks-Ex
12/03/03 - A Little Nightmare Music
12/03/03 - CC 223: Coup Boy Physics
12/03/03 - CC 223: Volt Early and Often
11/27/03 - FTC XI: Typothermia
11/20/03 - CC 221: The King is Dead, Long L1v3 the King!
11/19/03 - For Entertainment Purposes Only
11/19/03 - The other 59 are an exercise for the interested reader
11/19/03 - In search of background knowledge
11/18/03 - Never underestimate the gravidity of the situation
11/18/03 - Maternity Leave is a Very Good Thing
11/18/03 - CC 221: Spelling Bee
11/17/03 - UMFUMDAILY 11/17/03
11/16/03 - CC 221: Bladder-Laden Knight's Alright for Fighting
11/16/03 - FTC 9: Maybe his grandpa was a beaver.
11/14/03 - CC XI: Green is Envy
11/14/03 - UMFUMDAILY (11/14/03)
11/14/03 - UMFUMDAILY DOUBLE (11/14/03)
11/13/03 - CC 220: Fun for the whole family
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (5)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (4)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (3)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail (2)
11/12/03 - CC 220: Stripcreator and the Holy Grail
11/11/03 - FTC8: Witless
11/11/03 - FTC8: Amish Pair-o-dice
11/11/03 - FTC8: Don't Mansion It
11/11/03 - FTC8: Lycanthrome
11/07/03 - Scenes from a tournament
11/07/03 - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Ken
11/06/03 - Long-Range Forecast
11/05/03 - CC 219: And a good Friday it was!
11/05/03 - CC 219: Ph-nglui mglw'nafh the other side
11/04/03 - Summer Blockbuster
11/03/03 - FTC 7: Really Scary Monster
11/03/03 - A field guide to birds
10/31/03 - CC 11: Carter Blanche
10/30/03 - The Most Successful Fast Food Joint
10/29/03 - Sense and Sensitivity
10/29/03 - Warman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
10/29/03 - CC 218: Bela the Ball
10/29/03 - CC 218: Trick or Geek!
10/29/03 - AAP 8.1
10/28/03 - CC 217: Final Judgment
10/24/03 - Baby, You're Second Best
10/24/03 - HowMuchCrapWouldACrappieCrapIfACrappieCouldCrapCrap?
10/23/03 - One Day in Deaf-y Jones' Locker
10/23/03 - 10^100 pieces of crap
10/22/03 - Psych it to me!
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/22/03 - Kill Brad (vol. 1)
10/17/03 - (5)
10/17/03 - (4)
10/17/03 - (3)
10/17/03 - (2)
10/17/03 - Don't you hate when this happens? (1)
10/16/03 - FTC #4: Fill in the Blanks
10/16/03 - CC 216: With Lloyd Bridges as the Captain
10/15/03 - The Ultimate Fast Food Comic
10/15/03 - FTC3: The Minute Waltz
10/14/03 - Cetacean on the Street
10/13/03 - FTC3b: The gift that keeps on giving
10/13/03 - Some shrinkage may occur
10/12/03 - The Real Reason People Tip Cows
10/11/03 - FTC (Flashbacks Thru Comics) #3
10/10/03 - The Hair and Distort Us
10/10/03 - Two: Hair is Human
10/10/03 - CC 215: One sally mit hairy
10/10/03 - Menage a huit?
10/09/03 - Dwarf and Peace
10/08/03 - Incidentally, That's Why Dwarves Taste That Way
10/07/03 - How do you make a dwarf cross?
10/07/03 - X Marks the Spot!
10/07/03 - Thriller (part 1)
10/04/03 - From the Unabridged "Frankenstein"
10/04/03 - Bachelor of 'R'ts
10/02/03 - Another Tender Moment
10/02/03 - At the Gates of Valhalla
10/02/03 - Wild & Wooly
10/01/03 - CC 30 + 183: Special Movie Hybrid Edition: Love Is ...
09/30/03 - CC 213: Deep in the Fun Zone
09/29/03 - CC 213: Air Bud vs. The Princess Bride
09/29/03 - CC 213: Romeo and Juliet and The Exorcist
09/26/03 - Subdivision by 1999
09/26/03 - First on Who
09/26/03 - Why they don't name streets after rock bands
09/26/03 - Subdivision by Zero
09/25/03 - CC 212: The Dwight Stuff
09/25/03 - Create Your Own Milli Vanilli Song
09/24/03 - A Manwich is a Meal!
09/23/03 - CC 212: The Bet
09/23/03 - This 1937 film revealed the brewing German-Japanese alliance
09/23/03 - CC 212: What has we gots in our bloodstreamses?
09/23/03 - Tard Boy and Finkelman
09/22/03 - WAITER!
09/19/03 - Exit Stage Left
09/19/03 - CC 211: In Stereoooooohhhh
09/19/03 - CC 211: Return of Cindy the Weather Dog
09/12/03 - The Prince and the Papparazo
09/12/03 - Pb 20
09/10/03 - CC 209: Razing the Borrowed
09/09/03 - CC 209: He said, cliched
09/08/03 - CC 209: JLo Blow
09/08/03 - CC 209: Matt, Rest in Peace
09/06/03 - CC 209: Detective Fun Pack Comix
09/02/03 - A Connecticut Yankee in MacArthurs Corps
09/02/03 - One Year After Nineteen-No-Nothing
09/02/03 - CC 208: Casey at the Bot
09/02/03 - CC 208: The Farmie Paradox
09/02/03 - CC 208: This is gonna hurt me a lot more than it'll hurt you
09/02/03 - CC 208: Why we shouldn't send very old people back in time
08/29/03 - CC 207: Marmadoom
08/28/03 - The B.C. Comic You'll NEVER See
08/28/03 - Eyebeam 3
08/28/03 - Eyebeam 2
08/28/03 - Eyebeam 1
08/27/03 - CC 207: Soaps Gone Bad
08/27/03 - CC 207: Red Meat goes really bad
08/27/03 - The Lesser Evil
08/26/03 - The Boys of Slaughter
08/26/03 - The Devil is in the Details
08/25/03 - CC 206: Paging Mr. Checker!
08/24/03 - Congratulations
08/24/03 - Happy Spring!
08/24/03 - CC 206: Birthday
08/20/03 - Film and Theatre Styles (1)
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/19/03 - The Playwright Apologizes (and so do I)
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untittled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/13/03 - CC X: Out To Launch
08/12/03 - Not For Long
08/12/03 - CC 204: Evolution of a Blockbuster
08/12/03 - CC 204: Why they never accomplish anything
08/11/03 - What is where is this all leading to?
08/11/03 - What has six legs and a pair of antennas?
08/11/03 - What is the name of the second baseman?
08/11/03 - What is the title of this comic?
08/08/03 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
08/06/03 - Monday Morning Blues
08/06/03 - CC 203: Mid-Atlantic Summer of 2003 in review
08/06/03 - The Adventures of Ricky Retardo
07/30/03 - I'll Never See Obese a Burden
07/30/03 - The Artist (2)
07/30/03 - The Artist (1)
07/30/03 - CC 201: London Broil
07/29/03 - CC 201: A Space Symphony
07/27/03 - Calendar (12)
07/27/03 - Calendar (11)
07/27/03 - Cslendar (10)
07/27/03 - Calendar (9)
07/27/03 - Calendar (8)
07/27/03 - Calendar (7)
07/27/03 - Calendar (6)
07/27/03 - Calendar (5)
07/27/03 - Calendar (4)
07/27/03 - Calendar (3)
07/27/03 - Calendar (2)
07/27/03 - Calendar (1)
07/26/03 - August 2 in Australia
07/25/03 - Is Chuck Jones now in command?
07/25/03 - One Night in a Pumpkin Patch: Take 1
07/24/03 - CC 199: And He Cleans His Sink Once Every 76 Years
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [5]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [4]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [3]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [2]
07/24/03 - CC 199: Best Performance Ever [1]
07/23/03 - Meanwhile at Bernie's Pawn Shop ...
07/23/03 - In Search of the Elusive Fourth Wall
07/21/03 - Haiku to you too
07/18/03 - Count on it!
07/17/03 - Apologies if I couldn't shoehorn you in
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (4)
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (3)
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (2)
07/15/03 - Battle of the Sexes (1)
07/14/03 - If stripcreator didn't exist, this could never happen
07/14/03 - YACHeM
07/14/03 - CC 197: When the domain names become available again
07/13/03 - There are some things money can't buy.
07/13/03 - Never ride It's A Small World maxed out on meth and PCP
07/12/03 - Just Those Goofy Statues
07/11/03 - CC 196 Four De Trance
07/10/03 - Director's Cut
07/10/03 - Ask us about our vows of silence
07/10/03 - Meteor!
07/10/03 - Yielding to Temptation
07/09/03 - Obscurely Abridged Shakespeare
07/09/03 - Rock-bottom discount cruise
07/09/03 - More Abridged Shakespeare!
07/09/03 - The British Champion concentrates on his move
07/07/03 - CC 196: Flushed with Embarassment
06/26/03 - CC 194 (2 days late)
06/24/03 - CC 194: Spoiler Warning
06/24/03 - CC 194: Idol Hands
06/21/03 - A Bad Slice
06/20/03 - No, they're not at all random.
