Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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"Caffeine Reactor":
An Experimental Tetra-Authored Strip Series

As always, this strip is based on a True Story. Only the names, places, and events have been changed in order to protect the guilty.

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by r2_d2
I don't understand. Why is the diocese closing Our Lady of the Assumption?
We just don't have enough money or parishoners to go on. We're going to have to merge with Sts. Cyril and Methodius.
What!? that's Blasphemy! Our Slovak Catholic church is going to join with those Czech bastards?
Well, the community's shrinking, and economically, our aging population can't support a Slovak church, Czech church, Czechoslovakian church, Polish church, and a western Polish church anymore.
Economically, huh? Well, if the economy's tanking, I shouln't have to suffer. It's those damned immigrants' fault, you know.
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