Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Australian. 19. Uni student. My comics are the tales from #madman @ on mIRC. PH33R US. Oh. #TheNonGayAnimeChannel is always available.
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by oogi2000
#madman... Insanity Continues...
oogi2000: My toilet is a transformer goddamnit!
Coconut_Monkey: oh comon Transformers: Toilets in Disguise, how can u go wrong?
oogi2000: I know! Im gonna merge it with sauceman's decepticon computer to make...
Coconut_Monkey: groans at the turn into toilet humour, more than likely brought on by oogi's relentless comments on transformers and toilets. But hey, he'll probably make several classic comics
Trumpet Fanfare!!!
oogi2000: Magical Card Collecting Super girl Spotted Dick Cheese transformer toilet burnt toast on top of spaghetti computer decepticon with the two stroke powered 12 inch dildo the Jabmaster 5000!
Coconut_Monkey: meep
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