06/16/03 - Let me put it in terms Andy would understand
06/14/03 - CC 192: Capital Punishment
06/04/03 - CC 190: Cross Doubt
06/01/03 - Earning a Devil Raise
05/31/03 - An Exciting Announcement
05/31/03 - CC 190: A Gnir Management
05/29/03 - Another Day in Ancient Rome
05/28/03 - CC 189: The Assassination of Caesar
05/27/03 - January 6, 2001
05/27/03 - CC 189: The Rest of the Story
05/22/03 - Split Decision
05/22/03 - Episode IV: A New Dope
05/22/03 - Vacuum-Packed
05/22/03 - Rocket To Me
05/22/03 - The Human Race
05/20/03 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Abducted By Aliens (part 2)
05/20/03 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Abducted by Aliens (Part 1)
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act V
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act IV
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act I
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act III
05/18/03 - McBeth: Act II
05/17/03 - William I
05/12/03 - Emotional Rescue
05/12/03 - X Spots the Marks
05/12/03 - Now They Need a Place to Hide Away
05/12/03 - So They Reunited: Poetic License!
05/12/03 - CC 186: Catching a Few X's
05/06/03 - Epiclog
05/06/03 - The Plumber Never Rings Twice
05/06/03 - Germs of Endearment
05/06/03 - This is the Tidal of This Comic
05/05/03 - Sorry, Wrong Plumber
05/03/03 - Due to extended deadline and buttonmen down ...
05/01/03 - The Scottish Plumber
04/30/03 - More Scenes from a Cat
04/29/03 - Scenes from a Cat
04/26/03 - When She Was Bad She Was Horrid
04/26/03 - CC 183: Irresistable Urge
04/25/03 - CC 183: On the set of James Cameron's TITANIC
04/25/03 - CC 183: Conditioned Response
04/23/03 - The Big Finish!
04/22/03 - One day in the (c)old west
04/21/03 - Feed the Boards
04/17/03 - Contein
04/16/03 - All A Board!
04/15/03 - The Stripcreator Board Game
04/15/03 - I Owe You Three
04/14/03 - CC 181: Oh, I see you've got one already.
04/14/03 - CC 181: Some Assembly Required
04/09/03 - Dial C for Contest
04/08/03 - How I Got My "Accessory"
04/07/03 - My Worst Nightmare
04/03/03 - Same as it Ever Was
04/02/03 - Not if she paints her sockets black
04/02/03 - CC 179: In Solitary Confinement
03/31/03 - CC 179: No Direction Home
03/31/03 - CC 179: Wyoming at Night
03/30/03 - CC 179: Stacy the Radical Feminist
03/29/03 - Serial Comic 8, Expos 3
03/28/03 - Hindus and Dont's
03/26/03 - Community Chest
03/24/03 - CC 177: Fucklestilskin
03/22/03 - More Reality TV
03/22/03 - CC 178: More Scarlet Letters
03/21/03 - 1984
03/20/03 - Beckett To Me!
03/19/03 - The Princess Bride
03/19/03 - Kernighan & Plauger: The Elements of Programming Style
03/18/03 - Two Soles in Communion
03/16/03 - Fight Club of Toronto
03/15/03 - Department of Haiku Security
03/14/03 - CC 176: Close-Captioned for the Herring-Impaired
03/14/03 - Commie Contest 175
03/07/03 - CC 174: 3 x 0 = ?
03/07/03 - Next Time We Bring Prunes
03/07/03 - CC 174: Yow!
03/07/03 - CC 174: The Best Policy
03/06/03 - A Message from the President (Buy Brain Brillo)
03/03/03 - CC 173: Cereal Killer
03/02/03 - That Beer Commercial: Unabridged
03/01/03 - Somewhere over a gangster hideout
02/28/03 - CC 173: Halloween
02/28/03 - Picture Yourself in CC 173
02/25/03 - Tag!
02/24/03 - YMtC1: As a Matter of Coarse
02/24/03 - Some Assembly Required
02/24/03 - CC 172: Big MaKK Attack
02/22/03 - CC 172: O BANada!
02/22/03 - CC 172: A Day in a Bug's Life
02/21/03 - Goedel, Wisher, Bach
02/19/03 - Peter Frampton's Career in Three Panels
02/19/03 - CC 171: Shrink Rap
02/18/03 - The Devil is in the Details
02/18/03 - Be Careful What You Ask For
02/18/03 - Last Week in Washington
02/17/03 - Roger and the Genie
02/16/03 - Buffy the Volcano Slayer
02/13/03 - CC 170: Genesplice
02/13/03 - Recycling old jokes since 1973 ...
02/13/03 - CC 170: And North Korea has our Post-Its
02/13/03 - CC 170: The Staplers Only Club
02/11/03 - CC 169: Employment Advice
02/10/03 - CC 169: Science Mission
02/08/03 - CC 169: Searching for Bobby Liquor
02/08/03 - Why there are so few drunk drivers in Stripcreatorland
02/04/03 - Life, The Universe and Everything
02/04/03 - Sfvojpo
02/04/03 - A Greeting to Arms
02/04/03 - Punslinger
02/03/03 - Scenes From a Reunion
02/03/03 - Cowboy Senior Moment
02/03/03 - CC 168: Prop-aganda
02/02/03 - I am a colossal old fart
02/02/03 - CC 168: The More Things Change
01/31/03 - CC 167: Follow the red-splattered road
01/31/03 - In This Corny!
01/31/03 - Misadventures of a Perch-Up Comic
01/30/03 - Untitled
01/29/03 - Some People Just Can't Tell a Joke
01/29/03 - The Druid of Sno-Conehenge
01/29/03 - The Druid of Stallonehenge
01/29/03 - Constructive Criticism
01/28/03 - CC 167: Language Lessons
01/28/03 - The Druid of Sierra Leonehenge
01/28/03 - Kids, Don't Try This at Home!
01/27/03 - Party Animals
01/27/03 - David Owwwwie!
01/27/03 - CC 167: Who's on Call?
01/27/03 - Passing Calculus
01/27/03 - Captain Obvious' Final Swim
01/23/03 - Me Too!
01/23/03 - CC 166: To Tell the Truth
01/22/03 - CC 166: The Return of the King
01/22/03 - CC 166: Lies, Damn Lies, and Sadistics
01/22/03 - A Fable
01/21/03 - a/s/l?
01/21/03 - CC 166: A Wholly Original Comic
01/21/03 - My Bonnie
01/17/03 - And if you haven't already, read them
01/16/03 - (10)
01/16/03 - (9)
01/16/03 - (8)
01/16/03 - (7)
01/16/03 - (6)
01/16/03 - (5)
01/16/03 - (4)
01/16/03 - (3)
01/16/03 - (2)
01/16/03 - Apologies to the Good Doctor (1)
01/15/03 - CC 165: Rap on Wood
01/15/03 - CC 165: If Benjamin Franklin Were Alive Today
01/15/03 - CC 165: The Cock Crowes
01/11/03 - Gabe Billings: Now Available in Triphonic!
01/10/03 - Money Shot
01/10/03 - Peanuts Goes to College
01/10/03 - F.S.U.
01/10/03 - Would you believe "Morris?"
01/10/03 - CC 164: Return to Santa
01/10/03 - Rush Job
01/09/03 - CC 164: Hops, Skip and Jump
01/09/03 - When a man loves a woman and that woman is himself ...
01/09/03 - More Skydiving 101
01/09/03 - Skydiving 101
01/09/03 - Dropping the Course
01/09/03 - CC 164: Matriculater
01/08/03 - Say it with Flowers
01/08/03 - A New Angle
01/07/03 - Alternate Tolkien
01/05/03 - Biblio Tech
01/04/03 - Mikey ate it!
01/02/03 - Show, Replace and Wince
12/31/02 - First Lame Pun of the Year
12/31/02 - Martha Quinn, Medicine Woman
12/31/02 - And Then She Said, "It's Time for Ed"
12/31/02 - Clarence and Anita: The Early Years
12/31/02 - Haven't You Ever Attached a Generator to Your Plow?
12/30/02 - CC 162: But What About the Hairy Palms?
12/30/02 - CC 162: A View to a Bondbarella
12/30/02 - CC 162: Part 1 of 33
12/27/02 - The Great Race
12/26/02 - PC-Man Takes on the World
12/24/02 - Lara Rescues a Genie
12/23/02 - CC 161: Thou Shalt Not The Hustle
12/21/02 - No Hell
12/20/02 - CC 161: Raiders of the Lost Lunch
12/20/02 - Hatfield vs. McCoy
12/20/02 - Dance of Death 3
12/20/02 - Dance of Death 2
12/20/02 - CC 161: Dance of Death
12/19/02 - CC 161: Robin Seeks to Lose His Virginity
12/17/02 - Karpov Tunnel Syndrome
12/17/02 - CC 160: The Shaggy Spaceship
12/16/02 - It's my Party
12/13/02 - Cell-Out
12/13/02 - Hallmark Proudly Presents "An Arkham Christmas"
12/12/02 - A Stripcreator Christmas Story
12/12/02 - Burnt to a Kris
12/12/02 - Carol visits Shangri-La
12/12/02 - Meanwhile on Mars ...
