Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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CC85: Take my wives, please.
Hi, I'm from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We're just across the street from you. I'd like to talk to you about...
Oh no you don't! I've read all about your so called religion in my Chick tracts. You believe terrible, blasphemous things!
I'm not trying to convert you. I work at the church's day care center, and I wanted to talk to you about your habit of gardening in the nude.
Any chance you're willing to do it more often?
lara7's Comics
03/30/09 - deciphering the Personals, Part 6
03/30/09 - deciphering the Personals, Part 5
03/30/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 4
03/24/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 3
03/24/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 2
03/24/09 - Deciphering the Personals, Part 1
03/23/09 - I was off in the Peace Corps. or prison. or both.
09/10/06 - Tribute to the 20 questions joke:
02/02/05 - My anual chekup, by fuck
07/14/04 - Passing Constitutional Amendments, starring Rick Santorum
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 5
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 4
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 3
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 2
04/24/04 - CC 241: desperate times call for desperate measures, part 1
02/24/04 - CC234: V1@gra sold separately...
10/08/03 - CC214: the dread pirate Derek Zoolander
09/16/03 - CC210:Friends Creep; you just sulk red (thrak!)
04/09/03 - CC 160: Get your Kaufman on...
03/04/03 - The Immortal TTC: My contest will go on
02/19/03 - cc171: Inside of a dog, its too dark to read.
02/16/03 - CC170: Office Despot
02/10/03 - CC169:rock bottom
02/07/03 - True life dating tales, part 4
02/03/03 - cc 168: Reunion
01/26/03 - CC167: use only as directed...
01/21/03 - True life dating tales, #3
01/21/03 - cc 166: Cheap shots at regs
01/18/03 - True life dating tales, #2
01/17/03 - True life dating tales, #1
01/17/03 - CC165: fuck's hit's of the eightie's: Blondie
01/16/03 - shameless meme attempt: Emo Pirate Physics
01/16/03 - shameless meme attempt: Emo Pirate
01/12/03 - CC 164: Tales from my transcript (a true story)
01/04/03 - CC163 fuck- the focus group results
12/31/02 - CC162: The greatest hit(s) of Paul Young
12/21/02 - TTCC 3: at least its not haggis...
11/28/02 - CC156: It's not the heat, its the infidelity
11/19/02 - TTC3- The postman shoots twice
11/08/02 - CC152: The banality of evil
10/25/02 - TTCC3: Meanwhile, a tender moment....
10/05/02 - CC145: The lighter side of Breast Cancer
09/16/02 - CC 142: She's in parties
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (17)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (16)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (15)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (14)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (13)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (12)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (11)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy & shy, that's the story of my life. (10)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (9)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (8)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (7)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (6)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (5)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (4)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (3)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (2)
09/08/02 - CC 141: 16 clumsy and shy, that's the story of my life. (1)
08/27/02 - CC139: no escape from reality
08/24/02 - CC 139 - Doctor, Doctor, can't you see I'm burning, burning
08/16/02 - CC 137 CD-ARRRRR.
08/13/02 - CC 10001000: Metal up your ASCII
07/31/02 - CCIX #16: Be precise when you get your three wishes....
07/14/02 - CC 131: Advice
07/11/02 - CC 9: David Copper-River-Salmon
07/09/02 - cc 130: The audition
06/19/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (finale)
06/19/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (continued)
06/18/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (continued)
06/18/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor (continued)
06/18/02 - cc 126: Occam's razor
06/15/02 - CC125: post surgery dad (a true story)
06/09/02 - A (sorta) true story...
06/07/02 - CC 123- tragedy depends on perspective
06/03/02 - Do not provoke the Head Librarian
06/02/02 - Al meets bill (after 7513, for CC 121)
06/02/02 - ooh baby, hey...who is out there? (after comic 979, CC121)
05/30/02 - Uncle Jimbo Vs. The World (after #57733)
05/29/02 - Euphoria
05/03/02 - Butter/ parkay (inspired by comic #67996)
05/02/02 - CC 118: Any reasonable person would agree....
