Suddenly, Korgilla and 3 other Storm Giants appear each firing off a bolt of lightning towards the Prophets, whom almost all evade the charges...
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| [EVADE] Haha! Nice try Princess! To arms lads! Eery, wait up! [SHUFFLE] | |
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| ACK!!! Darn ye Valenzio, take it for me boy! ... I'm sure ol' Stoney'll jus' pick me up n' lift me out! ... Hmm... Seems he's 'ready joined in combat. | |
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| [EVADE] Evasion comes naturally to the ninja master! Press the attack! [ETHEREAL] | |
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| OWIE!!! Moradin's toe!!! Step into 'er Herm! ... Climbing the wall o' rock in me plate armour mayn't be working for me. Plus, she's acting like a conducter fer them damned bolts! | |
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| Aha! Can't target what they can't see! Maybe you should think about tappin' the weavel, Berbeck. [SHUFFLE] | |
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| YOWCH! So many advantages: +2 CON score; 60' darkvision; +2 saves vs. spells & poison... Add poor reflexes as the 2nd & only other reason not to play a Dwarf! The 1st being that ther' poor floaters. | |
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