12/09/02 - Cow Chips
12/09/02 - Cash Cow
12/09/02 - Cash Call
12/07/02 - A Zip In Time
12/06/02 - Winona Ryder Visits Stripcreator
12/06/02 - A Zip in Time
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 4)
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 3)
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 2)
12/04/02 - The Killers (Part 1)
11/26/02 - The Big Finish!
11/26/02 - For a Few Tens of Thousands of Dollars More
11/26/02 - The Unkindest Cut
11/26/02 - A Pawn'll Pox Your House
11/26/02 - Three Martini Lunch
11/26/02 - Dammit, Janitor!
11/22/02 - Hitler at the Circus
11/22/02 - Jason's first and last day as a dental hygenist
11/22/02 - Die Another Day in 3 panels
11/21/02 - Michael Jackson's Romeo and Juliet: The Balcony Scene
11/21/02 - Nope, No Sprite Words Here!
11/19/02 - CC 154: Loser and Still Champ!
11/18/02 - CC 154: Dinosaur Bureaucrats
11/18/02 - Dubya's Game
11/17/02 - One day at the pinball arcade
11/17/02 - Super Marijuana Brothers (High Score)
11/15/02 - Highlights from this season's hottest video games #1
11/15/02 - CC 154: At the hospital cafeteria
11/13/02 - The Extreme Minimalist CC153 Entry
11/12/02 - Punderdog (5)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (4)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (3)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (2)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (1)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (.5)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (0)
11/12/02 - Punderdog (-1)
11/11/02 - CC 153: Hole Freezes Over
11/10/02 - Pulp Confection
11/07/02 - Days of Our Lives
11/07/02 - For Losers
11/07/02 - Snkkt in the Grass
11/07/02 - Still Some Bugs in the System
11/05/02 - Mine's Bigger than Yours Is!
11/05/02 - Eleciton Day
11/04/02 - Guess Who Else is Moving?
11/02/02 - When the Shit Hits the Van
11/02/02 - The Tenant
11/01/02 - The Obvious Icrebreaker
10/31/02 - Comic Strip
10/31/02 - Based loosely on a Hemingway book
10/28/02 - Other than that, Mrs. Lincolnova ...
10/28/02 - Looney Tunes Physics II
10/28/02 - What They Don't Want You to Know
10/28/02 - The Close Encounters Mashed Potatoes were also Fake
10/28/02 - Freshman Follies
10/28/02 - Overhead View: A Busy Day on Roadkill Blvd.
10/24/02 - From the files of Max Canon
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 6
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 5
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 4
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 3
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 2
10/23/02 - Spy vs. Spy 1
10/23/02 - From the Book of Puns
10/23/02 - OFDitHL: The Namgubed's Cut
10/22/02 - One Fine Day in the Holy Land
10/22/02 - The Feminist Bible
10/22/02 - Ne'er Do Whale
10/22/02 - Angels Out in the Field
10/22/02 - But Jesus Made Them Bury It
10/21/02 - One Day in the Firmament (when they were younger)
10/21/02 - The Burning Bush
10/21/02 - Think of it as Evolution Inaction
10/17/02 - Profiles n+I
10/17/02 - Profiles ]V
10/17/02 - Mary the Mirage at the mall
10/17/02 - July, 1969: Bill the Oasis goes on vacation
10/17/02 - Claudia the Cactus and Mary the Mirage
10/17/02 - Bill the Oasis in "Fool me Once, Shame on You"
10/17/02 - Mary the Mirage
10/17/02 - I need this like I need a hole in my head!
10/13/02 - Puzzle Missing Many Pieces
10/12/02 - Dozens Killed in Bali Blast
10/12/02 - War Planners Ordered to Gulf
10/12/02 - Dragnet Shuts Down I-95
10/11/02 - Fear Comes to Pr. William (Wash. Post, Oct. 11)
10/11/02 - Invasive D.C. Police Searches Alleged
10/10/02 - Study Sees Cancer Survival in a More Optimistic Light
10/10/02 - CC 146: Dysfunctional Cowboys
10/10/02 - Belated CC 144: The Obvious
10/09/02 - Paging Doctor Shakespeare ...
10/09/02 - Bill the Oasis
10/08/02 - CC 146: Schroedenger ne sait pas si c'est une entrée
10/08/02 - At the party (If I were BeNN_MaKK)
10/08/02 - Thirsty Beatnik Cameo
10/08/02 - Phone Phun
10/08/02 - Knock, Knock
10/08/02 - Smoke too much
10/07/02 - CC 146: Relay Race
10/07/02 - 50s Film Strip
10/05/02 - Maybe next time they'll ask the women
10/04/02 - Movies Rewritten for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10/04/02 - CC 145: The real reason they're gone
10/04/02 - See if I can get this in before DexX reads through.
10/03/02 - How to keep DexX from Leaving
10/02/02 - Satan Place 6: Eternal Damnation
10/02/02 - Satan Place 5: Crime and Punishment
10/02/02 - Satan Place 4: Ask Not For Whome the Bell Crowes
10/02/02 - Satan Place 3: A Warm Reception
10/02/02 - Satan Place 2: The Flight
10/02/02 - Satan Place 1: The Call
10/01/02 - What? You thought they grew on trees?
10/01/02 - Fred the Fish's Unhappy Vacation to the South Pacific
10/01/02 - Why Jesus and Maura went Digital
09/30/02 - Based on a Bazooka Joe Comic
09/30/02 - Beware Impastas
09/30/02 - H2O, not Zero
09/30/02 - CC 144: The Bangor Sisters?
09/30/02 - CC 144:Aye-Ayes Wide Shut
09/28/02 - Next?
09/28/02 - Who's
09/28/02 - CC 143: Good Pedantry
09/28/02 - Raising the Steaks
09/27/02 - Shaft
09/27/02 - Purrfect.
09/27/02 - Second Story
09/27/02 - Two Asian Girls Going Down
09/27/02 - WW Top
09/26/02 - Flatulacity
09/26/02 - CC 143: Frankie Goes to Hamletland
09/26/02 - How Does it Feel?
09/25/02 - This Strip is Just Three Frames Long
09/24/02 - The C&W version of Revolution 9
09/24/02 - Lagos my Nest Eggo
09/24/02 - But wait, there's more!
09/24/02 - Scrambled Huevos
09/23/02 - The Anti-Kaufman takes on Kip Adotta
09/23/02 - Retrospective part 3
09/23/02 - Retrospective part 2
09/23/02 - CC 143: Retrospective
09/23/02 - Nobody's Default but Mine
09/23/02 - CC 143: Garfunkeled
09/23/02 - Sung to the Tune of Do Re Mi
09/23/02 - The Sound of Stripcreator
09/23/02 - You'd Think it was a Toyota Fore-runner
09/23/02 - Lather, Rinse, Repeat
09/22/02 - Sub Snub
09/21/02 - The Continuing Adventures of Butch the Hungarian
09/20/02 - Ask Jesus
09/18/02 - CC 142: Tribute to DexX
09/17/02 - One Toke Over the Lime
09/17/02 - Six Logicians
09/17/02 - New Episode: The Sopranos
09/17/02 - CC 142: Eqwhine
09/16/02 - CC 142 Skiit Shooting?
09/16/02 - CC 142: Vienna Coop
09/15/02 - It's a Wonderful Life in 3 Panels
09/15/02 - Figure and Grandma
09/15/02 - Epilogue: Figure and Ground
09/13/02 - Zevon: Trapped Singer
09/12/02 - Waiting for Obi #2
09/11/02 - This is Spinal Tap's Tribute
09/11/02 - Waiting for Obi
09/09/02 - Thoughtcrime
09/07/02 - J-Park
09/06/02 - Sequels? We don't need no steenkin' sequels!
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[74]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[72]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[70]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[68]
09/06/02 - Bipolarity[66]
09/05/02 - Bipolarity[64]
09/05/02 - Bipolarity[62]
09/05/02 - Intrusion 2: The Quickening
09/04/02 - Prick
09/03/02 - But if you're going to make me write a future ...
09/03/02 - Bringing us up to
09/03/02 - Joker's Wild
09/03/02 - Collosal Freak
09/03/02 - You Can't Handle the Truth!
09/03/02 - Sliding Doors
09/03/02 - CC 141: Soothnaysayer
08/31/02 - CC 140: Survivor
08/30/02 - Skeeting on Thin Ice
08/29/02 - CC 140: CC 140
08/28/02 - CCOHF: YAEE
08/28/02 - In Memory of Emily Lattella
08/28/02 - Bipolarity [60]
08/27/02 - The sequels to "Being John Malkovich" weren't nearly so good
08/26/02 - No Human Nap Soda (part 2)
08/26/02 - No Human Nap Soda (part 1)
08/26/02 - CC 139: Bed Sores
08/26/02 - Jaws: The Sequel
08/26/02 - Cowboy Psychiatry
08/25/02 - CC 139: Ask Dr. Kaufman
08/25/02 - CC 139: Biplanean Rhapsody
08/25/02 - CC 139: Make sure they're accredited!
08/21/02 - Real Cowboy Physics
08/20/02 - Already 45 Minutes Late
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 8
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 7
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 6
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 5
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 4
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 3
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome 2
08/19/02 - Coda Chrome
08/19/02 - Through the Ages
08/19/02 - CC 138: Captain's Monologue
08/17/02 - CC 137: Pirates of the Monongahela
08/17/02 - Two Bits!
