Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by niteowl
Today's news from the Red States, we are going to bomb the shit out of them wimpy limp-wristed freaks on the other side.
In the news from the Blue States, we are going to be attacked. No big deal though, let's all go pick some flowers and sing Kumbaya!
In this journalist's opinion, those scumbags need to be eradicated. Traitors, baby killers, fags, immoral Satan worshippers, all of them!
In this journalist's opinion, they're a bunch of morons over there. No brains whatsoever. No wonder they're so easily led.
In other news, unemployment here has hit a record high of 92%, since most jobs are being sent overseas.
In other news, unemployment here has hit a record high of 91%, since most of us would rather sit around and smoke pot all day.
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