Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by niteowl
Behind me, we have the very last home computer manufactured for use in the USA. This beauty was made in 2005. It has a 3.66 ghz processor, and 300 GB hard drive.
After the re-election of Presdient Bush in 2004, he signed a bill which outlawed all home computers in the US. Bush and his Republican buddies deemed computers to be evil...
It was something Democrats used to slander honest Republicans via Internet message boards, and a tool for liberals to support terrorism by questioning the administration's policies.
Bush also said he needed to even the playing field, since because most poor Republicans didn't own a computer, they didn't have a voice. And it just wasn't fair, gosh darnit!
Damn those Democrats and their grass-roots organizations!
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