08/16/02 - Book Report
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[58]
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[56]
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[54]
08/15/02 - Special Pirate Edition: Believe Me or Bite Me
08/15/02 - Bipolarity[52]
08/15/02 - Interlude from the other side
08/15/02 - Pieces of 8-Track
08/15/02 - CC 137: Pollyglot
08/14/02 - Biography
08/14/02 - History Class
08/14/02 - Dylbert
08/14/02 - Bloeing in the Windows
08/13/02 - Bipolarity[50]
08/13/02 - Bipolarity[48]
08/13/02 - Still Power-Crazy After All These Years
08/13/02 - Serial Comic 7.9: No runs, no hits, no eras
08/12/02 - CC 10001000: What's Causing that Racket?
08/12/02 - CC 10001000: Games Machines Play
08/12/02 - Tomorrow's News Today
08/12/02 - CC 0x88: Windowpain
08/12/02 - Robocon
08/11/02 - CC 10001000BIJ0: AWOL, Y'all
08/11/02 - Bipolarity[46]
08/11/02 - CC 136: At the Circus
08/10/02 - The Two Drexles
08/09/02 - And then there were two
08/09/02 - Cartoon Rebus with Answer.
08/09/02 - And now the foreskin looks like Tweety.
08/08/02 - Outside the Tower
08/07/02 - Bipolarity[44]
08/07/02 - Approaching Deadline: Penthouse Offices
08/07/02 - Ursine of the Apocalypse
08/07/02 - Bipolarity[42]
08/07/02 - Bipolarity[40]
08/07/02 - CC 135: To Baldly Go
08/06/02 - One Day in the Garden of Eden
08/05/02 - Listen Till It Hertz
08/04/02 - CC 135: Cal Cut a Class
08/04/02 - CC 135: Give it Arrest
08/02/02 - The film "Signs" as told in three panels
08/02/02 - What? Nobody's done Cowboy Dieters yet?
08/01/02 - Fear not, Brad; I inserted those backslashes myself
08/01/02 - CC 134: Driving Under the Affluence
07/30/02 - Final Exam at the KSCS
07/30/02 - The Collector
07/30/02 - Necromancer's Bane
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (5)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (4)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (3)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation (2)
07/29/02 - CC 134: Goldberg Variation
07/29/02 - Bipolarity[38]
07/29/02 - Bipolarity[36]
07/29/02 - CC 134: Low Humor
07/28/02 - Untitled
07/25/02 - CC 133: Now you know why he invented the floating ball
07/20/02 - Misting Frequencies Open
07/19/02 - CC 132: Another Brick in the Wall
07/18/02 - Bipolarity[34]
07/17/02 - Cowboy Combustion
07/17/02 - Kaufman never spontaneously combusts without a reason.
07/17/02 - Bipolarity[32]
07/17/02 - Bipolarity[30]
07/17/02 - Bipolarity[28]
07/17/02 - A Long Time Ago at a Bris Far Away...
07/16/02 - Bipolarity[26]
07/16/02 - Bipolarity[24]
07/16/02 - More Fun with Rule 1
07/16/02 - It's not the heat, it's the stupidity
07/16/02 - Bipolarity[22]
07/15/02 - Bipolarity[20]
07/15/02 - Bipolarity[18]
07/15/02 - I really should have posted this one before evil_d did his
07/14/02 - Octopermy
07/14/02 - Blackmail
07/13/02 - At the big game ...
07/11/02 - Bipolarity[16]
07/11/02 - Cliff's Notes: "A Farewell to Arms"
07/11/02 - Nightmare at 35,000 feet
07/11/02 - The right to bare arms
07/11/02 - Bipolarity[14]
07/11/02 - Third time's a charm
07/11/02 - CC 130: Jurassic Perk
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[12]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[10]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[8]
07/10/02 - Bipolar[6]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[4]
07/10/02 - Bipolarity[2]
07/10/02 - 65 Million Years Ago
07/09/02 - The Suicide Scot
07/09/02 - Worst thing to say at a bris
07/09/02 - We come not to praise Cesar ...
07/09/02 - Stairway to Heaven, Ladder to Hell
07/09/02 - Circular Reasoning
07/09/02 - Heist Makes Weist
07/09/02 - Issue 1
07/09/02 - Freezy Riders
07/09/02 - CC 130: No room for Cowboys
07/08/02 - Evolution
07/05/02 - Father of our pun tree
07/05/02 - Meet the New Boss!
07/05/02 - Stompy, Stompy, Five Dollah!
07/05/02 - ... And Your Little Cat Too.
07/05/02 - The W Files
07/05/02 - Newbie Roundup
07/05/02 - Go West, Young Man
07/04/02 - Beam Me Up!
07/03/02 - Pac Man: The Graphic Novel
07/03/02 - Child Stars: Where are they now?
07/03/02 - Stripcreator Viagra
07/03/02 - CC 128: God Help Us in the Remake
07/02/02 - CC 128: Southeaster
07/02/02 - CC 128: But No Grey Poupon!
07/02/02 - CC 128: The Cavities of Steel
07/01/02 - CC 128: By popular demand
07/01/02 - CC 128: A question that has never been asked
07/01/02 - Bachelor Party
06/30/02 - CC 128: Those are not the Spice Girls!
06/29/02 - CC 128: Wehn a Man Rites a Poum
06/28/02 - CC 127: Splashdown
06/27/02 - A word from our sponsor
06/26/02 - Reality Bytes
06/26/02 - Kajun Physics
06/25/02 - 2:45 AM at a Nearby Hotel
06/25/02 - CC 127: Non-Traditional Marriage
06/25/02 - CC 127: Cassinis from a Marriage
06/25/02 - Apocalypse Soon
06/24/02 - Be the first one on your block to own the SC Chess Set
06/24/02 - Tomorrow Never Mohs
06/23/02 - Death Race 2001
06/23/02 - The Adventures of Uberbondagewussman
06/21/02 - A night Out with the Priest Scouts
06/19/02 - Shatner Physics (part 1)
06/19/02 - Loafers and Fishes
06/18/02 - Cogito Ergo Pun
06/18/02 - Equal Time (5)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (4)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (3)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (2)
06/18/02 - Equal Time (1)
06/18/02 - CC 126: Self-fulfilling Prophecy
06/17/02 - Ripple
06/17/02 - Ripples
06/16/02 - CC 125: You Wake Daddy Game_Master at 5:15 AM
06/15/02 - Mostly Painless
06/15/02 - CC 125
06/15/02 - Cowboy Phathers
06/14/02 - Where There's Smoke, There's Firefly
06/13/02 - Air Guitarist
06/13/02 - Voices Carry
06/13/02 - Cash Cache
06/12/02 - Geek Fraternity!
06/11/02 - CC 123: The Gift of the Magi
06/10/02 - CC 123: Let's all Sing the Happy Song!
06/10/02 - CC 123: Let's all Sing the Happy Song!
06/09/02 - CCIX #1: A Day in the Afterlife
06/08/02 - CC 123: Final Assembly
06/07/02 - CC 123: Mohsury loves company
06/05/02 - The Brad of Avon
06/05/02 - It's All Daily News to me!
06/04/02 - CC 122: Airstripcreator
06/03/02 - Wehn You Wish Upon a Star
06/03/02 - stupid gay people.
06/03/02 - Turkey-Brazil
05/31/02 - My Edible Television
05/31/02 - Happy World Cup!
05/30/02 - (10)
05/30/02 - (9)
05/30/02 - (8)
05/30/02 - (7)
05/30/02 - (6)
05/30/02 - (5)
05/30/02 - (4)
05/30/02 - (3)
05/30/02 - (2)
05/30/02 - Hold My Kitty's First Music Video (1)
05/29/02 - Amateur hour at Hell's Comedy Improv Club
05/29/02 - Jesus really IS our all-mighty lord and savior!
05/29/02 - Once upon a time in the west
05/29/02 - Stump-ed is as Stump-ed Does
05/28/02 - A day in the afterlife
05/28/02 - fYte punch kick!
05/28/02 - Mr Haven und die Hölle
05/28/02 - Flore's Lesbo Adventure Part I
05/28/02 - Lilacs from Hell.
05/26/02 - Dhaka the Halal with Bombs of Folly
05/25/02 - From each according to his knead.
05/24/02 - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man at the Office
05/24/02 - I'll-Have-Whatever-ObiJo-Was-Having-Last-Night-Man
05/24/02 - Special Delivery
05/23/02 - CC 120: The Mall, the Merrier
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/23/02 - CC 120: Apocalypse Not
05/21/02 - Woman of La Munchie
05/21/02 - Mail Answer Syndrome
05/09/02 - The End
05/09/02 - Crater and Destroyer
05/09/02 - Some Men, a Goat, A Plan: Alpataoganememos!
05/09/02 - Some Men, a Plan, a Goat. Aoganalpanememos!
05/09/02 - Apocalypse Now?
05/09/02 - A Shocking Revelation
05/09/02 - Background Check
05/09/02 - Come Hell or High Water
05/07/02 - 200 CXIX: Episode 2.71828...
05/07/02 - 200 CXIX: Episode 1000
05/07/02 - 200 CXIX: Episode 1001
05/06/02 - CC 118: Dannihilation
05/03/02 - For the Want of an Unladen Swallow
05/03/02 - CC 118: So Sioux Me!
