Valenzio and Eery are quick to engage Korgilla's henchmen...
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| Time for a little giant crushin'! Now this is what I live for! Watch and learn, Chicken-boy. [POKE 42 DAMAGE] | |
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| Nice one Valenzio! [SLASH! 192 DAMAGE... THE GIANT GOES DOWN] | |
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| Ah yes, you too, Eery. [POKE POKE 64 DAMAGE!] Yes! That critical blow should be his undoing, yet he stands, go figure... | |
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| Thanks Val! Let me help you out with him. [MANK! 220 DAMAGE...] A telling blow of my own! [... THE GIANT IS TORN IN TWAIN] | |
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| Enough with the kill-steals already! [POKE 39 DAMAGE] | |
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| Well maybe if you'd stop tickling them with your rapiers... [MASH! 240 DAMAGE TEARING GIANT #3 ASUNDER]... Looky there, another critical! Chalk "Chicken-boy" up for 3 on your Kill Chart, Val. | |
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