Continued from: ClashTheStampede/224015
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| Back from the Hall of Mirrors are we? I guess you must be ready for your next punishment... the Den of Fiberglass! Make sure to inhale deeply while you're there. Otherwise it won't get in your lungs. | |
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| Um... yeah. That sounds like fun and all, but I had hoped that we might stop the 'eternal punishment' thing if I offered you this Speed Racer DVD set that I found on a garbage can in the Hall. | |
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Matt exploits the angel's only weakness! He makes a mad dash to escape...
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| Oh Sweet Jesus! This even has the deleted scene where Speed watches Trixie undress through her bedroom window! I thought it was only released on Japanese Laserdisc! | |
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| And now I'll make a break for the exit in the Dark Tower!... | |
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... to a place even more despicable!
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| Thank God that Hell and New Jersey are continuous. I thought I'd never get away from that guy! | |
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