05/03/02 - CC 118: Irrefutable
05/03/02 - All the World's a Stooge
05/02/02 - Czar Wars
05/01/02 - Pop-Tartans
05/01/02 - A Strip I Will Post When I'm Sick of a Conversation
05/01/02 - Superman
04/30/02 - It's not an Adventure
04/30/02 - Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
04/30/02 - Confederate Pyromaniacs
04/29/02 - 24 Better or Worse
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #11
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #11
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #10
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #9
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #8
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #7
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #6
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #5
04/29/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #4
04/28/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #3
04/28/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #2
04/28/02 - The Fighting Young Priest #1
04/26/02 - Double Treble, Doyle and Trouble
04/26/02 - Changes in Atti2de, Changes in Plati2de
04/25/02 - The Never-Ending Battle Against the Politically Incorrect
04/25/02 - CC 116: How World War III Started
04/25/02 - CC 116: How World War III Started
04/25/02 - CC 116: Rhyme & Reason
04/24/02 - CC 116: I Am Iraq!
04/24/02 - Morale Booster
04/24/02 - The Live Ones, on the Other Hand ...
04/24/02 - CC 115: Unclear on the Concept
04/23/02 - CC 115: A Suspicious Mind Investigates
04/22/02 - CC 115: The Return of the Kings
04/22/02 - TTCC Final: His obscure funeral, his means of death
04/17/02 - Working Title: N9ne
04/16/02 - CC 114: Blazing Saddles
04/16/02 - CC 114: Raiders of the Lost Ark
04/16/02 - CC 114: Braveheart
04/16/02 - CC 114: Bull Durham
04/16/02 - CC 114: Jolly Holiday
04/16/02 - And I don't even live in Kentucky
04/15/02 - House-hunting
04/12/02 - Star Trek: "The Enemy Within" in 3 panels
04/12/02 - The Further Adventures of Tom Swift, Boy Genius
04/12/02 - Apologies to Ogden Nash
04/12/02 - 21-step Program
04/12/02 - CC 113: Eternal Ishment
04/11/02 - CC113: First Church of Christ, Scientologist
04/11/02 - Number 20: The Larch.
04/11/02 - TTCC: Painful Memories
04/11/02 - TTCoE: Somewhere over the Atlantic
04/11/02 - Far Side Rocks
04/11/02 - Go Ask Alice When She's 200 Feet Tall
04/11/02 - Oy, Vegas!
04/11/02 - Tobid on Tobor
04/11/02 - History's First Recorded Computer Geek
04/10/02 - Let's Make a Date!
04/10/02 - Get out of Jael Free
04/10/02 - Six-Pack
04/10/02 - Fuzzenstein
04/09/02 - Episode 14; In Which The Plot Advances; Like a Big Glacier
04/09/02 - Curses, Foaled Again!
04/08/02 - Counteroffensive!
04/08/02 - The Play's Thirteen
04/08/02 - PROPS: The Musical
04/07/02 - Asses to Ashes!!!11!!
04/07/02 - Tension Released
04/07/02 - CC 112: Did Anyone Bring Marshmallows?
04/06/02 - Who's Nuts?
04/06/02 - 8 Christmas Carol
04/06/02 - Super Britainman vs. Tiny Origami Girl
04/06/02 - CC 112: Revolver
04/05/02 - 7
04/05/02 - Comic Comic #6, though he looks more like a size 4 than a 6
04/05/02 - 5 Onion Rings!
04/05/02 - 4 Services Rendered
04/05/02 - Comic Contest #3surrection
04/05/02 - Comic Contest #2 from Outer Space (raising the dead)
04/05/02 - Comic Contest #1 spews a new beginning
04/04/02 - Unguearly
04/04/02 - Don't you hate when this happens?
04/04/02 - CC 111: Accept No Substitutes
04/03/02 - CC 111: Tolkein 'Bout My Generation
04/02/02 - CC 111: It Is Not Gold
04/02/02 - CC 111: Daddy's Boy
04/02/02 - Summer Blockbuster
04/02/02 - Just kidding!
04/01/02 - A Visit by Peter, Paul and Mary
04/01/02 - Happy, Happy!
03/30/02 - CC 110: Bridge Over Doubled Twatters
03/29/02 - I Never Metamorphosis I Didn't Like
03/29/02 - Print and cut out this comic, then tape the ends together.
03/29/02 - CC 110: Use your imagination
03/28/02 - CC 110: Penny Wise, Pound Fuelish
03/28/02 - Tobor at Play
03/27/02 - CC 109: Slow Pygmies
03/27/02 - Frank, the Evil Smiling Waiter (K1)
03/27/02 - Don't you hate when that happens?
03/27/02 - Generic James Bond Movie in Three Panels
03/27/02 - Look out! Here come the elephants!
03/27/02 - Mean Mr. MSTard
03/26/02 - CC 109: The Artist Formerly Known As ...
03/26/02 - Dipostantepenultimate Words
03/25/02 - CC 109: Quarts Watch
03/25/02 - The 700 Club
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #4
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #3.
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #2
03/24/02 - Maura's Poker Club #1
03/23/02 - Doomsday Clock
03/21/02 - Castaway
03/20/02 - CC 107: Shitcom
03/19/02 - Polly Wanna Crocker?
03/19/02 - The Sign of Isces
03/19/02 - CC 107: Buried, with Children
03/18/02 - Bill Monohan, Avian Proctologist
03/18/02 - Vows of Silence
03/18/02 - Vows of Silence
03/18/02 - Medusa's Wild (the other one was just a pilot)
03/18/02 - CC 107: Medusa's Wild
03/18/02 - CC 107: The Substitute
03/18/02 - CC 107: Spammer and Son
03/15/02 - The Fish
03/14/02 - Siberian Khatru
03/14/02 - The Clap
03/14/02 - CC 106: Perpetual Change
03/14/02 - CC 106: Heart of the Sunrise
03/14/02 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Akbar and Jeff
03/14/02 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Physicists
03/14/02 - Godzilla Meets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
03/13/02 - Rosencranatz and Guildenstern are Pining for the Fjords
03/13/02 - The Hamlet Gang 15 Years Ago
03/13/02 - Public Service Announcement (inspired by skagg)
03/13/02 - Jimmy Hoffa (Part 2)
03/13/02 - Jimmy Hoffa (part 1)
03/12/02 - An old gag revisited
03/10/02 - Birth of Dr. Pedantic
03/08/02 - Buy Request
03/08/02 - Hats off to Kramer
03/07/02 - Checkmate!
03/07/02 - When Edward Feetforears Hutton talks, do you listen?
03/07/02 - How many wishes did that cost?
03/07/02 - The End
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #7
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #6
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #4
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #5
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #3
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #2
03/07/02 - Maddest of the Mads #1
03/06/02 - Dick 54/\\/\/|\|
03/06/02 - CC 104: As seen at a recent Flyers-Rangers game
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn : The Final Frontier
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn
03/05/02 - Dick Shawn
03/05/02 - Zen and Now
03/04/02 - Missed it by that much!
03/04/02 - CC 103: The Struggling Artist
03/04/02 - CC 103: Dummy Reversal
03/03/02 - CC 103: People Unclear on the Concept
03/02/02 - The Truth Emerges
03/01/02 - Behind the Music
03/01/02 - Civil Defense
02/28/02 - The Comic Contest (apologies to William Goldman)
02/28/02 - Rocky Horror in 3 Panels
02/27/02 - One Night in the 17th Century
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers #4
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers #3
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers #2
02/27/02 - The Dining Philosophers
02/26/02 - A Certified Not-So-Funny Comic
02/26/02 - As seen on the evening news
02/25/02 - Reverend Spooner's first and last visit to Mitchell, SD
02/24/02 - Tales from the dark side
02/20/02 - Hoping for a hung jury ...
02/20/02 - Exeunt
02/20/02 - The End (Part 2)
02/20/02 - The End (Part 1)
02/20/02 - Johnny Cochrane wishes he thought of this
02/20/02 - WWA
02/20/02 - Nanoperm?
02/20/02 - Legal Briefs
02/20/02 - Cross-Examination
02/20/02 - Once bitten, twice shyster
02/20/02 - Liar in the Lair
02/20/02 - Chorus
02/20/02 - The sums of the clones of the hippopotamus are equal
02/20/02 - The Gathering Storm
02/20/02 - A Rose by any Other Name
02/20/02 - Prelude
02/20/02 - One day in the South Pacific
02/19/02 - Stripcreator: The Next Generation
02/19/02 - Untitled
02/18/02 - CC 100: 20 Years Down the Road
02/18/02 - Untitled
02/16/02 - Get well soon!
02/15/02 - Not too long ago, in Atlanta
02/15/02 - CC 100 (depending on the exchange rate)
02/15/02 - Cafe Press: A Winning Idea
02/15/02 - CC 100: In Today's News
02/14/02 - Reassigned
02/14/02 - Waiting
02/13/02 - A Chicken and a Goat Celebrate a Monkee's 60th Birthday
02/12/02 - Enough, Please.
02/12/02 - Flea and Bi
02/12/02 - Young Frankenstein
02/11/02 - Carl Sagan's Dorm Room: Sophomore Year
02/11/02 - A Reminder from Elmer and Bugs
02/09/02 - CC 99: Irish Drinking Song
02/09/02 - Last Call!
