Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Say you're thinking about a plate of shrimp....

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by lara7
Agent Scully, thanks for agreeing to help me even though you aren't really on the show anymore. What kind of creature might secrete this substance?
Agent Doggett, this is obviously from a leech or a fluke, such as the one Mulder and I battled in Season 2 in the episode called "The host".
Uh, what's with the redundant backstory? Don't you think the fans will remember the infamous Flukeman episode?
Yes, but we're trying to attract new viewers. That's why you and me and Agent Reyes will be having a threesome during sweeps week.
And how would that fit the theme of the show?
She's going to use telekinesis to remove your pajamas. I think the writers have been sneaking looks at the Usenet fan fiction again.
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