Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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i am a really cool guy and i get laid a lot and stuff and i have never played dungeons and dragons. but if i did i would totally play a paladin of st. cuthbert from greyhawk and spend my summers on the nyr dyv.
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by kimhartsfield
'ello? Do you speak French, madame?
No, I'm sorry. I don't.
Si je devais pleurer comme un bébé, de même que commun à mes personnes, vous me donneriez une fessée me donnez alors une bouteille ?
You know, I lied. You are ugly and I didn't want to talk to you, so I said I didn't speak French, but I do and THAT was disgusting.
I... I am sorry, my dear. I shall go.
Did I say 'No'?! Get in my fucking Stratus, Kermit!
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