Meanwhile... while Clash goes to "find himself" in the Hall of Mirrors
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| HEY! Where'd the geeky Euro-trash-wannabe go to? I was just about to cast a spell of eternal torment on him. | |
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| Oh, he's off in the Hall of Mirrors. I told him he could find stuff there... you know... like spirit animals, long lost loved ones, expired coupons, tuna fish... | |
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| Doesn't it just a bunch of angry squirls and some big stupid mirrors that you stole from people's yards on 'Spring Clean-up Day'? | |
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| Yeah. These's also those raccoon-sized NYC subway rats that got loose in there last week, "Milton: the Lining Pond Scum," and the entire population of New Jersey. | |
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| But you *did* say he was a law student... Right? | |
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| Oh, hell yeah... he'll fit right in! He may even come back claiming to have had a religious experience! | |
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