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| Can you hear that, listen closely, it's coming through, over the beats, over the pointless drivel... | |
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| all I'm saying is if you don't fucking hit that ass now, you're going to regret it on your deathbed | |
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| You cringe at first, is it vulgarity you're taken aback by? Some sort of moral outrage? You go home and try to wash yourself clean with a potato scrubber, nothing works | |
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| Fucking the best bands I've seen live are Pearl Jam, Pinickleback, Tools of the Stone Age, and Slave Against the Machine...all fucking awesome! | |
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| After a while you begin to realize that it's a beautiful act of nature, the mating call of the stupid | |
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| So like before you move away here's what we should do, get a fucking 40 of Tequila and just get fucked! like totally fucked, like we need to get our drunk on, NO! a texas mickey that's what we need... | |
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