Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by niteowl
Comic Cup XI Entry Punchline
C'mon, buy some of this Billy Beer my late brother used to make. Only $50 for a sixer!
Quit bugging me already, Jimmy. I'm not buying that nasty swill. You know, Billy Beer is a lot like Billy Ball, they're both all about the runs.
Comic Cup XII Entry Punchline
So Luke, do you think Vader's light saber is corked?
Of course it is, Han. The Dark Side of The Force always cheats. I bet he's amped up on steroids too.
Note to self : One-line punchlines.
I've got to stop making baseball-related strips for Comic Cup entries. They're obviously bad luck.
Um, no. The problem is you have diarrhea of the keyboard. You get that nervous typing thing, kinda like if Lloyd Dobler made comics at SC.
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