02/08/02 - What really happened to wirthling
02/08/02 - Fatal Affliction (with apologies to israphael)
02/07/02 - The Best-Laid Flans
02/06/02 - People are the same all over
02/05/02 - Aesop's Commentary on "Swindler's List"
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 5)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 4)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 3)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 2)
02/05/02 - Swindler's List (Part 1)
02/05/02 - CC 98: And what did he return to the video store?
02/05/02 - CC 98: Mr. Knoll-It-All
02/05/02 - I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
02/02/02 - Groundhog Day in 3 Panels
02/01/02 - CC 97: Hit Enron
02/01/02 - CC 97: Give me liberty, or give me commercials!
02/01/02 - CC 97: Great White Meat
02/01/02 - CC 97: Cowboy Sales Pitch
02/01/02 - CC 97: Moving to the Font of the Line
02/01/02 - CC 97: With Patriots Like This, Who Needs Marshall Faulk?
01/30/02 - Tokyo Fell
01/30/02 - CC 96: Over 99 Billion Wrecked
01/30/02 - Art for Art's Sake
01/30/02 - What Might Have Been
01/29/02 - CC 96: At Your Service!
01/29/02 - It looks like you need the proper ordnance.
01/29/02 - This comic has a title
01/29/02 - CC 96: Hell Hath No Flurry
01/28/02 - Did somebody say "McAfee?"
01/28/02 - Pick your porn supplier
01/28/02 - Of Moose and Men
01/28/02 - Moving House
01/25/02 - CC 95: Atack of the Cute, Furry Special Effects
01/25/02 - Star Wars II: Anakin Goes Bad
01/24/02 - A Day Late, A Dollar Short
01/23/02 - You say "potato," I say ..
01/23/02 - The Perminator
01/22/02 - Apollo 13 in 3 panels
01/22/02 - The Understudy
01/22/02 - Close Enough for Government Work
01/22/02 - Why mimes must be eradicated
01/21/02 - Brad's New Project
01/21/02 - MMDXXVH1 FANatic
01/20/02 - Serial Comic VI: Trio Grande
01/20/02 - First Rule of Surrealists Club ...
01/18/02 - CC 93: Removal of hair with a blade in Southeastern Asia
01/17/02 - Here, Dan, You Can Have This One.
01/17/02 - Alternate History: Why Woodstock Failed
01/17/02 - Lord of the Rings: An Alternate History
01/17/02 - CC 93: Purgatorio
01/17/02 - CC 93: Inferno
01/17/02 - CC 93: Paradisio
01/16/02 - CC 93: Tora Bora Whora
01/16/02 - Tribal Study
01/16/02 - CC 93: Hat Trick!
01/15/02 - Celebrity Suicide Pun Hot Line #3
01/15/02 - Celebrity Suicide Pun Hot Line
01/15/02 - Through the Ages
01/14/02 - Untitled
01/14/02 - CC 92: El Limpio Grande
01/13/02 - CC 92: Devil's Operating System
01/12/02 - The Weakest Pull
01/12/02 - You thought he was kidding.
01/11/02 - Gluttony
01/10/02 - The Seven Deadly Virtues
01/09/02 - TWS: One Over Par
01/09/02 - C C 91: Spot the Class Geek
01/08/02 - CC 91: The Abridged Adventures of Sinderella
01/08/02 - Gluttony
01/08/02 - CC 91: Sin City
01/08/02 - Envy with a splash of anger
01/07/02 - P is for Physics
01/07/02 - Really Deep Pimp
01/07/02 - Pimp and Circumstance
01/06/02 - Happy birthday stripcreator; you can zoom out now!
01/04/02 - Paired with rhyme this is a legal entry but make yours funny
01/04/02 - CC 89: Paradox!
01/03/02 - Celebrating 50K!
01/02/02 - CC 89: The Palindromeda Strain
01/02/02 - CC 89: ABBA and Costello
01/02/02 - ABBA Brainstorming Session
01/02/02 - Questions that need no answer
01/01/02 - God: "A Dog!"
01/01/02 - CC 89: Writer's Block
01/01/02 - If Gabe Had Really Proven Fermat's Last Theorem
01/01/02 - Proto Zoe and the Telemarketer
12/29/01 - CC 88: Santa Claus is Gunning Them Down
12/28/01 - CC 88: We Wish You a Memento Christmas
12/28/01 - The Unauthorized Michael Jackson Biography by fuck
12/28/01 - The Second Worst Michael Jackson Biography
12/28/01 - CC 88: Post-Holiday Press Conference
12/27/01 - The Joker
12/27/01 - Physics with Regis and Kathie Lee
12/26/01 - Pure Bunk
12/26/01 - Free Kick
12/26/01 - CC 88
12/25/01 - Cowboy Aolers
12/25/01 - CC 88: With Bows to Hollywood
12/24/01 - CC88 -- St. Nick and the Amazing Monocolor Screamcoat
12/21/01 - CC 87: Biscuit Rap
12/21/01 - Invalid Query
12/21/01 - Movies in 2.5 panels
12/20/01 - Sugar Plumb Fairy
12/20/01 - Six of one
12/19/01 - scisyhp yobwoc
12/19/01 - Why Tim Curry will win CC87
12/18/01 - CC 87: Conan the Librarian
12/17/01 - Veni Vidi Clancy
12/14/01 - CC 86: Superman hits puberty
12/14/01 - Scooby Physics
12/14/01 - CC 86: More Than a Filling
12/13/01 - CC 86: In the Eyes of the Beholder
12/13/01 - CC 86: In the Eyes of the Beholder
12/13/01 - Before and After
12/12/01 - Bury 'Em Enemy
12/12/01 - Brad Chooses a Dentist
12/11/01 - Cowboys and Injuneers
12/09/01 - Paradise Tossed
12/08/01 - Jack Cthick Tract (part 2)
12/08/01 - Jack Cthick Tract (part 1)
12/08/01 - Chick-O-Lantern
12/08/01 - Jakhtichickhu
12/08/01 - CC 85: Chicklets
12/06/01 - Quickies!
12/06/01 - A Christmas Carol
12/06/01 - Running on Empty (part 4)
12/06/01 - Running on empty (part 3)
12/06/01 - Running on Empty (part 2)
12/06/01 - Running on Empty (Part 1)
12/06/01 - CC84: Paula the Precognizant Preschooler
12/05/01 - World's Worst
12/05/01 - CC 84: A Message from Our Sponsors
12/05/01 - CC 84: LA Confidential
12/05/01 - Cowboy Phone Sex
12/05/01 - Dallas Cowboy Physics
12/05/01 - Cowboy Paramedics
12/05/01 - Cowpie Physics
12/05/01 - Cowboy Pedantics
12/04/01 - Cowboy Photosynthesis
12/04/01 - Cowboy Psychedelics
12/04/01 - Cowboy Phys-Ed
12/04/01 - Serial Comic V: Au ooooo
12/04/01 - CC 83.15: Epilogue
12/04/01 - CC 83.14: No Participle Place to Go
12/04/01 - CC 83.13: The Voyage Home
12/04/01 - CC 83.12: Joeys to the Worlds
12/04/01 - CC 83.11: Paniatrama!
12/03/01 - Another Public Service Announcement
12/03/01 - CC 83.10: With Phrens Like That, Who Needs Enemies?
12/03/01 - CC 83.09: The Sauceror's Apprentice
12/03/01 - CC 83.08: Things are Looking Up ...
12/03/01 - CC 83.07: Unusual Occurrences in the Dessert
12/03/01 - CC 83.06: Where There's Smoke There's Ire
12/02/01 - CC 83.05: And Phobos is a Vietnamese Restaurant
12/02/01 - CC 83.04: At First Sight
12/02/01 - CC 83.03: Phone Call, Take Two.
12/02/01 - CC 83.02: In A Gadda DeVito
12/02/01 - CC 83.01: Prologue
12/01/01 - CC 82: In memory of George
11/30/01 - Spankling's Excellent Adventure (part 2)
11/30/01 - Spankling's Excellent Adventure (Part 1)
11/30/01 - Rudolph: The Remake
11/30/01 - A Clippy Christmas
11/30/01 - Thanks to the pedants, we don't have a live audience anymore
11/29/01 - On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the sixeth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
11/29/01 - Surly Dragon IS Leslie Nielsen
11/29/01 - Maternal Clock
11/29/01 - Let the cheap laughs return!
11/29/01 - The Three Not-So-Wise Men
11/29/01 - CC 82: Cross my palm with silver
11/28/01 - But wait, there's more!
11/16/01 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
11/16/01 - CC80: The Emperor Brad
11/16/01 - CC80: Yolk Festival
11/15/01 - CC80: Hi-yo Silver!
11/15/01 - TTCC1: The James Conspiracy
11/13/01 - CC79: Lara's Press Conference
11/13/01 - Why you'll be seeing crabby played by squirrel again
11/12/01 - CC 79: Anagram Anne's US Tour
11/11/01 - Crime Wave
11/11/01 - New Heads on the Block
11/11/01 - Serial Comic IV: Doorway to Heaven
11/07/01 - CC 77: Just when you thought it was safe ...
11/06/01 - 2038 -- Tic Tac Tobor
11/06/01 - 1938 -- Monopoly ......... 1988 -- Trivial Pursuit .........