04/26/02 - CC116: War is Herr (After Drexle's comic # 67143)
04/22/02 - This is Comedy? part 2 (after Drexle)
04/22/02 - This is Comedy? (after Drexle)
04/18/02 - CC 115: Elvis has left the building, and he sucks.
04/17/02 - cc 113: We'll go back and fix this digitally in 20 years....
04/07/02 - 112: Piercin' your Brosnan
03/28/02 - A threat to family values
03/26/02 - CC109: no title needed.
03/18/02 - cc107: Everyone loves Ellen
03/14/02 - CC 106: Don't kill the Whale
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 4
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 3
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 2
03/05/02 - Stripvivor part 1
02/09/02 - CC99: Happy VD
02/02/02 - CC97: Which desk would you like to hide under today?
02/01/02 - CC97: and now a word from our sponsors in the Liberal media
01/20/02 - CC93: The Cleveland SC munch (based on a true story)
12/29/01 - Kramer vs. fuck
12/25/01 - Stale one-liner theatre
12/25/01 - cc88- fuck Christmas
12/21/01 - CC87- what's the name of this contest again?
12/21/01 - CC87- Worst question to ask at the SC holiday party
12/19/01 - Tribut to fuck
12/19/01 - CC87 - do not feed the trolls
12/17/01 - Tag Team Cup 3.1: Buttery Nut Surprise (follows comic 48307)
12/13/01 - CC Weakest Strip Pedantic League Round 2 :Mall in the family
12/12/01 - Tag Team Cup Round 2.1( follows 47574)
12/09/01 - X-files: 9 seasons and still going strong
12/07/01 - CC85: Take my wives, please.
12/04/01 - Kaufman physics
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 8
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show - part 7
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 6
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 5
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show –part 4
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show -part 3
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show -part 2
12/03/01 - "Christ" - a song by The Billy Nayer Show -part 1
11/30/01 - Cow Physics
11/30/01 - Why I hate office Christmas parties
11/29/01 - It looks like you're running this joke into the ground
11/27/01 - One day at Toys in Babeland
11/26/01 - Newbie Onslaught
11/26/01 - Scenes from "Milo goes to college": Fraternity Rush
11/26/01 - Tag Team Cup 1.1: Cherry Scented Bath Towels (follows 44188)
11/19/01 - Variations on a theme: Maternal clock
11/16/01 - CC80: Mother Goose is cooked
11/13/01 - The Greatest Generation..or something.
11/12/01 - Dr. Pedantic shows you the door.
11/11/01 - How to tell if you're on LiveJournal or StripCreator
11/10/01 - CC 78: Everything but the non-sequitor donkey
11/06/01 - Austin Powers 3: Dr. Evil is a Colossally Geeky linguist
11/04/01 - cc 77: Beauty is only SCSI deep
11/01/01 - cc76: "Scarface" in three panels
10/30/01 - One night while channel surfing....
10/28/01 - Allah Tha Ladiez, Part 2
10/16/01 - Grabbing Kabul By the Horns
10/16/01 - Parenthood in the insect world
10/14/01 - CC 72: Today's Health PSA
10/11/01 - CC71: A day in the life of the self-employed
10/04/01 - He deserved Mad Props for his actions
10/03/01 - True-life Public Library stories
10/03/01 - Band name in 3 panels: Black Flag
10/02/01 - CC 69 - 4 appropriations
10/02/01 - CC 68- Tobor has enough "A-levels" for University
10/01/01 - X-files season premiere, finished verson
09/30/01 - this would have been funny a year ago, or, Chem 1001
09/30/01 - CC68: This semester I have Anal. Chem.
09/29/01 - Typographical error theatre #3
09/29/01 - Typographical error theatre #2
09/29/01 - Typographical error theatre #1
09/28/01 - CC 67 Hey, What do you D00DZ think og my comix?!
09/28/01 - "Our band could be your life": a Book in 3 panels
09/26/01 - CC66 - huh huh, she said burning bush
09/25/01 - One day on Yahoo tech news...
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