Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Australian. 19. Uni student. My comics are the tales from #madman @ on mIRC. PH33R US. Oh. #TheNonGayAnimeChannel is always available.
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by oogi2000
NOTE: The title of the last strip was a fuck up... ^^
oogi2000: im baaaaaaaaack
YRD9000: You see Brad?
oogi2000: yeeeeeeep. He is sending my emergency midget back to Australia via international express post after it has finished fucking him like the two dollar whore that Brad is.
YRD9000: Yay!
The End. ^^
oogi2000: remember Kids... don't fuck with a cosplaying trout smoking IRC nutter ... especially if he has got friends with emergency midgets...
YRD9000: Wow Mr oogi2000! What a great lesson!
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