Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Australian. 19. Uni student. My comics are the tales from #madman @ on mIRC. PH33R US. Oh. #TheNonGayAnimeChannel is always available.
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by oogi2000
oogi2000: if the pop is 51% women why dont fucking females run the world WTF?!?! What the fuck you say?!
Vixen: 99.9% of males are fucking losers.
oogi2000: Viewers, please note, for the past hour and a bit, a flame war existed from Vixen's dribble and the male population in #madman
Vixen: *bitch fuck bitch fuck*
oogi2000: and 99.9 % of females never know when to shut the hell up
Vixen: I think he has a point.. let me make a shit comeback - this will do '100% of males dont' know wen to shut up'
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