Korgilla disappears & reappears just above the water... Taking advantage of the previous spells Mazun had cast the Prophets give chase... most of them anyway...
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| Herm, go ethereal and get in behind her. Valenzio, just keep poking. Berbeck... umm... Where's Berbeck? Wasn't he part of the Mass Fly spell you cast Mazun? | |
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| He said something about not wantin' te be part of me shenanigans. But, if ye ask me, I think he's just 'fraid te fly. | |
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| All right, Stoney, lif' me on out of here... Come on now... I will ye! Argh! | |
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| Don't jus' stand there lookin' at me you stupid chunk o' 200,000 gold piece rock! | |
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| Momentarily chief. Perhaps if the stout fellow hadn't crafted me out of this cheap snot-green agate I would have acquiesced to his commands a few rounds ago. | |
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