11/06/01 - Popular Board Games Through the Ages:
11/05/01 - Christmas Eve, 2016
11/05/01 - Tail of One Kitty
11/05/01 - Because the Punt is the Lowest Form of Humor
11/05/01 - CC 77: You asked for it!
11/05/01 - Tobor in Time: September, 1752
11/05/01 - Comic Science Contest 77
11/05/01 - CC 77: The Rest of the Story
11/04/01 - TOBOR IN TIME: 1431
11/03/01 - Cowboy Fizzle
11/03/01 - CC 76: Skeet the Beatles
11/03/01 - CC 76: Skeetnick
11/02/01 - Red Meat Adventures
11/02/01 - MeOOOOOWWWWW!
10/24/01 - Prequels? We don't need to post no steenkin prequels!
10/23/01 - Oh, and while you're at it, send Brad $50, will you?
10/23/01 - In Cyberspace No One Can Hear You Mispronounce Their Name
10/23/01 - CC 75: The Last Unicorns
10/23/01 - CC 75: The Next Day
10/22/01 - Collector's Item
10/22/01 - Person Test
10/22/01 - CC 74: Recurse You, Red Baron!
10/22/01 - CC 74: Doonesburied
10/22/01 - A remake: Air Supply in 3 panels.
10/22/01 - Open Mike #74
10/22/01 - CC 74: A Transporter Accident Fuses Andy and Gabe.
10/20/01 - More Cthy
10/20/01 - Cthy
10/20/01 - De Family Circus
10/19/01 - CC 74: A comic about the terrorist who sank
10/19/01 - Mudhen Van Buren
10/19/01 - The Mormon Tobornacle Choir performs Handel's Messiah
10/19/01 - Colateral Damage
10/19/01 - Battlefield Physics
10/19/01 - What? You wanted me to get little Billy to draw some strips?
10/18/01 - Comic 31986, the Director's Cut
10/17/01 - CC 73: Allow me to apologize now
10/17/01 - CC 73: I'd Like to Teach the World to String
10/16/01 - The Fab 60
10/15/01 - CC 72: The switchboards are clogged
10/15/01 - Monday Night Ineptitude
10/15/01 - You say goodbye, I say up yours
10/15/01 - YABITP
10/15/01 - When merry-go-round operators take too many amphetamines
10/14/01 - Catch the Wave!
10/13/01 - Cliff's Notes: Serial Comic ]I[
10/12/01 - CC 72: Stripcreator's new revenue source
10/12/01 - You'll need your 3-D glasses for this one
10/12/01 - Fantastic Voyage
10/12/01 - A Day in the Life of the Riddle of the Sphinx
10/11/01 - Godwin & Godwin
10/10/01 - A day in the life of grocery clerk Alan J. Qaeda
10/09/01 - Paradox: A day in my life that will/won't happen
10/09/01 - Fir Ghoot
10/09/01 - Bill the Mayfly
10/08/01 - Heg Foot
10/08/01 - Through the ages
10/08/01 - Marooned with a View
10/07/01 - DTV
10/06/01 - CC 70: Winner and Still Champion
10/06/01 - Next!
10/05/01 - CC 70: 5.23 to beam up
10/05/01 - DWB
10/05/01 - CC 70: Squeegie Board
10/05/01 - Home Alone in 3 panels
10/04/01 - Whose Idea Is It Anyway?
10/04/01 - Those Amazing Animals
10/03/01 - Ballad of DexX and Keegan
10/03/01 - Reason #378 to stay in school
10/03/01 - Late night commercial
10/03/01 - Goedel, Escher, Pr0n
10/02/01 - From the Australian Production of "The Hobbit"
10/02/01 - Bad parody of a not-so-bad strip
10/02/01 - Blatantly ripping off ObiJo's "mad"
10/02/01 - Birds of a feather
10/02/01 - Billy, did you leave the zebra under the microscope again?
10/02/01 - Look Before You Leap
10/01/01 - A Cautionary Braille
10/01/01 - Midterm Lecture: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
10/01/01 - A Tender Moment
10/01/01 - CC 68: Saturday Night at Tau Beta Rho
10/01/01 - CC 68: Red Dorm Rising
10/01/01 - CC 68: Physics 101
10/01/01 - CC 68: Go Big Red!
10/01/01 - CC 68: Go Team!
10/01/01 - CC 68: That's not a typo in the course catalogue
09/30/01 - Robot Volleyball
09/29/01 - A CC67 Carol
09/28/01 - CC 67: It worked for the Producers ...
09/28/01 - Limerick of the Sperm
09/28/01 - The Jolly Roger Flag
09/28/01 - Honey, which wallpaper should we put in the kitchen?
09/28/01 - What's in my wallet right now
09/28/01 - Plan 10 from outer spa
09/27/01 - Party of One
09/25/01 - HALitosis
09/25/01 - A true fix in sixty-six
09/24/01 - CC 66: But it's a Dry Heat.
09/24/01 - CC 66: The Devil is in the Details
09/24/01 - The first ru
09/24/01 - Visualizing whirrled pets
09/24/01 - Whoundunit?
09/24/01 - Whoundunit?
09/24/01 - Google Motel
09/21/01 - LadyJ Backs Up DexX
09/21/01 - Being Pavel Chekov
09/21/01 - CC IV: Anal-Eeze This!
09/20/01 - CC 64: Is this the three-panel comic, or the full course?
09/20/01 - Toast in the Machine
09/20/01 - CC 64: Better Lite than Heifer?
09/20/01 - CC 57A: Ladies and Gentlemen: The Fifth Dimension!
09/20/01 - CC64: Catastrophe
09/20/01 - CC 55: Belated or Bite Me
09/19/01 - CC 63: Pre Frontal Robotomy
09/19/01 - You Know What in Three Frames
09/19/01 - Testifius Interruptus
09/18/01 - Have we beaten this one into the ground yet?
09/18/01 - Divin' the Terrible
09/17/01 - ... Zzzzzzzzz
09/17/01 - Yet Another Old Music Joke
09/17/01 - Raiders of the Lost Arse
09/17/01 - Comic Cup IV: Lepal Weapon
09/17/01 - The Old Guard and the CC63
09/16/01 - The Ten Commandments at the C of A (Part 3)
09/15/01 - Untitled
09/15/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Masquer Aid
09/14/01 - Comic Cup ]I[: The Best Laid Eggs
09/14/01 - Untitled
09/14/01 - Sistine Vandals
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Dial T for Tobor
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/11/01 - It was overflowing with people!
09/10/01 - Saving Private Ryan
09/10/01 - But it said ...
09/10/01 - Boxing Match
09/09/01 - CC 61: Special Guest Obis
09/08/01 - Enter Stage Left
09/08/01 - 3 Panels, 1 Character, no Words: West Side Story
09/07/01 - I can see your houseboat from here!
09/07/01 - Glen or Glenda: The Graphic Novel
09/07/01 - Yellow Submarine in 3 Panels
09/07/01 - OED (I3P)
09/07/01 - Another literary classic in 3 panels
09/06/01 - Genesis
09/06/01 - Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal 3-Panel Version
09/06/01 - One from Column A
09/06/01 - One from Column B
09/06/01 - The Tragic Adventures of Trick Candle Man
09/05/01 - Copycat
09/05/01 - Ever see how married couples start looking like each other?
09/04/01 - Substitute Cement Shoes Man for Trash Boy
09/04/01 - CC 59: At least you get clean uniforms
09/03/01 - CC 59: Unemployment Line
08/30/01 - Dolphin Physics
08/29/01 - Ku Klutz Klan
08/29/01 - CC 58: A Grayve Mistake
08/29/01 - Quiz Shoo
08/28/01 - This captions' just 7 lines long
08/28/01 - Handyman
08/28/01 - Birthling
08/27/01 - CC 57: Jet Lag
08/27/01 - CC 57: AI (Artificial Incarceration)
08/27/01 - CC 57: On eBay nobody knows if you're not human
08/26/01 - Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (translated to the Fly)
08/26/01 - Kaufmgnip's accept this entry or bite me
08/22/01 - They're spreading like the plague around here
08/22/01 - R1/2ture
08/22/01 - CC 55: Westward, Oh!
08/21/01 - Optimist in Cell Block #9
08/21/01 - Cowboy Broadway
08/21/01 - CC 55: At the Department of Motor Vehicles
08/21/01 - CC 54: Farming Junior
08/20/01 - The Pantychrist
08/18/01 - Late Night TV (part 1)
08/17/01 - Ladies and Gentlemen: The Talking Heads!
08/17/01 - Magic 6-Ball
08/17/01 - If samir were here
08/17/01 - Balls
08/17/01 - Duel
08/16/01 - Apokelypse Now
08/16/01 - The Jamaican Bobsledders: Where are they now?
08/15/01 - Comic Cup 3: Lack to the Future
08/15/01 - F@nt@si@
08/15/01 - Bizarro Peanuts
08/14/01 - Important Announcement
08/14/01 - Bill & Ted in three panels
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Season-Ending Cliffhanger
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Reaper Madness (part 3)
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Reaper Madness (part 2)
08/13/01 - Unlucky Stiffs: Reaper Madness (part 1)
08/12/01 - The acorns are always greener on the other side.
