Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm not that kind of guy who keeps making comics despite the fact that I've ran out of funny material and I'm only doing more comics for the money...
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by rug
So I said "Forget about the monkey, think about the soap!"
Hahahahah...oh, Russ, you're pre-hysterical! that the best you could come up with, T-Rex? Sometimes you sound a lot like my old....huh! You're not T-Rex! You're, you're, you're!
That's right, Kyle! I'm back and you'll never see that Tyrannosaurus Train-wrecks ever again! Get it? train wrecks?
Meanwhile, In Kyle's basment...
Hello? Where am I? I fell on my ass and spilled my coffee, now I have a dino-sore on my butt...
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