Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Just some thoughts, nothing much else
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by recoveryproject
Can you hear that, listen closely, it's coming through, over the beats, over the pointless drivel...
all I'm saying is if you don't fucking hit that ass now, you're going to regret it on your deathbed
You cringe at first, is it vulgarity you're taken aback by? Some sort of moral outrage? You go home and try to wash yourself clean with a potato scrubber, nothing works
Fucking the best bands I've seen live are Pearl Jam, Pinickleback, Tools of the Stone Age, and Slave Against the Machine...all fucking awesome!
After a while you begin to realize that it's a beautiful act of nature, the mating call of the stupid
So like before you move away here's what we should do, get a fucking 40 of Tequila and just get fucked! like totally fucked, like we need to get our drunk on, NO! a texas mickey that's what we need...
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