08/09/01 - CC 52: Blatantly stealing DexX's springboard
08/09/01 - CC 52: Young Men in Heat
08/09/01 - A Depot of Trainers
08/09/01 - CC51: The Envelope, Please.
08/08/01 - Dr. Pedantic's Father Reminisces
08/07/01 - The Full Monty Python and the Holy Grail
08/06/01 - Ice Station H-Bomb
08/06/01 - Being "Being John Malkovich"
08/05/01 - Coming soon: "Armageddon"
08/04/01 - Three panels don't do justice to Airplane!
08/04/01 - Three-Panel Blazing Saddles
08/03/01 - There are some things wirthling can't buy
08/03/01 - Deep Throat in Three Frames
08/03/01 - CC 50: Hallmark Presents Election Eve 2000
08/02/01 - Comic Cup 2: Venus Needs Women Too
08/02/01 - CC 50: On a Sesame Seed Pun
08/02/01 - Casting Call!
08/02/01 - Psycho in Three Frames.
08/01/01 - Grody to the max (Valley Physics)
08/01/01 - The Further Adventures of Ralph the Wonder Llama
07/30/01 - CC 49: True Confessions
07/30/01 - At the starting gate of the Kendonkey Derby
07/30/01 - Photoschlep
07/30/01 - CC48: IUDesc
07/29/01 - Bible Comix 1
07/28/01 - I'm back too!
07/19/01 - Omelets for everyone!
07/18/01 - We did say Xtreme ...
07/18/01 - Beamon Up, Scotty
07/18/01 - Almost 42 billion microns
07/17/01 - CC 45: An Xtremely Old Joke
07/17/01 - Biology 101
07/13/01 - CC 44: One Day at the Police Station
07/13/01 - Lycanthrobot
07/13/01 - You saw it here first!
07/12/01 - Doc Star
07/12/01 - CC Fortysomething: What if Crabby had boobs?
07/09/01 - CC 42: He died with his boots off
07/09/01 - CC 42: Whodunit?
07/09/01 - CC 42: Laundry's Journey into Night
07/08/01 - CC 42: Wirthwaiting for?
07/08/01 - CC 42: A Tragedy in Three Acts
07/08/01 - Only the finest suds at the Wash & Wash
07/03/01 - 2001: A Race Odyssey
07/02/01 - I'm HAL 9000, I am
07/02/01 - I'm HAL 9000, I am
06/30/01 - CC 41: Sigh-Fly
06/30/01 - But what about the lemmings?
06/29/01 - Cyrano de Babelfish
06/28/01 - The Abridged Edition
06/27/01 - CC 40: Back to BASIC
06/26/01 - The Hunters
06/26/01 - Tuesdays with Mauras #2
06/25/01 - Variations on a Theme
06/24/01 - CC39: Sea of Tequility
06/22/01 - Until I can look up some real Tom Waits lyrics ...
06/22/01 - Lemmings are the meek
06/22/01 - No lemmings? Make lemmingade!
06/21/01 - A(n un)timely rebus
06/21/01 - Night of the Leapers
06/20/01 - John Wilkes Booth meets Godzilla
06/20/01 - A Day In Lowpazz Den'l
06/19/01 - There was nothing like a Grateful Dead summer stadium tour
06/19/01 - Able GI Soul
06/19/01 - A Man, A Strip, A Contest: Set no cap, Irtsanama!
06/18/01 - Life on the Brink
06/18/01 - Rock and Rosary
06/17/01 - I think I know one of the rules x 44
06/16/01 - I've seen this movie too.
06/15/01 - CC 37: Live and Let Dial
06/15/01 - Searching for answers
06/15/01 - When is it safe to say yes?
06/15/01 - The Punishment
06/15/01 - Not So Great Moments in TV History #1
06/15/01 - Wizard of Oz in Three Frames
06/14/01 - Lassie Faire
06/14/01 - Bradys: Remember this episode?
06/14/01 - Nope, it just doesn't scan.
06/14/01 - Why Tobor Stays Away From Comedy Clubs
06/14/01 - 0 + 5 = 10
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: Yet another fully compliant strip
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: Fully compliant!
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: 1-5 bad, 6-10 good
06/13/01 - Rules ]I[: 1-5 ok, 6-10 not.
06/13/01 - If the Village People used a dyslexic songwriter ...
06/13/01 - Victory?
06/13/01 - Who fixed Stripcreator?
06/11/01 - CC36: The "ALL" Template
06/11/01 - Rules ][? Master and Student
06/11/01 - Rules ][? The Master and the Student
06/11/01 - No Frills
06/11/01 - Interviewus Interruptus
06/10/01 - Rules ][? Electric Boogaloo
06/08/01 - A long-time lowpasser reminisces
06/08/01 - The Final Word: Yours
06/07/01 - Polltergeist
06/07/01 - Tonight the part of Yul Brynner will be played by Russ.
06/07/01 - CC35: Chuck Steak (well done)
06/06/01 - Jocks Trapped (part n+1)
06/06/01 - It's a Graphic, Graphic, Graphic, Graphic Novel
06/06/01 - Explains a lot, doesn't it?
06/06/01 - Admit it, it would be so cool!
06/06/01 - Serial II: The Longest Bray
06/05/01 - Nine Billion Names of God? Piece of Cake!
06/05/01 - Tuesdays With Mauras #1
06/05/01 - They're part of the audience, that's the ticket!
06/04/01 - CC34: The Golden Goose Cashes In
06/04/01 - Santa's Excellent Adventure (part 3)
06/04/01 - Santa's Excellent Adventure (part 2)
06/04/01 - Santa's Excellent Adventure (part 1)
06/03/01 - Katmandoom
06/02/01 - You too can be a gabe_billings impersonater
06/02/01 - It's unanimous
06/02/01 - He also stinks at Stratego.
06/01/01 - A few minutes with Andy Rooney
06/01/01 - Robot and Julius (sic)
06/01/01 - How the war was won
05/31/01 - No ifs, ands or butts
05/30/01 - Ducked Ape
05/30/01 - I Dream of Gene
05/30/01 - You don't suppose ...
05/30/01 - Casey Jonesin'
05/30/01 - The First Draft
05/29/01 - Ransom
05/29/01 - Dead Man's Hand
05/29/01 - Pleasantville: The Graphic Novel
05/29/01 - Sesame Street Outtakes
05/29/01 - Signs of the Times
05/24/01 - Beelzebrush
05/23/01 - CC31: So long and thanks for all the subspace anomalies
05/22/01 - Pentium-Man's Hexadecimal Challenge
05/21/01 - CC31: Missing Persons
05/19/01 - Telecrostic
05/19/01 - Husker Dei
05/18/01 - Meanwhile, Satan's doing hockey games in Prague
05/18/01 - Monty Hall and the Holy Grail
05/18/01 - World's Stupidest Movie Critic #1
05/17/01 - Beating around the Bush
05/17/01 - Barn, Baby, Barn!
05/17/01 - A Haiku and a Limerick walk into a bar
05/17/01 - Speedball
05/17/01 - Resurrecch
05/17/01 - Evolution of a lie
05/16/01 - Heaven's Gate Cult: The Graphic Novel
05/16/01 - Forever Clueless
05/16/01 - Open Mike with The Unboned Comic #1
05/16/01 - Stop me if you've heard this before (episode 4 of 11)
05/16/01 - Who Wants to be a Memento-aire?
05/16/01 - If TITANIC were written by a Jewish mother
05/16/01 - Punchline Theatre #3
05/16/01 - Fire Elemental High School #2
05/16/01 - Horton Hears The Who
05/16/01 - Why Microsoft Scrabble Isn't Popular (corrected)
05/16/01 - Another Science Lesson
05/16/01 - Death Takes a Holiday
05/16/01 - Karaoke Komix #1
05/16/01 - From the Unabridged Bible
05/16/01 - Spam in the place where I live #2
05/16/01 - The Continuing Crisis #1 (corrected)
05/16/01 - Punchline Theatre #2
05/15/01 - Cruceffects
05/15/01 - CC30: Love Is...
05/15/01 - Memento: The Graphic Novel
05/15/01 - Busted!
05/15/01 - Boob Tube
05/15/01 - International Brotherhood of Gollums ON STRIKE!
05/15/01 - Someone spilled invisible ink on the comics page!
05/15/01 - Highlights Outtakes
05/15/01 - Public Service Announcement
05/15/01 - Haikthu
05/15/01 - The Olympic Synchronized Swimming Results
05/15/01 - Auditioning for the remake
05/15/01 - One Partly Sunny Day in Stepford
05/15/01 - Four little syllables
05/15/01 - The Love Craft
05/15/01 - Wait till she wants to sell her soul
05/15/01 - Science Lesson
05/15/01 - Fire Elemental High School
05/15/01 - Rudy the ROT-13 Mimic
05/15/01 - Spam in the place where I live
05/15/01 - And you can really dance to it.
05/15/01 - Punchline Theatre
05/15/01 - Blooper Reel
05/15/01 - Oy McVeigh!
05/15/01 - Random Haikomik #1
05/15/01 - Nightmare on Barnum St.
05/15/01 - Gates of Hell
05/15/01 - The Adventures of Inappropriate Greeting Man
05/15/01 - And throw in a few boxes of Brownies.
05/15/01 - So Long and Thanks for all the Great Danes!
05/15/01 - Only You Can Prevent Forrest Fires
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